Passive ability grants Namor and his Fantastic Four allies increased Damage to up to 20% and Armor to up to 30%. The supernatural team is another sure-to-win Blitz team. Ultimus hits very hard and he has durability like a protector but he is also the slowest brawler in the game. If Phoenix is an ally, Taunt lasts 2 turns. The true potential of Anti-Venom can only be seen if the enemy is swarmed with negative effects so he should be combined only with Heroes who rely on debuffs. At this point of the game, his skill-set is literally game-changing. Her passive ability grants barrier to Power Armor allies at the start of combat and when their Health drops below 50%. Her first skill inflicts medium damage to the single target and grants one charge to Storm. With her in team Astonishing X-Men become the strongest Raid team in the game without a doubt and they are capable of dealing with almost all synergy teams in Alliance War and Real-Time Arena except very few meta Teams that rely on Immunity. Her first skill delivers medium damage but also appliesSpeed Up to Nebula. Jubilees and all Astonishing X-Men allies health is permanently increased by up to 30%. Nick Fury also provides his allies with a 20% chance to assist on every attack. In the Marvel Universe, the most famous mercenaries are Deadpool, Bullseye and Korath the Pursuer. As long as Misty is defending the Helicarrier her Focus is increased by 1000% for this ability. This attack cannot be blocked and on top of that, it applies Speed Up to all Weapon X members of the team. To increase Negasonics Attack even further she should be equipped with Striker ISO-8 class. If you want to exploit his retaliation abilities ewipp him with Skirmisher class but if you want to increase his damage output he needs a Striker Class. Winter Soldier is an elite Hydra agent who assaults his chosen target with deadly attacks that prevent healing. His first skill inflicts medium damage and steals Taunt from the target. Jubilees ultimate causes up to 400% damage + 50% Piercing to the primary target and up to 200% damage + 50% Piercing to all other targets. When we know that he will always assist Dagger on basic attacks the urge for Skirmisher, placing Vulnerability and cleansing positive effects is even greater. Her price is 45 shards, obtainable through Mystique Orbs and 5-6 Villains Campaign mission. It also heals all allies for up to 20% of his Max Health and revives a dead Symbiote ally with up 60% base Health. Corvus Glaive uses Stealth and Piercing to infiltrate and eliminate the Black Orders enemies. Also, on every block Doctor Octopus heal himself and all Sinister Six allies by 10% of Max Health (20% in War). You will now be able to play with ease against various teams with more power, that caused big troubles before (stronger S.H.I.E.L.D. Probably there will be some combinations that can successfully match up against Infinity Watch but at this point, it is hard to anticipate those custom teams since for this kind of power we will definitely need a gaming experience. Like the majority of Power Armor Heroes, Ironheart also needs a Raider ISO-8 class to reach her full potential. as a spy, Ghost now uses her Quantum phasing powers as an untraceable thief. Korath price is 45 shards which can be obtained through Mega Orbs, Premium Orbs, and 5-9 Villains United campaign mission. Ironheart is a Global Controller who uses his genius knowledge of hardware and software to additionally enhance her own Power Armor and the abilities of his Power Armor allies. Hero, Global, Bio, Protector, S.H.I.E.L.D., Inhuman. His speed is increased by 5% per Kree ally. As someone who will assist on almost every Wakandan turn and since she lacks Focus to place Defense Down constantly, Okoye needs Skirmisher ISO-8 class to reach her full potential. Her basic skill causes immense damage against the primary target and applies Defense Down for up to 2 turns before it Chains to the adjacent target causing heavy damage and also applying Defense Down for up to 2 turns. In Raids, Deathpool gains +1 Charged on spawn (up to a maximum of 5), her Speed Bar and Speed Bar of all Mystic allies is filled by 10% +5% for each Mystic ally (only on spawning), and 1 Ability Energy is generated for 2 random Mystic allies or Deathpool after each enemys death. All of Elektras skills are single-target skills, therefore she should be equipped with Skirmisher ISO-8 class if you