Jesus said: My people, in order for Me to heal people, they have to have faith that I can heal them. Keep praying for your friends and relatives to recover from their sicknesses. At conception a soul is placed in this new life and this baby has been given a mission specific to the gifts given to this child. Pray the long form of St. Michaels prayer going and leaving from this exorcism. Refuse to take any Covid shots or flu shots. Saturday,February 25,2023: (Bishops Mass for Eucharistic retreat) Jesus said: My son, you are being graced to see Me in My Real Presence in a consecrated Host. The young man was in California and he was involved with New Age, and that opened the door for the demons to enter. Trust in My multiplication of your needs to survive throughout the tribulation., Jesus said: My people, I have told you in previous messages how I would send the Holy Spirit with an inner locution to let My faithful know when it is the proper time to come to My refuges. I remarked about the centurion when he explained how his soldiers and servants came at his command. You are having a hard time finding workers, but if you fire those people, who refuse the shot, you will have even more unemployment and businesses could fail or go bankrupt. This could result if you see a bankruptcy of your government. Free They went into the swine, and they ran into the sea, and all of the swine were drowned. You are on the brink of more serious attacks against My faithful, because Satan hates any proclamation of My words that lead to holiness for people. Jesus said: (Luke 10:46-52) My people, the blind beggar, Bartimeus, called out to Me as the Son of David to heal him of his blindness. The vaccines cause your bodies to manufacture the spike protein to make the virus. This was a sign of when the virus would be released. New Messages on After The Warning Website. If you do not change, then your mini-judgment will be your final judgment. Trust in Me to heal and protect My faithful from those people who want to force this deadly vaccine on everyone., Jesus said: My people, you will see more water shortages in various parts of your country, especially in the West during the summer. You started coming to daily Mass when you were seventeen years old Even today I heal many people of various illnesses, but the ones, who are healed, need to believe that I can heal them. This is a wonderful story of healing cataracts which is a problem today that many people have to have operations to see clearly. With your overspending your dollar is being inflated and you could see a crash of your dollar. (Luke 1:46-55) Canticle of Mary: My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord, my spirit rejoices in God my Savior for He has looked with favor on His lowly servant. Tobiah and Sarah should be an example to all newly married couples, as all couples should pray for a successful marriage. I will still have My angels protect My faithful. You have seen souls saved with these prayers. In the winter it will be hard to have enough light to recharge your on-grid batteries. This will be followed by a persecution of those people who refuse to take the mark of the beast, meaning they will try to kill resisters in the detention death camps. Otherwise, those people, who do not believe in My healing nor believe in Me, could die and go to hell. But your judgment will be on how you lived your life, and how you loved Me and your neighbors. Once you cannot buy food or gas, and they threaten your lives, I will bring My Warning, and I will call you to My refuges. I will multiply your prayers for all of your intentions., Jesus said: My people, you have heard in the Gospel about the good tree that bears good fruit, and the bad tree that bears bad fruit. He is a father and grandfather. If you start with a weak faith, they will soon fall away from Me. Eli Newbrun-Mintz: Good morning, and thank you all for joining us today. Use your Good Friday oil or the exorcism water with the miraculous medal on vaccinated people so they will not die., Jesus said: My people, you are seeing Russia and some countries divesting themselves of dollar related investments. The young people do not come to church because your families are not bringing them up with a strong faith. Then you will see a judgment to heaven, purgatory, or hell. These shots should be optional and not forced on people to threaten their jobs. About John Leary: John Leary lives near Rochester, New York. Then Tobit could see his son again, and Sarah, Tobiahs wife, was welcomed into Tobits house. You can be a help by blessing the vaccinated people with the Good Friday oil, or the exorcism water with the miraculous medal to heal them of the vaccine effects. Keep praying that your family could be saved at My Warning. You can do some fasting and prayers in support of the priest. WebWeb site full of content created by a Spanish artist how fight for his dreams. Thus I will not destroy the innocent among the evil ones., Jesus said: My people, you knew the viruses and vaccines were made with evil intent to reduce the population by the one world people. Trust in Me to protect My believers when the authorities will try to kill you. If your power went out, your solar batteries would work for a while to keep your heater working. WebThe 2021 Triple J Hottest 100 was announced on 22 January 2022. Jesus said: My people, there are many places where you feel out of your comfort zone with different groups of people. Just as I read some words of remembrance for Camille, now he was giving words about me. When you look on the luminous cross in the sky at My refuge, you will be healed of all of your illnesses. If you quit your job, you can use