Building a fence around properties can possibly keep out an armadillo; but there are a few installation to-do's. Theyre also relatively easy to set up and use. How do you tell if you have an armadillo in your yard? If you find the burrow but cant waste time constantly running water and hoping the armadillo is inside, you could instead place wire mesh over the entrance/exit. Or maybe a powerful motion-sensitive water sprayer would do the trick to keep armadillos away. How to Get Rid of an Armadillo | Armadillo Control & Removal - Terminix Just make sure any chemicals you apply to your lawn are safe, especially if you have children or pets who spend time out in the yard. Armadillos are nocturnal and despise bright lights. For instance, some people believe that if they find an armadillo burrow, dumping in mothballs or placing a rag soaked in ammonia near the burrow will drive the armadillo out of it. 24 Effective Ways to Keep Armadillos Out of your Yard,,,,,,,,,, Eye Floaters: What Causes it and How To Treat it, Maggots 20 Effective Ways To Get Rid of These Tiny Creatures. Thus, its a good idea to inspect your property for any signs of damage that could allow an armadillo to get inside. Keep armadillos away from yards to protect family members from leprosy. Filling the burrows you find with mixtures of dirt and pea gravel will make it difficult for other armadillos to dig them up. Thats why an aggressive outdoor dog can keep them away. Thus, they prefer to remain in relatively temperate climates. Spices: For the same reason why raccoons stay away from peppers, they'll also steer clear of certain spices like black pepper, cayenne pepper, and cinnamon. It emits a range of powerful, deep-penetrating ultrasonic sounds to scare away a wide variety of pests and animals. Similar to garlic, cayenne peppers natural qualities may deter armadillos. Use armadillo baits for successful trapping. The scent of your dog is yet another armadillo deterrent. Castor oil for spoiling the armadillos food sources in the soil and making the insects unpleasant to eat. What do we mean when we say to sanitize your backyard? Lit conditions are merely the opposite of their preferred condition of darkness. 12 Natural Raccoon Repellents To Deter & Keep Raccoons Away - Pests Hero Some of the methods, like using the scent of predators, will scare them away, but there are other steps you can take to remove armadillos if theyve already decided to start taking up residence in your lawn. Ultimately, homeowners may wish to hire a professional to help control an armadillo infestation. So, start by trimming overgrown areas of your yard. Although armadillos climb well, installing an in-ground fence may be a solution for deterring armadillos from homes. The ideal trap will be about 12 x 10 x 30, large enough to capture the animal. Gardens are a food source and should be treated with things that will deter flying squirrels from feasting on them. Thats why some wildlife experts recommend planting garlic along the edges of your property. How to Get Rid of Armadillos - Sod God Keep Your Yard Clean to Prevent Visits from Strays. Armadillos are nocturnal and despise bright lights. Armadillos make up for their poor eyesight with an incredible sense of smell. Youve got the critter in your cage, now what are you supposed to do with it? Adopting inhumane solutions: That said, its no secret that some people are completely fine with the idea of hunting the armadillos on their property. However, rain can easily wash away cayenne. Thats because armadillos are so naturally accustomed to digging for food that they often pay no mind to food that is found on the surface. Its more conclusive to trap the animal so you know 100% its been removed. These critters will dig burrows and holes in search of insects like termites, beetles, and grubs [2]. If you dont have a dog and dont think the sprinkler option is ideal for your needs, consult with a pest control specialist to learn about animals in your area that naturally prey on armadillos. Again, you want to be as humane as possible when trying to remove an armadillo from your property. You dont want to have to deal with this problem on a constant basis. By comparison, the fastest human on earth, Usain Bolt, holds the record of running at an average speed of 27. The inspection stage requires you to take a walk around your home to locate where the armadillos are active. Since armadillos are nocturnal animals they may avoid bright areas where they can be seen more easily by predators. Building a fence around properties can possibly keep out an armadillo; but there are a few installation to-do's. You can also make areas of your property less hospitable to armadillos. The time armadillos feed depends on their activity level. Here are some armadillo traits to help you identify these pests