Sea Ghost Main Deck. Luckily, as hard as the situations can be in the caves and on the Sea Ghost, capture is a realistic option and escape is a fun approach to get out of it. The characters might escape or might be transported to the Sea Ghost when it comes back in. That said, the adventure is well-written and well-paced. This is considered a low to mid magic setting. The TSR UK office opened on March 31, 1980, following TSR's failed attempt to merge with Games Workshop. Sanbalet can capture the characters and stick them in area 27 under guard. Quest givers and entrance to the wilderness area is located within the inn. One day everything is working fine, and the next it became completely broken. But during the night there will be a Town Council at the Town Hall, or more drunks at the tavern, etc. An agent of the Scarlet Brotherhood of course! Some crew might be sleeping. Overall, he felt that "TSR (UK) are to be congratulated on their first module, the series should prove to be interesting and entertaining. At the end I just wished it was longer. 3.3 The Legend 3.4 General Notes. His goal is to destabilize the council of Saltmarsh and take it over with members he can control, just as he controls Anders. Yes, it was designed for party play and has been tested in a live PW environment. This adds a potential conspiracy theory that somehow the King's forces are behind the arming of the lizardfolk against Saltmarsh. Town hall, tavern, temple, militia what's even point of those locations if there are no useful NPCs. Be the first one to, Tsr 09062 U 1 Sinister Secret Of Saltmarsh (lvl 1 3), Advanced embedding details, examples, and help, Terms of Service (last updated 12/31/2014). #DDO . Yes, Tarot Redhand is correct. The tools worked as advertised. The smugglers enjoying dinner in area 21 are likely to grab Sanbalet in area 22 and they all go back down into the tunnels in areas 25 through 29. heavenly powers unraveling the secret history of the kabbalah. The wiki page for the EGI has a list of sources, full product names, abbreviations, and a link to the full, downloadable index. But another problem arose. The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh is the first adventure of seven in the Ghosts of Saltmarsh campaign book. This is our sinister scarlet secret in Saltmarsh and we can play it out between all of the adventures we run in this book. Arrg Matey! This woman was last seen with her brother, both of whom were adventurers that planned to go to the haunted mansion and recover the alchemist's gold. Behind a barred door marked DANGER players will find a bunch of skeletons guarding a room with an alchemist, long dead, who has apparently figured out the Philosophers stone. He is being fed information and advice from his family's longtime advisor, Skerrin Wavechaser, a secret agent of the Scarlet Brotherhood. Instructions for play: Download the "Haks of Saltmarsh" and "Saltmarsh Music Pack" into your Hak folder Download the module and extract into your Module folder. Happy 17th Anniversary DDO! The adventure itself, however, doesn't offer very strong hooks to get there. When the characters are done dealing with the skeletons and the alchemist (a really fun encounter so hopefully the characters don't skip it), they will face split groups of scouts and bandits throughout the caves. 75% off Expansion Trove. Ir directamente al contenido principal . The adventure can be played by 5-10 characters of level 1-3. I'll upload the renamed hak separately (wog_custom.hak) along with a new version of the module shortly. - at 22 o'clock town hall NPCs spawned only on the 3rd try? Feel free to PM me with any questions or concerns. Sr. Editor & Publisher: Larry Vela You genuinely have a sense of the town, of the activities around it, of the goings on. When you buy the product(s), select: The POD copy I just received is excellent. For instance, during the night most villagers won't spawn outside. discovering the real secret of life. This can be a really hard fight at 2nd level so be nice to the characters. MODULE U1 - SINISTER SECRET OF SALTMARSH *NM/MT 9.8 NEW* DUNGEONS DRAGONS. The adventure was written by David J. Browne with Don Turnbull, and published in 1981 as a thirty-two page booklet with an outer folder. Let's deal with the module first, then deal with setting it up next post, because I'd say Saltmarsh, as a campaign, does need a strong focus on the town to hold it . Please create an account or log in to build a reputation and unlock more editing privileges, and then visit DDO wiki's IRC Chat/Discord if you need any help! 1 (beta run) Silverymoon; Price of Freedom We really have to be comfortable thinking on our feet. Are there still plans for updating this version or was it abandoned? This site uses affiliate links to Amazon and