want her to increase her focus or Striker class if you want to increase her damage. Juggernauts ultimate delivers heavy damage on primary and all adjacent targets and its strength depends on the number of charges Juggernaut has. team, Hydra team with Red Skull, Kree Team, and S.H.I.E.L.D. Additionally, he places 1 Vulnerability up to a maximum of 5 and each target. Gain a behind the scenes perspective on the making of Marvel Studios Shang-Chi with this deluxe hardcover chock-full of exclusive concept art. Also, Elsas Accuracy is increased depending on the number of Supernatural allies and she increases the Critical Chance to all Mystic allies. Ravager Stitcher can be summoned by Yondu. His passive ability grants him additional health and armor. He joins you for free at the start of the game and his shards are farmable via Premium Orbs, Mega Orbs, Hometown Heroes Orbs, and 1-6 Heroic Assemble Campaign mission. Ant-Man and The Wasp: Quantumania: Dive into the Mind of M.O.D.O.K. His second skill also delivers medium damage to the primary target but it hits adjacent targets as well. Because of all these reasons, his price is 100 shards which are obtainable through offers, Psychotic Orbs and Alliance War Store. In Marvel Strike Force, Hydra Rifle Trooper is a Hydra minion who attacks multiple targets. It is not certain rather he should equip Striker ISO-8 class or Raider ISO-8 class but whatever you decide you will not be wrong. Ravager Bruiser is a boarding expert who uses an energy shield to deflect attacks. Colleen Wing is a Heroes for Hire Katana Brawler who cuts through enemies like through butter. His second skill also causes mediocre Piercing damage but provides Black Panther with Counter and Offense Up. I suggest that you use him as a pure damage dealer in Raids because Astonishing X-Men utility will give him enough protection so he only needs to kill enemies faster. S.H.I.E.L.D. Ghost Rider is a beast who needs to be killed first or he will utterly destroy the entire enemy team as the battle progress. Ms.Marvel is an Inhuman Brawler who has the capabilities of a protector and acts as a protector. Her damage potential may seem low but all her attacks are piercing meaning that it will be unaffected by enemy armor. Doctor Strange is a Mystic Support who debuffs enemies and heals allies. At the same time, it fills the Speed Bar of all allies by 5% for each enemy ( on the maximum level of the skill additional 5% of Speed Bar is filled for all Skill allies). Her price is only 15 shards which can be obtained through Premium Orbs, Mega Orbs, Jerseys Hero Orbs, MKraan Orbs, Hometown Heroes Orbs, and 2-6 Mystic Campaign mission. S.H.I.E.L.D. The passive ability grants Defense Up for 2 turns on the start of combat to Omega Red and all Weapon X allies. Hela can also be combined with other Heroes who can place useful debuffs at the start of combat (for example Vision plays before her and when he place Ability Block on the target, Hela will spread that debuff on the entire enemy team which can be crucial for the battle outcome). Healer ISo-8 class is the only viable solution for Maria Hill. Gamora is expensive and her price is 100 shards but because she can be farmed in blitz supplies and blitz orbs she can be obtained with no problems after 20 days of playing (at most). Above all that, passive ability grants Kestrel permanently increased Health by up to 20% and an additional 20% Max Health if she has at least 1 Cosmic ally or Nick Fury, while Nick Fury himself is granted +40% Max Health. Either this team is more useful than Astonishing X-Man or not is something that can be learned only in practice, so I will put this team in second place on our Raid Tier List before I am not sure that they deserve a better place. Doctor Octopus needs new Sinister Six members, Electro and Swarm to reach his full potential and he will summon missing Sinister Six members in combat. Her empowered attacks shreds through enemy defenses, her body has incredible regeneratable properties and she works best with Nick Fury and other Heroes who operate outside of Earth. Shang-Chi is a master of martial arts who turns his enemies strengths against them while improving his Heroes for Hire allies. Monstrosity should be equipped with either Striker or Skirmisher ISO-8 class. His price is 45 shards, obtainable through Premium Orbs, Sabretooths Blitz, and Raid Store. Hawkeye is a S.H.I.E.L.D. As a