3. Keren Kanyago is a freelance writer and blogger at Parenting Spring. It is clear that nagging, an act that comes naturally to wives, is extremely off-putting to their husbands. Communication can breakdown at any point in a relationship. See a medical professional for personalized consultation. interactive elements on the site, any assistance, or response you receive is provided by the author All rights reserved. Writer obviously tried to do their best in writing this article. My Wife Had An Affair But It Wasnt All Her Fault, How sleeping in separate bedrooms made them a better couple. Learn how your comment data is processed. Arguing and answering back is only going to make matters worse. Ultimately, you will cultivate happiness and harmony in your relationship. Expert Tells You. However, if you look at why do women complain so much, the foremost reason is that they feel drained from having to carry almost the entire load of domestic responsibilities. Do you offer weekend counseling appointments? You may already be too tired from work, and you go home with more issues, especially if your wife is overbearing and controlling. Tell your wife that this is the person who she married and she knew who you were before marriage. Unfortunately, theres no formula or magic words for breaking bad habits or the communication cycle that created it. Tell her how much her nagging is affecting your mental peace and is hampering your other engagements as well. Marriage is like that. Most of the time, when your wife flies off the handle, you have no idea why. This is usually how nagging occurs. Your stress from a nagging wife will also reduce. To prevent the effects of constant nagging from taking a toll on your mental health and the health of your marriage, take some time off when a situation blows up and revisit the issue at hand later. Long criticism and nagging often breed resentment and makes things worse. Quit reminding him of his past mistakes, aka nagging him. If you nag your partner for every trivial thing, such as forgetting a birthday or an event, although you have mentioned it many times, you will end up trying to micromanage their life. You could become the overly controlling wife who has to constantly nag to get your husband to act according to your will. Her incessant nagging and prodding pushed his buttons and drove him to the end of his rope. One obvious controlling wife sign is if she is always right. Men too, carry various labels such as husband, entrepreneur, son, etc. Let us understand them with some simple instances. Women are also more prone to nagging because they naturally feel responsible for the proper functioning of the home and family. Is being in a relationship with a nagging partner good? So maybe try to follow her lead and do things the way she likes them done maybe shes insistent on it because she feels that the system shes set in place works flawlessly. Keep yourself busy and pursue your passions This way, you will have no time to obsess about your husband's flaws. To stop your wife from nagging, it may be time to redefine the gender roles in your marriage and make it a partnership of equals. This basically says you wife is nagging because youre a shit husband only real way to stop the nagging is to say yes dear and jump up and do whatever it is shes nagging about instantly. Your overall approach will differ from the reason for the attitude shes displaying. Improving communication in your relationship can act as a bridge for these differences. A nagging wife cannot be offended because the moment she gets offended, the incidence is recorded into her books for life. Often bragging how she is the head of the family! Of course, were mostly ready for this, but what if you start seeing drastic behavioral changes in your wife? She provides inspiration, support, and empowerment in the form of motivational articles and essays. According to him, It's important to understand all of the reasons why your wife nags, which could be about much more than just what she says to justify it. When a person feels unheard, they will make sure that they repeat one point over and over again because they are trying to explain their side of the story and make sure their point gets across to the other person. I know I have been guilty of constantly poking holes in my husband's suggestions and flaunting my own as more reasonable and effective. I have my own set of rules and way of doing things which are often very different from his. You also acknowledge that owing to the limited nature of communication possible on Who Is A Nagging Woman? Ridhi says, Negotiating is key to deal with a wife nagging the right way. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Has your husband hinted to you or even told you plainly that you nag him? And, when he asks you what bothers you, you push him away saying it doesnt matter. The constant negative bombardment can push your husband to give up on himself and eventually your marriage. This post focuses on a nagging wife, how to avoid being one, and how to develop an understanding with your partner. Referring to a woman as a nag, or a spouse as a nagging wife, is a common stereotype that goes back decades. Your wife may be carrying labels such as daughter, wife, mother, entrepreneur and what not. She would drone on and on. Making an angry wife happy seems out of the question in such situations. Try to understand why your wife is behaving the way she does. This really got to you, and you can't seem to forget the injustice he dispensed out to you. 5 Signs And 9 Ways To Deal With Her, Improving communication in your relationship, How To Deal With Resentment In Marriage? If such is the case with you, then yes, you have married a controlling wife. The Bible expressly frowns upon nagging by wives. This eventually leads to resentment and comes out in the form of nagging and fighting. wife was being unnecessarily controlling. 