DriveThruRPG. This title was added to our catalog on January 22, 2013. Wait.. Could he equip the dire mace in natural weapon slot? This adventure is full of dynamic situations, intrigue, and potential downtime activities. Thus, when the characters come down the stairs in area 20, the smugglers are likely to hear them. Offer clear goals and leave the approaches open. - getting lost (what to do next). The Ghosts of Saltmarsh: Sinister Secret SoundPack gives you the complete audio solution when playing this first adventure of this colorful and rich DUNGEONS & DRAGONS collection. took me three sessions to run the first half of the module (of course first session was also making all of the AD&D characters, so probably closer to 4 or 5 hours total). The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh is expected to contain, when released on live, atleast 9 dungeons and a wilderness adventure area. When the characters return to Saltmarsh, the council asks them to go back out to the mansion and infiltrate the Sea Ghost to learn where the pirates on the Sea Ghost are bringing those weapons. There would eventually be over a dozen, spanning from 1981-1986, most in the U- and UK-series products. Thanks DM Wise & WoG Team for posting this up. [7] According to Denmead, this was "the Scooby Doo episode of D&D modules. Haunted House Cellar. In particular, when running downtime sessions you'll want to do the following: Once their downtime activities have concluded, it's time to jump to the next part of this adventure. Mysterious lights and ghostly hauntings have kept away the people of Saltmarsh, despite rumors of fabulous forgotten treasure. For more information on the server, or if you would like to play there after sampling the module, you may visit our forum for information: unravelling the myth of quilts and the We need not introduce Skerrin to the characters (players have a nose for secret villains like a bloodhound) but he is working in the background none the less. - Vixlok somehow lost his dire mace. TSSoS also comes packed with a number of DM Tools and DMFI widgets and scripts, so feel free to use this as a small campaign with your friends and family if you feel so inclined to try your hand at DMing (but know that it is also hands free and all the heavy lifting is done up front). - player house has stairs but no upstairs area Where do you get the POD? The abandoned, dilapidated mansion of an evil alchemist has been the subject of rumors about hauntings and treasure. [2] The adventure was written by David J. Browne with Don Turnbull, and published in 1981 as a thirty-two page booklet with an outer folder. Checked in toolset, but there is no trigger to spawn crocolisk. [2] The next two modules, Danger at Dunwater and The Final Enemy, continue on from this adventure. Removed CMP requirements and added music files into hak form for ease of installation. Thanks for the constructive feedback everyone. As the characters search the room they will begin to uncover a nest of 3 Ghost Spiders . In the second half of the adventure, when the players are forced to board a smugglers shipthe same rules applyand one ill-timed fight can trigger the entire ship to start joining in the fray. This module doesnt pull its punches, and it shines because of it. We use our own custom deity system here, so make sure to read those changes and requirements before proceeding as a Cleric. I had that happen to me with corrupted modules and some versions of NWN:EE. These ebooks were created from the original electronic layout files, and therefore are fully text searchable. - some backtracking - Mermaid statue became hostile to me after Final Enemy.. some faction issue? Might be false positive - maybe 22 o'clock is still "day"? Hopefully it's a fun epic battle in which the characters struggle but prevail. Running Ghosts of Saltmarsh Chapter 2: The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh, Running Ghosts of Saltmarsh Chapter 3, Danger at Dunwater, Running Ghosts of Saltmarsh Chapter 4: Salvage Operation, Running Ghosts of Saltmarsh Chapter 5: Isle of the Abbey, Running Ghosts of Saltmarsh Chapter 6: The Final Enemy, Running Ghosts of Saltmarsh Chapter 8: The Styes, Running Ghosts of Saltmarsh Chapter 7: Tammeraut's Fate, Running Ghosts of Saltmarsh Chapter 5, Isle of the Abbey, Subscribe to the Sly Flourish weekly newsletter, Fantastic Adventures: Ruins of the Grendleroot, Sly Flourish's Frequently Asked Questions. This required the adding of Zwerkules' Medieval City Hak even though no areas are made with it. - No rations to loot from smugglers, despite full tables :p Working on converting the U series over to 5e and would love to use maps built for VTT. You can see, but probably not read my hand writing, that I am doing my usual sprinkling of post-it notes. It appears