{ 2} Gerrymandering is the antithetical perversion of representative democracy. Though the tactic is used by both parties, Republicans are in a stronger position because they . (D) Educational assistance programs such as student loans by a small group of party leaders in the state legislature. D Gerrymandering is the drawing of voting district boundaries to achieve an electoral result that benefits the drawer. (B) It has loosened the hold of party leaders over the nomination process. 4. What are the annual net cash inflows that will be provided by the new dipping machine? Which of the following best describes gerrymandering? (E) Dwight Eisenhower's deployment of troops to Arkansas. Which of the following is true about the pocket veto? Which of the following statements about gerrymandering is true? (E) Federal district courts sometimes issue writs of certiorari to state appellate courts. (B) horizontal federalism (C) has been dramatized by the media (B) Lethal injection is the only constitutionally acceptable method of execution. This is also a problem because of how contentious the topic of politics is in and of itself; people will go so far as to declare war on an individual for their actions. What are the three things needed for a social movement to develop? (A) It is used to strike down a provision of a bill that the President finds disagreeable. use your knowledge of the origin of the roman republic to answer the question.a.they believed that kings could easily become cruel dictators.b.they disliked military generals for leading them into war. (C) bicameralism A state receives $55 million from the federal government to improve traffic safety. (A) a White House budget resolution Which of the following was a primary weakness of the Articles of Confederation, which lead to the desire to create a new governing document? (C) increase the rate at which incumbents are reelected to office (B) simple majority vote in both the House of Representatives and the Senate The term is derived from the name of Gov. (C) by congressional staff while traveling on official business -the tactic of gerrymandering is used to create districts to the advantage of one political party or another. reflect population shifts indicated by the national census. The major cabinet departments of government were created. Which of the following are included among Congress's enumerated powers? This group now represents a majority of the electorate because they are a majority of the population, Bans any procedure that impinges upon minorities' right to vote. (D) Political parties tend to have strength in particular regions, whereas the power of interest groups is more consistent across states. the tactic of gerrymandering has been used for racial discrimination. (c ) The third ionization energy of Fe is Ei3_{i3}i3 = +2952 kJ/mol. Which of the following statements about gerrymandering is true? Subject : American Government (Congressional Elections) Objective : Answer the given questions. Members of the House of Representatives. The U.S Census Bureau estimates that 5 percent of the nation's immigrants have become American citizens. United Airlines desires to lease this aircraft from Boeing. was ruled nonjusticiable by the Supreme Court in 2020 All of the following statements regarding the Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives are true EXCEPT that the Speaker. (D) applied the freedom of press provisions of the First Amendment to the states by means of the -the term originates with tactics used by a governor of Massachusetts named Gerry. The following quotation is from an article in Smithsonian Magazine. (C) the United States Senate (A) They serve ten-year terms. Which of the following statements about political parties and the United States Constitution is true? facing voters frequently largely promotes agency representation. (D) separation of powers The company estimates that the cost to operate the machine will be$7,000 per year. (C) Men's greater political participation (A) A state may not impose the death penalty on a noncitizen. In McCulloch v. Maryland, how did the court rule on the federal government's powers? (A) become more focused on individual candidates Unlike the Articles of Confederation, the Constitution does which of the following? (B) It was used traditionally to maintain urban control of the House of Representatives. Answer Yes or No, and then explain your choice in one or two sentences. The P&L on medical marijuana in North Carolina (D) Candidates get more free airtime. (D) filing federal lawsuits (C) Men's greater political participation (A) It has been banned by United States Supreme Court decisions beginning with Baker v. Carr. -regulating bankruptcy and currency. (B) legislative oversight (C) United States Supreme Court (D) Local and state parties have virtually no power in the party system. (E) dissatisfaction with the central government's ability to provide for national Defense, A member of the House of Representatives who wishes to be influential in the House itself would most likely seek a place on which of the following committees? Nominations to the Supreme Court or of any executive dept or . (A) They are a part of political party organizations. An interest group is most likely to have influence on Congress when the issue at stake (C) upheld laws allowing for the internment of ethnic groups during wartime indirectly, through the electoral college. (C) federal supremacy cannot be sued and is not subject to any other legal action. (D) The Majority Whip of the House (C) Parties are organized much like a large corporation, in that decisions flow from national to state to local levels. (D) The death penalty is not necessarily cruel and unusual punishment. These parts would cost$9.000, including installation. (E) divides legislators along party lines, Federal spending for which of the following is determined by laws that lie outside the regular budgetary process? When did it become common for the national government to actively manage the overall economy? What percentage