part of the Symbiote team Scream will also be very useful in raids but aside from all mentioned she doesnt have many more uses and she shouldnt be a part of any custom team. human resources to deal with her enemies and protect her team. Loki is the Asgardian God of Mischief who misleads and confuses his foes. Hero, Cosmic, Mutant, Blaster, Astonishing X-Men, X-Men. After Defenders Update, Luke Cage can buff his DEFENDER allies for 2 turns instead of one, and his abilities are enhanced. The main member of this team is Spider-Man Symbiote so it is of utmost importance to acquire him as soon as possible if you want to see the power of this team. I dont have any legendaries yet. Phyla-Vell is not that amazing outside of Infinity Watch but her damage potential makes her a viable choice for numerous custom combinations. Villain, Global, Skill, Blaster, Wakandan, Mercenary. Night Nurse is a City Supporter with decent healing abilities. His offensive capabilities are also amazing because with each skill he places Heal Block preventing enemies from healing while being able to pick a target who will not be able to use their abilities at the start of each combat. This team is a natural counter to all teams that rely on assists such as Young Avengers, Wakandan, and even Mercenary team. Passive ability grants healing to the lowest health ally at the start of each Shuris turn which is increased if Shuri is charged and applies Speed Up on all Wakandan allies at the start of the combat. His special ability steals up to 30% of the single enemys Health and grants Yellowjacket Evade and Regeneration. Hero, Global, Mutant, Controller, X-Force, Unity, Lucky. His price is 45 shards available through Heroes Assemble 7-9 mission. Cosmic Crucible - Team Counters Hydra Scientist is very cheap and can be obtained for 15 shards via blitz supplies, blitz orbs, milestone orbs, and premium orbs. His second skill strikes the primary target for the medium amount of damage and clears positive effects from primary and all adjacent targets. Upon using the second skill Mysterio is granted assist from the Sinister Six ally and 1 random ally. If Silver Surfer has no negative effects he transfers all positive effects from his target to self, instead. If Iron Man is War Machines ally, War Machine bombards targets one additional time. Spider-Man Symbiotes ultimate causes massive damage against primary target and applies Stun. His special ability attacks all enemies causing up to 260% Damage and placing Bleed on each target. Her first skill causes average damage, applies Bleed, and clears 1 positive effect from the primary target. Securitys passive ability gives her additional resistance and transfers 1 negative effects from her and each A.I.M. Colossus ultimate prolongs the duration of all positive effects by 3 turns to up to 5 turns and grants him 2 Deathproof. After using the ultimate Baron Zemo gains 1 Charged. Hydra Scientists healing is slightly weaker compared to other supports, but he applies Deathproof in addition. He has mediocre damage output but he has a chance to gain counter (100% on Level 6 of the skill ) while attacking his target. The problem is because there are at least 2 more targets in the Weapon X team that needs to be killed earlier. Stature is a Pym Tech Protector, daughter of Ant-Man, who increases the survivability of her Pym Tech allies by granting them Defense Up, Ability Energy, and Evade. Ultimate Increased Damage; Apply Blind and Heal Block to the primary target and 2 random targets; in WAR apply Blind and Heal Block to all targets. His real value is his role in Dark Dimension if he is accompanied by other Pym Tech heroes. His first skill inflicts medium damage against the single target. The main character in this team is Black Panther who only can inflict serious damage when he is charged and who plays again after each kill. Assembling a team for Doctor Doom may seem difficult since he has synergy only with Fantastic Four Heroes and you definitely dont want that main damage dealer in your team, besides Doctor Doom, is Human Torch. Most importantly she is needed for unlocking Black Bolt. However, he is nothing special outside the Pym Tech team and he will not be able to help in some custom combinations. His second skill is not just a Taunt because Drax also gains Defense Up and two Counters while taunting. Security for reaching his full potential. All in all, Mystique