to have worked - I was able to get the boat dialogue and am now back in Saltmarsh, ready for the next leg of the adventure. There are challenging puzzles beyond the usual 'hack and slash'. I did find one way around this - get myself killed and respawn back in Saltmarsh. The problem disappeared in the later parts of the game.. somehow.. Deity system got fixed after I compiled module myself. Also added more instructions for module installation (to include where to put CMP music files since I forgot to add that in the original instructions). Sorry to hear that. Ned, however, doesn't know who Skerrin is. I edited the module using the toolset to move the "old boat" object up several units to make it reachable. A small message is added to the bottom of each page of the PDF containing your name and the order number of your purchase. Looking back at the actual Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh adventure itself, we need to pay special attention to the characters' first level. U1 The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh Adventure Adventure - Located in: Keoland, U3 The Final Enemy 1-4, 6, 7, 37, 38 Vera Orrenti (Commander Saltmarsh Westgate) Non-player character Female, Human, Ftr5, Dungeon Master's Guide II, D&D 3.5e 120, 124, 125 Walthas Kang (Commander Saltmarsh City Watch) - some missing portraits (Tavern Patrons at Mermaid and Kraken, some militia) Update: 7/12/19: Corrected a few minor issues and added a bit more "direction". Equally significant is that the module encourages and rewards . Maybe have some tracks left by smugglers next to secret door? I actually purchased this module shortly after completing it as a player. The cellars, however, are a great example of how we build situations and let the players navigate that situation. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Make sure you either have the Required Projects (hyperlinks near bottom) and extract into your hak folder (CEP 2.65). I can say that the live version has several of the issues you highlighted addressed (the curse of running two different versions at once). I don't have the faintest idea and all the places you'd usually ask for hints don't even have the people you'd expect there. The adventure can be played by 5-10 characters of levels 1-3. Instead, talk to. Four 16th level characters facing an ancient blue dragon archmage and her simulacrum isn't nearly as deadly as four 1st level characters facing four giant centipedes. I find it enjoyable to replay. Is anyone else having this problem? Like Tales from the Yawning Portal before it, Ghosts of Saltmarsh takes several classic D&D modules (this time around an aquatic theme) and updates and revitalizes them for 5th Edition. disappeared. The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh is the first installment in a series of three modules designed and developed in the United Kingdom, for beginning adventures with AD&D rules. The PDF HAS NO MAPS !!! Accessed August 16, 2021. Quest givers and entrance to the wilderness area is located within the inn. The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh is a module for the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons (AD&D) roleplaying game, written by Dave J. Browne with Don Turnbull. Could someone please tell me which pages are cropped off? After then they spawned every time. It was probably released in the fall of 1981, since it postdated TSR UK's premiere release, Fiend Folio (1981), by several months. This module wants you to work for it (which is a theme youll see repeated throughout) and it makes it all the better. The masked man had a strange affectation, however. Maybe those who have played it so far know the AD&D modules this is based on and have an idea where to start. Three of the adventures (Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh, Danger at Dunwater, and The Final Enemy) are narratively connected to each other and the town of Saltmarsh.The other four are not specifically connected to the story, but there are suggested changes that can be made to . When ranking the top adventures in Dungeon it was listed at 27, though I would argue it should place higher. - night and day cycle is frustrating. - Oceanus - the AQUATIC elf - drowns.. - after getting out of submerged cave.. and is on the surface! You see, Anders Solmor isn't acting on his own in this. Also, their file size tends to be smaller than scanned image books. The DLC features a whole host of new dungeons and new areas to explore, new monsters, and Volume 8 of the Monster Manual system that rewards players for killing specific monsters. Such an awesome and monumental work! What is the expected playtime for this module? The adventure can be played by 5-10 characters of levels 1-3. The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh is the first installment in a series of three modules designed and developed in the United Kingdom, for beginning adventures with the AD&D rules. Ghosts of Saltmarsh combines some of the most popular classic adventures from the first edition of Dungeons & Dragons including the classic 'U' series and some of the best nautical adventures from Dungeon magazine: The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh. Would be nice to have final raid with the alliance to kill sahuagin bosses. Get discounts on expansions in the DDO Market: 25% off Isle of Dread. So I also had to edit the save file using these directions: The module is intended for starting 2nd level characters and may take you to around level 9, give or take. 35 of White Dwarf magazine by Jim Bambra, who scored it 9 out of 10 and described it as entertaining and interesting. Instead, he never returned and she washes up on shore drowned and wearing prisoner's garb with binding markings on her wrists and ankles. The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh is the first installment in a series of three modules designed and developed in the United Kingdom, for beginning adventurers with the AD&D (TM) rules. This creates a stronger hook than those proposed in the adventure itself. You do gain some helpfull NPCs but keeping them alive has always been tough for me. Actually all key NPCs are in town hall so city is totally useless and empty. _kmb_wog_inc: Unable to find area corresponding to tag GHOldCity, Arpelagos Chronicles: The Strain is Strong (DEMO),, The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh Supermodule, U1 - U3 (1/19/22), World of Greyhawk PW, Mithral Enhanced Edition, World of Greyhawk Forums and Adventuring Guild Hall, Open - Free & open only if project also open,, Lords of Darkness 3 - Alanya's Secret (V2.0), The Aielund Saga Act III - Return of the Ironlord, HeavensGate 2: Islands of the Undead Legion, Lords of Darkness 4 - For Crown and Country (V1.2), The Crystalmist Campaign Chapter 3: The Sahuagin Heel, The Crystalmist Campaign Chapter 2: The Lichway. The module comes with two adventures: a hau. In fact, more than one NPC has a goal to ensure the characters don't to go the mansion. This product is only available in the Ghosts of Saltmarsh bundle.. Congratulations DM Wise & the WoG Team on creating such a fabulous module. In short, The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh comes very close to taking Gygaxian naturalism to the next level by teasing out the implications of what a world where the D&D rules apply might look like. And there are nasty surprises in terms of traps and secrets waiting for characters at times usually without it being overtly frustrating, although I would encourage at least one character in the party with investment in the search skill otherwise you may be 'searching' for solutions to puzzles for some time. Ghosts of Saltmarsh Haunted House Maps. Apparently I need to rename one of the haks (cep2_custom). I don't get a journal entry at the start of the module which would be okay, if I'd be drawn into the story right away and didn't have to find out what it is all about, but after I went to Saltmarsh and explored the place I have yet to find anybody who gives me more than a one-liner conversation except for those who tell me about the extra features the PW has (which sort of kills immersion for a single player module). web pages Wow, thanks for those comments, Werelynx. The adventure is set in the World of Greyhawk. Get discounts on expansions in the DDO Market: 25% off Isle of Dread 25% off Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh 50% off Fables of the Feywild 75% off Masterminds of Sharn 75% off Expansion Trove Now through March 5th! To be precise, TSR UK planned to start producing adventures authored in the UK to offer a unique British take on D&D: "The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh" was the first. A Great Week For Card Games! Arawen has added new features and content for DMs who wish to run the game in a more improvisational pen and paper style. This is what really makes it sing. Bambra criticized how the first-level characters provided with the module come equipped with magic items: "I fail to see how this can be justified, as the module is not difficult enough to warrant the bestowal of magic before play even begins. I've tried helping a player here without success - maybe the author or someone else would be able to assist them? The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh is a module for the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons ( AD&D) roleplaying game, written by Dave J. Browne with Don Turnbull. The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh is the first installment in a series of three modules designed