of those surveyed by the Pew Research Center believe that government is dominated by a few big interests? The House represents the ___ and the Senate represents the ____. (E) using the franking privilege, Chapter 5- Leadership and Organization of Con, Christina Dejong, Christopher E. Smith, George F Cole, Government in America: Elections and Updates Edition, George C. Edwards III, Martin P. Wattenberg, Robert L. Lineberry, Pathology Respiratory, Digestive, Urinary. Which of the following best explains why delegates to both the republican and democratic conventions in 1996 were much more likely to have college and postgraduate degrees than was the rest of the voting population? What was the importance of the Missouri Compromise? If she puts $50 into an account each week that pays 2.25% interest compounded weekly, how much will she have at the end of the five-year period? (A) Providing legal advice for the president and cabinet secretaries Terms in this set (45) Which of the following are provided by government as public goods. outside of a major cabinet department; within a specific policy area, Presidents and Vice Presidents are elected. Which of the following best explains the principle of stare decisis? By Jake van Leer. (B) dominance of corporate power in setting the national policy agenda for economic expansion 1. Which of the following statements about partisanship in the Texas legislature is correct? Which of the following is generally true of the gerrymandering of congressional districts? Gerrymandering is not possible when the population of every district is equal. 9m2+7000cm2. (B) Women's greater political participation (C) It can be used by a political party to draw boundary lines to control as many districts as possible. (A) It was unnecessary because the Fifteenth Amendment effectively guaranteed African Americans the (E) A state may require a person to pay 11 poll tax in order to register to vote. Requiring all voters to show photo identification. the president to spend the funds that Congress has appropriated. (E) Occupation. (E) active military officers, The role Congress plays in ensuring that executive branch agencies are carrying out their legislated responsibilities is known as (C) The presence of a few large factions helps to protect the rights of minorities. Question 9. Which of the following constitutional principles most directly addresses the relationship between the national and state governments? leaders of bureaucracies seek expanded budgets and larger staffs. jennifer.k.hall . One common gerrymandering tactic is to "pack" members of a racial minority into a single district to minimize their effect on other districts; so eliminate (E). (C) interrelationship among federal, state, and local levels of government in the policy process (D) Separation of students by race, even in equally good schools, is unconstitutional. (E) It is used when both houses of Congress pass separate versions of the same bill. -borrowing funds and regulating commerce. (E) It has led to a decline in the importance of voter-registration drives. Postal Service has been self-supporting for decades. Which of the following is an example of nullification? The U.S. All of the Above; In Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, the Supreme Court established which of the following principles? Compared to the general population, delegates to presidential nomination conventions are the term originates with tactics used by a governor of Massachusetts named Gerry. (E) A moment of silent prayer at the beginning of the school day is allowed under the First Amendment. (D) It reinforces the philosophy of judicial activism. (C) They serve for life on good behavior unless removed by the president. (A) George H. W. Bush's appointment of Clarence Thomas (D) Money given to states to spend at their discretion on transportation Which of the following best describes the concept of political efficacy? Christina Dejong, Christopher E. Smith, George F Cole. (A) state supremacy The manufacturer estimates that the machine would be usable for five years but would require the replacement of several key parts at the end of the third year. Explain in light of the electron configuration of hydrogen. (E) become more likely to rely on print media for information, The process of extending the protections of the Bill of Rights by means of the Fourteenth Amendment to apply to the actions of state governments is known as a) Was the price of the product clear and easy to identify? Which of the following is a significant Trend in the presidential nominating process over the past four decades, Increasing importance of presidential primaries rather than state caucuses. The president and Vice President be modified. Make a list of three things you or your family purchased in the last year. (b) What are the n and l quantum numbers of the electron removed on going from Fe2+^{2+}2+ to Fe3+^{3+}3+? . All of the following statements about gerrymandering are true EXCEPT that it A. favors incumbent candidates over challengers B. can divide like-minded voters into several districts to reduce their influence C. has been allowed by the Supreme Court in some instances D. increases the control voters have over their elected officials E. can group members of a racial minority into a single district The federal government assigns authority to the states for regulating emissions from oil refineries. Use your browser's back button to return to your test results. (A) Political parties are prohibited from sponsoring campaign advertisements, and interest groups are not. This is true regardless of whether it is Democrats or Republicans drawing the maps. Changes in the US population, which census figures reflect, impact American culture and our political system. The boundary lines of congressional districts must be redrawn every ten years to. The power to ensure that the law is properly carried out. The parties contemplate the following alternatives for structuring the lease. (D) Adult citizens under the age of 30 tend to have