should be a great asset in your roster especially against stealth targets and targets who have a lot of buffs. Scarlet Witch is a mystical controller that prolongs negative effects and redistributes health across her teammates, Hero, Global, Mystic, Controller, Avenger. minion who delivers enormous damage to the enemy. Her first skill inflicts heavy damage and has a 30% chance to chain to another target. minion who supports the team with relentless assaults. In raids, she also clears positive effects from the primary target and transfers negative effects from both her and lowest Health ally to that target. Thor is the God of Thunder who deals great damage and weakens multiple foes. Villain, Global, Skill, Controller, Hydra. A living conduit to the Darkforce Dimension, Cloak drains the health and offensive power of vulnerable enemies, Hero, City, Mystic, Controller, New Warrior. Stryfes price is 45 shards obtainable through Premium Orbs, Mega Orbs, Blitz Orbs, and Blitz Supplies. Passive ability grants her and all Hero Brawlers 20% increased Max Health. Taskmaster is META for WAR (both Offense and Defense) but only if his ultimate is on Level 7. In Raids, if Captain America (Sam) isan ally, it reduces the Speed Bar of her target by 25%. His second skill inflicts heavy damage on the primary target and infuses him, Namor, and Fantastic Four allies with Offense Up. Her special ability places Offense Up to her and all other Astonishing X-Men allies after which she attacks the primary target causing up to 300% damage. Kree Royal Guard is a heavilyarmored Kree warrior who intercepts attackers with brutal counterattacks. Whenever Adams Health drops below 20% he gains Regeneration + Safeguard + up to 2 Deflect. The 100 best Taskmaster tasks ranked - from watermelon gluttons to taxi-driven peas Taskmaster's 100 best bits. His damage output is mediocre but he is definitely someone who can be extremely useful in Raids and other specific situations where you will need to control enemies by constantly slowing them. Mercenary Lieutenant is versatile support with high speed and ability to provide his allies with energy and offense up. This ability is repeated up to 4 times and it fills Speed Bar for all Black Order and Thanos allies while reducing Speed Bar of all enemies depending on the number of Black Order allies. Falcons ultimate strikes all enemy targets for medium piercing damage and grants 1 bonus attack per positive effect on targets with positive effects. All of them have 1 free instant healing of whole health when they drop below 50% Health and at least 1 full Revive per battle. Above all that, when X-Men ally Health drops below 50%, Colossus automatically applies Taunt on self. Additionally, it transfers all positive effects from an ally Mystique to Minster Sinister which are then spread to all Mutant and Cloned allies. When fully upgraded, passive ability heals Longshot by 20% of his Health every turn. This skill also applies all positive effects on Nick Fury to the rest of the team. If any of the targets have any negative effects, Moon Knight gains a 100% Critical Chance of hitting that target, This attack cannot be blocked but Counter breaks the Chain. Hero, Cosmic, Bio, Blaster, Fantastic Four, Marvel 80th. On top of that, passive ability permanently increases Daggers Resistance and Resistance of Mystic Hero allies by up to 50% (If Cloak is an ally Daggers Resistance is increased by 80%). Her passive ability allows her to clear up to 2 negative effects from up to 2 allies at the start of each turn. Passive ability grants her 20% dodge chance which is the highest dodge chance beside Spider-Man and Vision dodge chance. Since he strikes multiple targets with 2 of his skills it is only logical to equip him with Raider ISO-8 class. Kree Royal Guards price is 45 shards which you can get by opening premium and blitz orbs or by purchasing them in blitz supplies. Taskmaster | MARVEL Strike Force Database abilities Gear & Stats Taskmaster VILLAIN GLOBAL SKILL CONTROLLER MERCENARY UNDERWORLD A master of combat mimicry, Taskmaster uses his skill to steal positive effects from enemies. Crossbones is a vengeful, die-hard bruiser with a devastating explosion attack. On War Defense this attack ignores Taunt and Stealth attacking the target with the highest damage, and it cant be blocked if Collen is in the team. At the same time Kestrel buffs her up with Speed Up, Defense