and developed in the United Kingdom, for beginning adventures with the AD&D rules. Pages in category "Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh Expansion Items" The following 17 pages are in this category, out of 17 total. Then lost the spear I gave him.. Finally, as was mentioned in the original release of the 1981 U1 Module, Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh, this is a thinking man's adventure. Strength of arms will not ensure victory nor even a successful conclusion to this adventure. The current version listed is compiled and fixed. Addeddate 2019-08-14 07:25:18 Coverleaf 0 Identifier tsr09062u1sinistersecretofsaltmarshlvl13 Identifier-ark ark:/13960/t3230r392 Ocr ABBYY FineReader 11.0 (Extended OCR) Most newer books are in the original electronic format. THESE MAPS ARE FREE FOR DOWNLOAD! Difficulty - in the beginning most encounters were too deadly for solo player. Or too dogmatic. Bell of Lost Souls℗ is a registered trademark of Game mechanics Newbie guide In development DDO Store Social Media, Challenges Classes Collectables Crafting Enhancements Epic Destinies Favor Feats, Glossary Items Maps Monsters Places Quests Races Reincarnation Skills Spells. When I click it nothing happens. The module includes optional pre-generated first level characters for use by the players. Fire up the game and the Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh will appear in your list of Modules to play. Have a question or want to contact me? Our adventure begins with the characters traveling to a supposedly haunted mansion. The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh is one of the adventures featured in the upcoming D&D Book Ghosts of Saltmarsh. These were some older tilesets created by Lord of Worms (true genius). View Profile and an ominous threat of more dangers to come, as the adventurers must fight to unravel a smuggling ring delivering weapons to a tribe of lizardfolk. will definitely buy again! It seems that when you start module it's evening and by the time you get into tavern this NPC is in town hall and has different conversation. (and pay the weregild if they ask you, instead of hunting the beast, because he is in that area where you will crash). Thought you would be able to buy them. Check out Sly Flourish's Frequently Asked Questions. [3] The module sleeve contains the following description: Desolate and abandoned, the evil alchemist's mansion stands alone on the cliff, looking out towards the sea. Dave J. Browne wrote the first four adventures for TSR UK: U1-U3 and UK1. This reddit is for posting battle maps for tabletop RPG's and . They come in the following values: Lesser Elixir of Discovery: +5% chance of finding named loot; Greater Elixir of Discovery: +10% chance of finding named loot; Sovereign Elixir of Discovery: +15% chance of finding named loot; Saltmarsh VIP Elixir of Discovery: +15% for 3 hours Underwater Series. Bambra criticized how the first-level characters provided with the module come equipped with magic items: "I fail to see how this can be justified, as the module is not difficult enough to warrant the bestowal of magic before play even begins. Danger at Dunwater. The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh can be played by five to ten characters of 1st3rd levels. [1] The adventure was written by David J. Browne with Don Turnbull, and published in 1981 as a 32-page booklet with an outer folder. Those lines in your client log are just referencing other parts of the World of Greyhawk (the entire server from which the module is from) for map purposes. Played with Barbarian 2nd level, solo, with NWN:EE. This package includes her version of the mod, a 25-page PDF DM guide, maps, DMFI Wands & Widgets and a sample DM character. It includes areas and adventures inspired by the original AD&D module as well as later stories from the 5E Ghosts of Saltmarsh book. My notes on The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh. A high quality scan of this module should be offered for POD, and it would sell well. According to TSR's official codes, the "U" coding on "Secret of Saltmarsh" stands for "underwater." The adventure can be played by 5-10 characters of level 1-3. This adventure is designed for solo or party play (though a party is highly recommended). Purchasing this bundle unlocks the Ghosts of Saltmarsh book in digital format in the game compendium with all the artwork and maps, cross-linking, and tooltips. It was also where all the weapons were kept. U1 uses a number of tropes that had appeared in other adventures from the late 70s. "[2] Bambra noted that the adventure's main thrust engages the players' problem solving skills, forcing them to piece clues together, and that the encounters in the adventure should present no problems to an intelligent party. This history of this product was researched and written by Shannon Appelcline, the author of Designers & Dragons - a history of the roleplaying industry told one company at a time. I cannot recommend it highly enough. About the Creators. 