so we can manage the pest in an effective way: Armadillos originated over 3 million years ago in South America. You wouldnt want your children or pets to come into contact with rabies or other infectious diseases through bacterial contamination. underground, making them unpleasant to eat. This is a simple way to flush the animal out. They don't really chew because of small teeth; but they do dig; and they will burrow down 7 to 8" inches down to reach gardens. There are a number of ways to keep them away naturally, and well outline a few of them for you below. Install bright lights in your garden or where the armadillo can enter by digging burrows. That said, they are defensive animals and thus armadillos are not dangerous . Alternatively, you can place some white vinegar in shallow dishes near areas they may intrude to repel them. Coyotepee can be sprinkled anywhere on landscapes; but it will need to be re-applied after heavy sun exposure, rain or snow. A private homeowner without a lot of property may not need cameras to help them track down armadillos. This disease is usually passed on to people through an armadillos scratch or bite. How to Get Rid of Raccoons, Possums, and Skunks in Your Yard Unfortunately, this pest isnt the smartest animal on earth and it wont leave the yard as soon as its food source disappears. After you have removed these notorious diggers with the help of an armadillo trap, youll need to keep them out by using repellents. Use repellents such as ammonia, cayenne pepper, or predator urine. For all the tips and tricks shared, experience tells us that the use of a large cage trap to remove the animal, backed up by ultrasonic repellent devices to keep them outside of your property perimeter, is the most effective and humane treatment. Black, cayenne, Serrano and jalapeno peppers are great in keeping them away. You want to get armadillos off your property, but you also want to make sure youre not breaking the law when trapping them. Armadillos are relatively small, and if gaps in the fence form, they can sneak their way in. Just as with groundhogs, ridding armadillos from the yard is no easy task. Rumor has it these roly-poly creatures are offended by the smell of pine needles or pine bark. This will help keep armadillos away. Motion Sprinkler To Deter Armadillo If you're not crazy about the idea of purchasing a dog, there are other options. to rid armadillos. Armadillo Control: How To Get Rid Of Armadillos - Gardening Know How Thats why staying on top of basic lawn care is smart when you have an armadillo problem. Finding an armadillo burrow is fairly easy-just look for a 6- or 7-inch hole in the ground. Armadillos are becoming a more common sight in yards and gardens in certain areas in the United States. It may be located around a structure like a shed. You should also cover the opening to any large vents with chicken wire. Price : $69.99 Havahart Large One door Trap 2 pack - contains 2 of Havahart traditional traps. Be sure to wear gloves to avoid bites or scratches, just as a precaution. If you are having trouble with armadillos in your garden, spread parasitic worms in your garden or flower beds. This article will provide more information on that topic later. Pungent odors like garlic can disrupt armadillos ability to smell and might be unpleasant enough to deter them from your property. All necessary for Pest Control to Repel Armadillos From Your Yard. Treatment: How to Get Rid of Armadillos Successfully, Step 5. Armadillos are also known for their strong power of smell which assists them in finding food. On all night How to Keep Armadillos from Ruining Your Landscaping or Garden Sprinkle these natural repellents liberally in the areas where you want to stave off raccoons. The damage they can do to your lawn can certainly have a major impact on its appearance. One annoying armadillo does not justify the insect equivalent of an atomic bomb to wipe out an armadillos food source. Electronic deterrents can be a great above-ground solution for scaring away armadillos. Has been digging in our yard for several months. If you remove one group of armadillos but dont take steps to prevent them from coming back, theres nothing stopping another group of armadillos from targeting your property later. Does vinegar get rid of armadillos? How To Get Rid of Armadillos Under Deck by Cost Effective Remedies This article may include affiliate links to Amazon or other partner websites where we may earn a small commission on purchases made. We have done extensive research on this topic and we hope we did our best to share as much useful tips as possible, but if you still feel the need to research more on this topic, please follow the resources listed below; Where do you take one? Keep the outside of your home opens in a new window well-lit, and they'll stay way.