Up, and Immunity for up to 2 turns. It is not yet tested in combat but according to skill descriptions Weapon X team with Lady Deathstrike will be capable of beating anyone but Infinity Watch including Black Order and Heroes for Hire. Along with A.I.M. He definitely needs a Striker ISO-8 class in order to further increase his already unbelievable damage potential. White Tiger allows other Shadowland Heroes to cause almost double damage and grants them the opportunity to play before their enemies. Phyla-Vells ultimate attacks primary target causing up to 600% damage +25% Piercing and places Offense Down. . His second skill inflicts heavy damage to the single target applying Offense Down on the enemy and Taunt on Thanos. In Raids all of them gain additional 40% Resistance permanently. In Marvel Strike Force, S.H.I.E.L.D. Her damage potential in raids is unbelievable especially since her presence means that your every attack will be under the effect of Offense Up. Players can also support Scopely by purchasing their expensive offers . Omega Red is a Legendary Weapon X Mutant who steals enemy life force and redistributes it on the allies and who prevent enemies from cleansing or flipping negative abilities they have. As a leader of the Infinity Watch team, he prevents enemies from flipping or cleansing buffs on his team, as well as prevents enemies from playing or using abilities. When the attack ends Bishop is granted +1 Counter up to a maximum of 4. The magnificent trio Ebony Maw, Thanos, Black Bolt have the same purpose still with just a little change Black Bolt will cause even more damage because his passive auto-attacks now synergize with Kestrels auto-attacks. Simultaneously, it clears Heal Block from all Mystic Hero allies and heals all allies for up to 20% of Daggers Max Health. Villain, Global, Bio, Controller, A.I.M., Minion, A supervillain organization made up of evil mystic Ninjas. She has everything you want from a hero she clears buffs and debuffs, she heals herself, she is very fast, her damage is insane and she has AOE. His special ability places Defense Up and Counter for 2 turns on allies while applying Offense Down for up to 2 turns on all enemies. Gamora is an aggressivewarrior who can attack again after defeating an enemy. With recent improvements, Taskmaster will place his debuffs and utilities almost always regardless of enemy Resistance and his Focus. Sam Wilsons skill set may seem ordinary (compared to all other new heroes) and it may seem that he is made only for Raids but in reality, players can assemble extremely powerful Secret Avengers + Nick Fury +Kestrel team. Wolverine price is 50 shards and he is easily collectible since his shards are obtained from daily objectives rewards. Taskmaster himself is a very powerful Hero who practically makes Mercenary Villain Heroes and minions extremely dangerous. If that ally is Symbiote, it clears 1 negative effect from all other Symbiote allies with negative effects. Both his active skills are single-target shots that can cause devastating damage. Also, she receives assists on non-attacking abilities/ Elektra can now use her ultimate more often and most importantly while she is surrounded by Shadowland allies her revive chance is unbelievable 85%. If her allies are not from Infinity Watch and Adam Warlock is not in the team she clears 2 negative effects instead and places a barrier equal to up to 10% of her Max Health. Strategic Hazard Intervention Espionage Logistics Directorate aka S.H.I.E.L.D. In War Defense Emma Frost applies Defense Up for up to 2 turns to all Mutant Villain allies at the start of combat. Cookie Notice The passive ability allows Polaris to place Bleed on every enemy that attacks an ally with Barrier and after each critical from Polaris or an X-Factor ally, it removes all Deflect from the most injured non-summoned enemy. minion, who joins you at the beginning of the game. At the same time, she attacks primary and adjacent targets causing up to 350% damage + 25% Piercing. This team may be more powerful than its place suggests for the sole reason that you are being able to decide which enemy will be cloned by Mister Sinister. If Magneto is his ally, Pyro also prolongs the duration of Bleed with his ultimate. There are 5 basic set up positions in MSF and they have a specific order as you can see in this graphic. In MARVEL Strike Force, ready for battle alongside allies and