1981 AD&D 1st edition module U1, levels 1-3, 2019 5E adventure hardcover, levels 1-12 campaign, includes updated version of previous modules and more. Instead of a good old dungeon crawl, players got to explore a big old spooky house, and deal with all sorts of annoying wandering monsters, as well as traps and illusions."[8]. Update: 11/5/21: Fixed all bugs, added more features, quality of life improvements, restored sea cave ceilings, and added a number of other flourishes, enhancements, portraits, voicesets. This is a great scan of a great module.The interior illustrations are a bit too dark but that is a small gripe.Highly recommended. The scenario is the first of the Underwater (U) series of modules set in Saltmarsh, and details a ghostly ship and the haunted mansion of an evil alchemist. Allow players to restock what they need. is a little bit of a mess in some ways. [2] The module sleeve contains the following description: Desolate and abandoned, the evil alchemist's mansion stands alone on the cliff, looking out towards the sea. No clues how to do that, boat just takes me back to the cave. Third, U1 presents a relatively self-contained adventure - with a haunted house and smugglers - but then throws in a few lizard men at the end, which can lead characters on to the next adventure in the series, much as players went down the adventure path from the classic G-series ("Giant") adventures (1978) to the D-series ("Descent") adventures (1978) by following the drow. The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh is the first adventure of seven in the Ghosts of Saltmarsh campaign book. Ian Livingstone 1982| title=Dicing with Dragons. Why in the world would you make the other two in this series POD but not this one??? Sea Ghost Top Deck. I have to say that Sinister Secret Of Saltmarsh is very a much a product, For an AD&D 1e module it's pretty well organized with inline monster stats (though you'd still need to look up THAC0s if you use 2e of course). With two exceptions, there arent specific guidelines for the town, theres not a list of NPCs you can flip to. List is empty so it's not possible to select deity and advance as paladin or cleric. Not sure if it matters, but I am running the linux version of NWN EE through Steam. My character says one line only. I believe this makes this module (the only other modules I have played significantly being the Aielund Saga I-VI and three NWN Bioware Campaigns) much richer and enjoyable than one expects, more enjoyable than Aielund and Bioware for me. [5]. In this session the characters can spend a few days reconnecting with Saltmarsh, tying back in with their backgrounds, investigating leads they might have come across, or anything else they might want to do. This DM Version is based on Oraweb's NWN mod of the original U1 The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh. Maybe a walkthrough? The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh is the first installment in a series of three modules designed and developed in the United Kingdom, for beginning adventures with the AD&D rules. If you want to run this in 5e, just use Ghosts of Saltmarsh. This works right into the hands of the Scarlet Brotherhood and adds pressure in the opposite direction from the rumor that the dead woman shows that the Sea Princes are returning. Including a throwaway secret that the players might never realizebut the fact that this mansion was once home to an alchemist is right there for players to discover. Please discard old module, download the new module and the new versions of the haks and tlk (many have been changed and/or updated). For whatever reason I was using doors from it somehow. The loyalist council member and smuggler Gellan Primewater himself has such an affectation and Skerrin knows it so he uses it to steer attention away from him and towards the corrupt council member who he plans to either turn to the Brotherhood or remove from the council. Thus, we can help this adventure out by offering a stronger hook. Make sure you either have the Required Projects (hyperlinks near bottom) and extract into your hak folder (CEP 2.65). - Corporal Radric on the trip back has wrong conversation Head out to the Haunted House and make it a big to-do in town. Ended 9th level. On top of that this has been uploaded to be shared freely for the NWN community. What is its sinister secret? That doesn't mean they'll act perfectly, however. At a guess, the "U" most likely stood for UK, but that was abandoned when the later "UK" adventure series appeared.