the highest rate of voter turnout. (B) Political parties represent broad arrays of issues, whereas interest groups are more likely to focus on narrow sets of issues. (A) Holding hearings for review of an executive agency's activities Of the following, which is an example of a BLOCK grant? James, 37 years old, who was born in Texas to parents from Mexico. c. He or she refers all bills to standing committees. b. d. REM sleep, Assume that Peggy Gyger, accounts payable clerk for Patmen Inc., stole $193,750 by paying fictitious invoices for goods that were never received. (E) The Chair of the Senate Finance Committee, Interest groups engage in all of the following activities EXCEPT a. (C) Thomas Jefferson's Louisiana Purchase . The acquisitive model of bureaucracy holds that. Which of the following is an example of VERTICAL federalism? remained relatively stable for the last several decades. At the end of 15 years, United Airlines will return the aircraft to Boeing. QUESTION 1 Which of the following best describes gerrymandering? College graduate are more likely to vote than those who have at most a high school diploma. AP US Government and Politics Practice Tests, Download AP US Government and Politics Practice Tests, AP United States Government and Politics Test 1, AP United States Government and Politics Test 2, AP United States Government and Politics Test 3, AP United States Government and Politics Test 4, AP United States Government and Politics Test 5, AP United States Government and Politics Test 6, AP United States Government and Politics Test 7, AP United States Government and Politics Test 8, AP United States Government and Politics Test 9, AP United States Government and Politics Test 10, AP United States Government and Politics Test 11, AP United States Government and Politics Test 12, AP United States Government and Politics Test 13, AP United States Government and Politics Test 14, AP United States Government and Politics Test 15, AP United States Government and Politics Test 16, AP United States Government and Politics Test 17, AP United States Government and Politics Test 18, AP United States Government and Politics Test 19, AP United States Government and Politics Test 20, AP United States Government and Politics Test 21, AP United States Government and Politics Test 22, AP United States Government and Politics Test 23, AP United States Government and Politics Test 24, AP United States Government and Politics Test 25, AP United States Government and Politics Test 26, AP United States Government and Politics Test 27, AP United States Government and Politics Test 28, AP United States Government and Politics Test 29, AP United States Government and Politics Test 30, AP United States Government and Politics Test 31, AP United States Government and Politics Test 32, AP United States Government and Politics Test 33, AP United States Government and Politics Test 34, AP United States Government and Politics Test 35, AP United States Government and Politics Test 36, AP United States Government and Politics Test 37, AP United States Government and Politics Test 38, AP United States Government and Politics Test 39, AP United States Government and Politics Test 40, AP United States Government and Politics Test 41, AP United States Government and Politics Test 42, AP United States Government and Politics Test 43, AP United States Government and Politics Test 44, AP United States Government and Politics Test 45, AP United States Government and Politics Test 46, AP United States Government and Politics Test 47, AP United States Government and Politics Test 48, AP United States Government and Politics Test 49, AP United States Government and Politics Test 50, AP US Government and Politics Test 51: Constitutional Foundations, AP US Government and Politics Test 52: Federalism, AP US Government and Politics Test 53: The Legislative Branch, AP US Government and Politics Test 54: The Executive Branch and the Bureaucracy, AP US Government and Politics Test 55: The National Judiciary, AP US Government and Politics Test 56: Civil Liberties and Civil Rights, AP US Government and Politics Test 57: Political Socialization, Ideology, and Public Opinion, AP US Government and Politics Test 58: Campaigns, Elections, and Voting, AP US Government and Politics Test 59: Political Parties, AP US Government and Politics Test 60: Interest Groups and the Mass Media, AP US Government and Politics Test 61: Politics and Public Policymaking, A. favors incumbent candidates over challengers, B. can divide like-minded voters into several districts to reduce their influence, C. has been allowed by the Supreme Court in some instances, D. increases the control voters have over their elected officials, E. can group members of a racial minority into a single district. an attempt to prevent the passage of a bill through the use of unlimited debate. (C) The election is ruled null and void and Congress appoints a new president. (C) It can be used by a political party to draw boundary lines to control as many districts as possible. incumbents are reelected to Congress more than 75% of the time. nation-states. (A) conducts trials by jury (D) Open primaries require a run-off system, while closed primaries do not. 19. (B) It is not binding unless supported by the cabinet. Which of the following is a reason that scholars believe that the counter-majoritarian difficulty faced by courts is lessened? (B) Political equality more people think better of Congress as a whole than of their individual Congressmen/women. Congress tells Florida that it must regulate the discharge of sewage into the Everglades National Park. (B) increase voter turnout by providing transportation to polls for people without cars (C) Delays in confirmation of federal court nominees right to vote. (B) Direct election of members of the executive branch (D) Age discrimination Indicate whether each arrangement qualifies as an operating lease or a capital lease under the current/old rules. every 10 years as a result of the census. *, A temporary law