arch-rivals in this action-packed, visually-stunning free-to-play game for your phone or tablet. Like Asgardians, Hydra Minions and Red Skull definitely need to be placed on one defensive slot in Alliance War. Above all that his special ability inflicts more damage than any other skill from the rest of the S.H.I.E.L.D. Additionally, Mister Fantastic grants Assist Now to Namor and Fantastic Four allies every turn and clear 1 negative effect from up to 3 random enemies. Her basic skill causes moderate damage against primary and all adjacent targets and places Bleed on each of those targets. Since she is a protector it would be obvious to equip her with Fortifier ISO-8 class, but since she counterattacks a lot it might be better to equip her with either Skirmisher or Raider class. Combined with other Kree minions he forms a formidable team that will grant you certain victories in all game segments except Arena. Also, he gains +15% Speed up to a maximum of 45% on his every turn. Every player has it and most importantly every player has strong Defenders. If Scream has 3 or more Symbiote allies she decreases the Resistance of all enemies by 30%. Night Nurse was the best healer in the game at the beginning but with the introduction of other most powerful healers her role in the game practically vanished and now she is used on extremely rare occasions. Hydra Sniper should be equipped with the Raider ISO-8 class to further increase his Critical Chance. He should be equipped with either Striker or Raider ISO-8 class depending on his team composition and deployment of classes for other Power Armor allies. When choosing an enemy for this team be sure to avoid Heroes who can place Heal Block or who can quickly cleanse buffs from Nick Fury. Recently his influence on the game was almost diminished buy after the introduction of Baron Zemo and the Hydra attack team, Kingpin can shine again. In Marvel Strike Force, Hydra Scientist is a Hydra minion who keeps his allies from dying. In AW ultimate also applies Trauma on all enemies and it cant be blocked. Hand Blademaster is a versatile damage dealer with high speed and the ability to chain his attacks to a single target multiple times. At the top of that, Elsa Bloodstone who is otherwise average Hero at best becomes a killing machine in this team. He has special synergy with Fantastic Four Heroes but it is not necessary to assemble a full Fantastic Four team around him because bonuses are granted if only 1 Fantastic Four Hero is present. His first skill inflicts medium damage and provides the Kingpin with a chance to gain assistance from others. In Alliance War, the ultimate also clears all positive effects on each enemy. At the top of that passive ability permanently increases Resistance to all Black Order and Thanos allies. msf taskmaster team order. Quake was the best Controller in the game at the beginning but that was changed very fast. His stats are similar to Punishers except Killmonger is faster than him. Additionally, it applies Ability Block on all Villain Protectors and Disrupted on all enemy Protectors. Silver Samurai and his Weapon X allies have permanently increased Armor by 40% and Resistance by 40%. However, since he has an AOE attack, the Raider class is also acceptable. Also, in Alliance War Doctor Octopus and all Chargeable Sinister Six allies gain +15% damage. At the first glance, it is obvious that Polaris will be a nightmare for Emarauders and Doctor Octopus Sinister Six but in my opinion, her Skillset allows X-Factor to compete even against Black order and Astonishing X-Men (even though Jubilee is a heavy counter for Multiple Man). Colossus uses his organic steel skin to protect the X-Men and harm enemies who attack him. Mercenary Lieutenant is kinda expensive. His first skill inflicts massive damage and applies Disrupt. Home; About; Blog; Media Room. In the process, it places Taunt + Deathproof to all Dupes. Passive ability enables Invisible Woman to freely attack an enemy who attacked any Fantastic Four ally with a barrier and increases her, Fantastic Four allies and Namors Health by up to 20%. Her main purpose is to be a member of the X-Force team in Alliance War but unlike some other X-Force members, she could be useful in some other teams as well. With the introduction of ISO-8 classes, Jessica can choose between Healing class and Skirmisher class ti improve the fighting capabilities of Defenders.