your three months of food to survive a while., Jesus said: My son, you are planning your Zoom interview for TV tonight that you will be giving tomorrow. Pray a novena and the St. Theresa prayers for a successful video., Jesus said: My son, you need to check all of your equipment to see that it is in working order. Jesus said: My people, America needs to wake up out of your media brainwashing, and see how you are a bunch of frogs being slowly boiled to death in water. When your country goes into default on its debts, your money will no longer be a reserve currency of the world. St. Raphael sent the evil demon back to hell so Tobiah and Sarah could live in peace. You continue to bring your relics for additional support. So absolutely, never take the mark of the beast no matter how they threaten you, or you will lose your soul. This is not a time to fear, but to have faith and hope in My coming again in victory over the evil ones. The people need to know that it is important to choose your destination where you will be after you die. It was the 29th annual countdown of the most popular songs of the year, as voted for by listeners of Australian If you love Me, you will show your love in your daily prayers and possibly your daily Mass. If such a war starts, there is a possibility that nuclear weapons could be involved to stop Russia. Any one of these potential disasters would close your stores. You are also seeing more fires out West taking their toll on your homes. March 2, 2023. This was great faith that the centurion trusted that I could heal someone from a distance without being in sight. Continue pushing back against these mandates, and advise people to not take these poisonous Covid shots that ruin your immune system, and could kill people in a few years. This is one of the failings of some people in that they do not always remember to thank Me for all that I do for them. Keep praying for this mans deliverance., Jesus said: My people, I have warned you not to take the toxic Covid vaccines because you could even die from them. Jesus said: My people, Russia is now making threats against NATO if they try to defend the Ukraine. 03 March, 2023 14:17. You have more wood than kerosene, but during the tribulation I will refill your containers of fuel as you need them. Believe in Me and you will be saved., Jesus said: My son, you had a lot of good activities today with your meeting with the priests for dinner and later for your Confession. Many Christians and martyrs had to suffer for keeping their belief in Me. Remember once you are alerted to come to My refuges, that you will need to leave your homes within 20 minutes, and you will not return to your homes. Call on Me and the Holy Spirit to give you the words to speak to the people. If you do not fight this vaccine mandate and passports, you will soon be like Puerto Rico where unvaccinated people cannot work, buy groceries, or gasoline. The vaccinated people will be dying in large numbers as time goes on. The second vision of icicles on a roof is a sign of a colder than usual winter that could cause more damage. My angels will protect them from the demons. With My Most Perfect Sacrifice on the cross, there is no more need for animal offerings. Be patient with My refuge leaders because they will need to know your skills so you can be assigned jobs to help all of the people at each refuge. Pray that such a war could be stopped before many people could die., Wednesday, December 1, 2021: Jesus said: My people, I know there are many evil people and cold hearts in the people of the world. I am trusting in My faithful to bring My Word and grace to melt these cold hearts with your love and care for all people both good and bad. In the Gospel I told the Sadducees how they were misled in their understanding of what happens to the dead believers. In the Gospel of Mark (5:1-20) I asked the demons name, and they said their name was Legion because there were many of them. Trust in Me and My angels to protect you and provide for your needs., Tuesday, June 1, 2021: (St. Justin) When your lives are in danger, I will call you to My refuges., Jesus said: My people, earlier in the year you had a shutdown of your churches, when you could not come to Mass nor Holy Communion. These mandates are following the atheistic persecution by your socialist communist government who hate Me, and they will restrict your worship of Me. Leary, a retired chemist who lives in the suburbs of The vaccinated people have had their immune system ruined by the spike protein in the Covid shots. I have told you before that it is the Holy Spirit who helps you to write down My words. If My faithful are short of food before you come to My refuges, I will multiply your food if you pray to Me in faith., Jesus said: My people, the evil ones will release a new deadly virus after My Warning, and this could kill many vaccinated people. It is the same as removing guns or weapons to make the Ukraine defenseless and ripe for invasion. Jesus said: My people, today you are celebrating the feast of the two pillars of My Church in St. Peter and St. Paul. Only those people, who are strong in their faith every day, are those people who will be My elect in heaven. Trust in Me to protect you from the evil ones at My refuges, when they will try to kill you., Jesus said: My people, you have seen some powerful storms like Hurricane Ida, where the damage is still being assessed. Pray for all of your family and friends to become believers in Me during the six weeks of conversion after the Warning, or they could die and go to hell. I gave you a message that you could heal the Covid vaccinated people with the Good Friday oil, the exorcism water with