2. Granted, it takes two to tango. Looking at the naggee, we often see a more laid-back, relaxed person who often procrastinates, at times out of laziness, or perhaps someone who is simply overwhelmed. When you have tasks that you enjoy doing and keep you occupied physically and mentally, you will have less time to fret about what your husband is doing and even less time to judge and complain. Lives get busy and people, especially couples, are prone to making a lot of assumptions about what each other understands from their communication. Your morale and self-esteem begin to take a hit because of your wife showing her dissatisfaction with you almost all the time. You need to talk it out and understand the problem. She Is Not Forgiving And Forgetting. While nagging is a poor communication method, it can be driven by a partner having a pattern of making promises and not delivering. At worst, it can cause a man to give up on his marriage if only to escape the nagging. And both men and women can be guilty. It may also attract mold and cause the paint to peel off. This will calm her down and her constant bickering will stop for a while. Stop Nagging. 2010-2023 Parenting.FirstCry.com. Start with the little things like saying I love you to your wife frequently, bringing the groceries, washing the dishes, etc. Its equally as likely that you're doing the same thing yourself it just gets called something different. Both partners contribute on the degree in which issues are dealt with and. Sometimes you are so focused on shutting up a nagging wife that you dont pay heed to what she is saying. He may tell her that he alone must decide some issues in life, or he might discuss it in the future. But women are more likely to nag, experts say, largely because they are conditioned to feel more responsible for. The Bible states that Love does not keep a record of wrong (1 Corinthians 13: 5). When we tell you not to answer back, it doesnt mean that you need to stay quiet and let your wife keep nagging you. Here are three ways nagging is described in the Scriptures. If they are constantly keeping you on your toes with some chore or the other, it might mean they are trying to make you do all those things, that THEY want . By doing this, you are nagging your husband. Editor's Note: This post was originally published July 5, 2018, and has been updated with new information for accuracy and comprehensiveness. Its just that men, by nature, wouldnt want to let everyone know about their state because it emasculates them, and of course, this is understandable. How often should I go to marriage counseling? A simple sorry can turn a nagging beast into your beautiful wife again, says Ridhi. If shes suffering some form of psychological problems, she may need professional help. Just how do you deal with a controlling wife without giving up on your, However, upon getting married, we start seeing the real personality of the person we. all about love and couple relationships in their varied forms. There is nothing healthy communication between two partners cannot solve. She tries to get the message across to him, for example, making her a part of his decision-making process. He was willing to do anything to make her stop including giving away the secret to his strength. Ridhi explains, Just the way its important to hear and understand her perspective, to stop your wife from nagging you must also put forth your perspective on matters where points of view differ or clash. If you constantly complain about your husband or give instructions, you may be a nagging wife. When you marry a narcissist, you will not realize that he wants to destroy you from the inside out by acting like . your doctor. When things dont go your way, you start nagging. If you are overly dependent on your husband for happiness and general satisfaction in life, and nag him for not giving enough, it is time to examine yourself and what drives you. In fact, the most likely scenario is that both of you have fallen into bad habits like: Put all these things together and its a recipe for not only falling back on nagging as the default form of communication, but also unhappiness and even eventual divorce. The information on this website is of a general nature and available for educational purposes only and She holds a degree in mass communication with a specialty in print media. The following two tabs change content below. You can learn more about the authenticity of the information we present in our. That's how destructive nagging is. 5 CHARACTERISTICS OF A NAGGING MAN: A Nagging man complains all the time. Have We Turned Our Favorite Preachers and Teachers into Idols? Examples include a hellish boss, a physically abusive husband or wife, or a demanding professor. Couples will have to take some time to step back and reevaluate how they communicate and start making the effort at working together again. Getting over your behavior before it starts affecting your marriage is essential. If your partner is constantly finding faults with you or henpecking you at every drop of a hat, you probably have a nagging wife or husband. This is by far the most effective way to do your share, and stop the way that your spouse feels the need to give constant reminders. You can start off by using positive words and statements for her so that she does not misinterpret them. If you have to repeatedly remind your spouse to take more responsibility and work harder, the damage is done. Are you in a situation where youre beginning to ask yourself, Is my wife controlling me? If you do, then you might have married a controlling wife. Follow her on Facebook and Instagram and/or shoot her an email at kerenkanyago@gmail.com. For the purposes of this article and topic understanding a nagging wife - we can sum it up by saying that women typically employ more non-verbal communication techniques and feeling based words, whereas men are often more directive and less apt to refer to anything feeling based. Dont do that. If your husband had to deal with a nagging wife for many years, the emotional toll it takes would need time to heal. Remember that as a human being, you also have your flaws. Most wives would dispute the label "nagging wife" because men and women understand nagging differently. hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(31983, '422dc4cd-3e61-4996-9cd8-5f45f0b86187', {"useNewLoader":"true","region":"na1"}); Changing a persons propensity to nag as a means to get results will need both people to consider the way theyre handling the things that trigger it.