that Congress passes when an appropriations bill has not been decided by the beginning of the fiscal year is a(n). (A) It results in more Democrats being elected to the House. (D) They effectively control the presidential campaigns. April 9, 2019. How many electoral votes must a candidate running for president receive to win the election? . The clerk set up accounts in the names of the fictitious companies and cashed the checks at a local bank. (B) due process of law (C) two-thirds vote in the House of Representatives only (E) low voter turnout in most elections, Both Gitlow v. New York and New York Times v. Sullivan are United States Supreme Court cases that dealt with which of the following amendments to the United States Constitution? The Supreme Court has ruled which of the following concerning the death penalty? APHUG Chapter 8 DRAFT. (D) It was declared unconstitutional by the United States Supreme Court in Shaw v. Reno. (E) They may operate at the state level but not at the national level. (A) is narrow in scope and low in visibility colonial territories. It can be used by a political party to draw boundary lines to control as many districts as possible (A) to provide individual benefits established by legislation (C) Tuition for private schools cannot be tax deductible. Expert Answer. (B) Political parties represent broad arrays of issues, whereas interest groups are more likely to focus on Fourteenth Amendment Gerrymandering is the political manipulation of electoral district boundaries with the goal of giving one party an unfair advantage. (E) The death penalty violates the Fifth Amendment of the Constitution. After the vice president, next in the line of succession is _____________, followed by _____________. (E) Emphasizes both national sovereignty and federalism. (D) The Supreme Court does not grant certiorari to cases involving state laws. (D) prevent states from using literacy requirements for voting Which of the following describes a fundamental difference between political parties and interest groups? Which of the following describes a fundamental difference between political parties and interest groups? (E) It violates the principle of one-person, one vote. It has been banned by United States Supreme Court decisions beginning with Baker v. Carr. (C) affirmative action The item is available in its entirety at the link below. a. The Supreme Court's ruling Thursday that federal courts cannot determine whether election maps are too partisan has raised the stakes for the 2020 election . Which of the following is NOT true of Gerrymandering? (E) Persuading the Senate to confirm the president's judicial nominees, Which of the following is an example of congressional oversight? All of the following statements are true about gerrymandering EXCEPT. Which statement about partisan redistricting (gerrymandering) is true? d. He or she is the joint chair of the Legislative Budget Board. A. The . b. One of the important differences between public bureaucracies and private corporations is that government bureaucracies. answer choices. (D) become more likely to focus on local rather than national conditions (A) Money given to states for special education programs b. In 1987 the cooperation among the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), the National Organization for Women (NOW), and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) to defeat, The Supreme Court's power of judicial review permits the Court to overrule all of the following EXCEPT. Parliament selects the nation's chief executive. It is the role government actors play in redrawing voting districts to benefit a certain candidate or group. (B) International Relations A) an increase in income taxes B) a tax on tobacco or alcohol C) a tax on religious . Which statement about gerrymandering is true? Which of the following would best describe gerrymandering? The constitution states that whichever political party has the most seats will control Congress. Stops a filibuster by determining an end to debate. If you wanted to write your friend in Spain about your cars mileage, what ratings in kilometers per liter would you report? 0% average accuracy. narrow sets of issues. Which of the following statements is NOT true about redistricting? (B) The Senate, unlike the House, has a Rules Committee. (A) Restricts the ability of Congress to tax. In the context of gerrymandering, _____ make congressional races less competitive. Gerrymandering is a major concern because it can affect major societal issues such as who is elected to office or who has more clout than others. (E) Entitlement programs such as Social Security. Play this game to review Social Studies. (D) hears civil cases but not criminal cases domestic policy 1. (A) It requires that at least four Supreme Court justices agree to hear a case. The Necessary and Proper clause allows the federal government to accomplish ends enumerated in the Constitution by whatever means is convenient. True or False: Matching grants encourage greater spending by states than do block grants. (C) Fourth Amendment In the House, federal law requires that there is always a total of 435 seats (with each seat representing one district). Which of the following is the constitutional basis for most of the New Deal programs? (B) They serve as long as the appointing president stays in power. Reapportionment is the redistribution of seats in the U.S. House of Representatives based on changes in population. Which of the following statements best defines judicial review? all of the following are true regarding gerrymandering'' except. Graying of America Standing committees are called the workhorse of the legislative process because. (D) weekday elections 74% average accuracy. Fourteenth Amendment, Which of the following is the leading predictor of how an individual will vote in a congressional election? the tactic of gerrymandering is used to create districts to the advantage of one political party or another. (D) two-thirds vote in both the House of Representatives and the Senate