the Miraculous medal, or by coming to My refuges at the proper time. Jesus said: My people, I told St. Andrew and St. Peter that I would make them fishers of men instead of catching fish. Trust in Me to protect My faithful, especially in the tribulation time., (B.W.s Mass intention) Jesus said: My people, pray for the family and for B.W. Trust in Me to protect you from harm as My angels will defend you. Those people, who do not believe in Me and do not repent of their sins, will suffer much, and they could be lost in hell. You are still having Covid virus cases, and many churches are not giving Holy Communion on the tongue again. Jesus said: My people, the one world people were instrumental in taking down the two trade towers and Building 7 that was not hit by the planes. When you You cannot eat your money in a food shortage. Before they try to kill My faithful, I will bring My Warning, and later I will call My believers to My refuges of protection. Dismissing bilities through a chapter 11 2021 from ovarian cancer at Powder into a standalone com- the range of $8 billion to $10 settling each claim one by the chapter 11 case would en-plan and stop litigation from age 59, said the This is the vision that I gave you of the dead bodies lying all over. Putin is claiming a red line against NATO if they put missiles or troops in the Ukraine. You will have daily Mass by a priest, or My angels will distribute daily Holy Communion. Your Covid restrictions and the weakness of faith in your people, is evident in the fewer people attending Mass. This year there are more flu deaths as the health people are pushing flu shots as much as the Covid vaccines. You will be fortunate to have water wells, but some could go dry. These leaders in China are the ones who purposely made the Covid virus and spread it all over the world. If your current Administration decreases your Defense spending, you could be challenged by China and Russia. At the end of the Antichrists reign, I will bring My Comet of Chastisement down on the earth, and all of the evil ones will be killed and cast into hell. Give praise and thanks to Me if you are not suffering, because you have peace so you can pray for the souls who are suffering. Then I gave my Magnificat to give glory to God for all He has done for me. You saw how vulnerable your gasoline supplies and your electricity are to your systems being hacked by cyber crimes. Those people, who believe I can heal them, will not die from the vaccine. My angels are marking a cross on the foreheads of all of My believers. You can get your preparations together and be ready to produce another Video message. My Warning will wake up every person to realize how I will judge each life with your life review and your mini-judgment when people will have a real taste of their future destination. They should be more responsible for their actions, and take the right step to get married properly in the Church after they come to Confession. The Covid-19 virus has killed a large number of people, but the big goal is to use vaccines to kill even more people by their bioweapon to use the spike protein to destroy peoples immune system. Water will even get rationed where there are more severe shortages. You will be returned to your bodies, and My believers will be called to the safety of My refuges., Jesus said: My people, I have warned you in previous messages that I would give everyone an inner locution when it is time to come to My refuges. He has cast down the mighty from their thrones, and has lifted up the lowly. This is a principle that I have made when a country or city is worthy of a punishment for sin. You are still giving your Zoom conferences to make up for not being able to travel as often. There are many people who have been vaccinated without knowing how deadly these vaccines are. He is a Son of King David through my ancestry. READ MORE - Michael O'Leary takes aim at Eamon Ryan over drone activity at Dublin Airport in fiery RTE rant It had been amended to include measures for preventing, Some areas are even seeing electrical failures as air conditioning is putting a strain on the electric grid. You receive Me in Holy Communion, and I am with you in My Real Presence for about 15 minutes. You had to use your internet to see a Mass, but you could not have My Eucharist. When I met Elizabeth, St. John the Baptist leapt in his mothers womb, as he would prepare the way for my Son, Jesus. You need to be baptized into the faith, and you will be healed of your spiritual blindness when you will receive the eyes of faith. You will have a life review of all of your good and bad actions in your life. Remember to keep praying for them, as their souls can move closer to heaven with your prayers and Masses. Jesus said: My son, you have been out evangelizing people so they could be converted for over 25 years. I have been suggesting such a food storage because your store shelves could go empty if you have another virus shutdown. You used these fuels with a kerosene burner and a wood insert fireplace so you kept your home warm for 24 hours without using your natural gas heater. This summer heat is coming sooner than usual, and it will lead to more fires out West. Strive to protect My gift of life at all ages., Jesus said: My people, it is good to have your families share your lives together. One of the most important gifts of Mine is your very life existence, but even your people are discarding My babies in abortion as human garbage. My people need to be ready to come to My refuges when you could lose your dollar investments overnight. (Luke 7:1-10) This faith in Me is so important that this quote of the centurion is placed in the Mass: Lord, I am not worthy that Thou should come under my roof, but only say the word and my soul will be healed. This faith in My healing power is needed for all of My healings to take place. Skilled in Rail Construction, Rail Maintaince, Earthworks, Quantity The Leadership This will become a needed business expense if businesses want to protect their computers. It is the strength from My Hosts that will strengthen you to survive the trials at My refuges. All of My Blessed Mothers people are close to our two hearts in praying your rosaries and wearing the brown scapular. mabel king son, larry king. You can see how the evil leaders are trying to create divisions in your country over whether or not you are in favor of abortion, euthanasia, drugs, and now over being forced to take an unneeded Covid shot. In todays Gospel (Matt. The unvaccinated people will be further harassed by Biden in his evil effort to get everyone vaccinated with the poisonous Covid shots. Trust in Me to answer your prayers, but people need to accept Me of their own free will. Since most of My faithful are not Jews, your faith has been handed down to you through St. Paul. Jesus said: My people, you are seeing the beginning of the vaccine mandates that will be getting so bad, that I will soon have to bring My Warning and the refuges to save your lives. You have not had many occasions to give talks because of your Covid restrictions. Sep 2019 - Present3 years 7 months. There has not been much resistance to Bidens vaccine mandate, and this is one instance. At the coming time of My refuges during the tribulation of the Antichrist, I will again perform miracles of providing the deer for meat, the manna for Holy Communion, and I will multiply your dwellings, water, food, and your fuels for you to survive. There is a threat to your reserve currency in the dollar once other countries stop trading in dollars. See that I am with you every day, and you can call on Me to help you in your needs. Throughout the Scriptures you see how I take authority over the demons, and I cast them out of various people. God the Father said: I AM WHO AM is here to share this great feast of the Blessed Trinity because We are Three Persons in One God. Now the time to bring Those faithful people will be protected by My angels from any destruction of the Comet. Some people are chosen to suffer more than others because they have been given more graces to endure it. Be prepared to come to My refuges when your lives are in danger., Jesus said: My people, initially you saw how the government was trying to force your employers to have their employees take a Covid shot, or they could be fired. Jesus said: My people, today you are seeing the rush of shoppers to buy their gifts for Christmas at supposed sale prices. These Covid shots are ruining your immune system, so when this deadly new virus comes, people will be dying all over. Try to make some special visits to show your love for Me at different times than Mass. This faith in My healing power is necessary for all healing to take place. Jesus said: My people, you are starting a new season of Advent in preparation for Christmas. It was St. Raphael who protected Tobiah from being killed on his wedding night. I will multiply your food, water, and fuels. Jesus said: My people, when I or God the Father tells you something is about to happen, you need to take heed, even if it seems impossible to the normal course of events. In heaven you will enjoy being with the One you love forever. Eli Newbrun-Mintz: Good morning, and thank you all for joining us today. Be prepared for China to take on Taiwan and for Russia to take over the Ukraine. You need to love everyone, even those people who persecute you. This vision was crystal clear. For those people, who believe in Me, you will see Me perform many miracles when I will multiply your food, water, and fuels., Jesus said: My people, I am reminding you of Satans goal to kill as many people as he can because he hates man. I am the Lamb of God and I offered up My life on the cross to bring you salvation for your souls. New Prophetic Messages From John Leary Through September 7, 2021. If you are dead, what good is your job? When the evil ones release the next deadly virus, many vaccinated people could die. If My believers believe that I can heal them from their vaccination, I will find a way to heal them, even if they need healing before coming to My refuges. These people prey on the unknown, and they only want to use the virus as a means of controlling people. There are many couples who are living together in sin without marriage. She was also curious if My words of prophecy had come about. Trust in Me to lead you to My refuges when your lives are threatened., Jesus said: My people, I have warned you about the possibility of the evil ones bringing a worse Covid virus that could cause vaccinated people to die quickly. I have asked you to continue to support this family as often as you can. Refuse to take any Covid vaccines and you need to bless the vaccinated people with your Good Friday oil, or the exorcism water with the miraculous medal. When difficulties come in your health or your things, call on Me to help you, and do not be downcast or depressed. WebAnne O'Leary Expand search. Trust in Me to provide for your needs, but you have done well in your refuge preparations., Wednesday, June 2, 2021: I am guiding My faithful to heaven through all of the troubles you will face in life. Pray for all couples to get married before they have relations, which is how I planned man and woman to live together., Prayer Group: Pray for the conversion of souls and reach out to give them My Blessed Mothers brown scapular, so she can keep them from suffering the flames of hell when they wear and believe in the brown scapulars promises., Jesus said: My son, every time you give a teaching or share My messages in a setting for trying to save souls, you need to prepare yourself for spiritual warfare. Then I will call you to My refuges of protection., Jesus said: My people, after I have cleansed the earth of all the demons and evil people, I will truly renew the face of the earth, and My faithful will see a new heavens and a new earth. The biggest lie is that the one world people are telling you to take the Covid vaccine so you can live a normal life. This is just an excuse for Russia to invade the Ukraine. WebBen Passman grew up in Chicago, the son of a seamstress. Call on My angels to help protect these two countries with your prayers., Jesus said: My people, when your Covid and flu cases increase, this could trigger more Covid restrictions. The unborn babies have Filed Under Messages | Comments Off, Thursday, June 24, 2021: (The Nativity of St. John the Baptist) Sunday, February 26, 2023: (First Sunday of Lent) Jesus said: My people, I want you to see the comparison of the temptation of the first Adam with the new Adam in Me. You remember the Blue Army well because you started your own prayer group as a Fatima cell, and you just celebrated your 49th anniversary for your prayer group. Officials in No 10 struggled to explain how lockdown gatherings in Downing Street complied with the Covid I want you to think through what you would do first if your power went out, and second if your natural gas stopped coming through your pipes. There is no true science behind this order, and it is only control over the people that Biden is pushing. You are in the middle of a communist takeover, and you do not even realize it. You have seen some deaths and complications from the vaccinated people, but the media are trying to keep this quiet. Vaccine mandates could ruin your economy, so they should be rejected. When are your people going to rise up in a major protest, or strike against your employers? I showed you a vision of dead bodies lying around, who represented the dead vaccinated people. Leaders for various jobs will be chosen, and each leader will gather helpers to carry out their mission. It is true that you need an antivirus program to protect yourself from certain computer viruses. Give the people your overview explanation of the coming events. Your old silos in America have been mostly dismantled. You need to keep your immune systems protected with vitamin C and D3 2000. My believers will need to be patient because it will take time to organize your jobs. The caucus (64 Labour MPs) votes via exhaustive ballot, and a candidate would require the support of two-thirds of the party caucus (i.e., 48 MPs) to be elected. My people need to be ready to leave for My refuges, as events are about to bring more persecution of My faithful. The Gospel today showed you the ten lepers, who I healed from leprosy, but only one came back to thank Me. Trust in Me to tell you the truth of healing., Jesus said: My people, I know many people use the internet to buy things and communicate. When you come to your judgment, I will ask you if you loved Me and all of your neighbors, even your persecutors. Many parents are choosing to home school their children to avoid the liberal brainwashing. Pray for your people to reject communist teachings, and work to change what is being forced on your children., Jesus said: My people, if you want to see the future of your Church, just look how only a few young adults are coming to Mass on Sunday. You will be told in your Warning that vaccinated people will need this blessing, or they will die. But if a man hears My word and does not act on them, then he will be like one who built his house on sand. Gavin Cordon, PA Whitehall Editor. He fulfilled his mission as one crying out from the desert that people should repent of their sins and be baptized by immersion in the water of the Jordan River. I have said before that the Divine Mercy Chaplet is the best prayer to pray for the dead. This virus and the vaccines are a plan of the one world people to reduce the population by killing billions of people. This was a beautiful prayer, and it showed their faith in My protection. Trust in Me that I will protect My faithful from any wars, cyber attacks, or any aggressors., Jesus said: My people, ransomware is a vicious hacking because computer systems can be paralyzed and money has to be paid to restore any hacked software damage. Countries, who minimize their defenses, could live to regret their negligence. So when a new virus comes, their immune systems will fail and many will die. Now, Biden is back to using Executive Orders to try and get the unvaccinated workers forced to take the Covid shot. Just as I will multiply your food, if needed before you come to My refuges, so also I will heal My vaccinated believers if they call on Me to heal them., Monday, June 28, 2021: (St. Irenaeus) I want you to quote my Magnificat which is read at your night prayers. I stayed with Elizabeth for three months until she gave birth to St. John the Baptist, and then I returned home to Nazareth. This will come some time after My Warning and the six weeks of conversion. This experience showed you how the demons answer to My authority in My Church. Jesus said: My people, today you had some added sound effects to go with the Gospel. This button displays the currently selected search type. They prayed to Me for protection, and for a successful marriage with children to carry on the human race. You saw that I did not like those people who were selling things in the Temple.