Especially in regard to teaching, I feel it is important to continue to push yourself and think critically, and the architectural competition is a framework to do that. Pavel Nishchanka, Olga Dolinina, Yuri Korolev and Yuliya Nesviatayeva from Belarus! ", "For me, architecture competitions are the purest essence of our work. Joanna Abi Nader andRagheed Abi Hassan from Lebanon! On another level, I do so in order to join conversations about what is possible through architecture and learn from the international architectural community. "Competitions allow us to explore emerging research through concrete design exercises, elevating our design process and scientific inquiries through their overlap. "As we said above, were happy to take up new challenges: new context, new problem-solution setting, and new continents:) Win is fun, getting known in the new markets is great for business, but the key is learning and getting stronger after every new case - the skills we later apply for our work with Customers.". Giovanni Simioni, Maximilian Rietschel, Lewis Williams and Damiano Toffanin from Denmark! Victims of Persecution. We participate in architecture competitions to exercise a creative freedom through which we can gain a better understanding of contemporary issues that the profession must deal with.". "We participate in architecture competitions as they provide a positive environment to further develop architectural research while stimulating creativity to produce experimental, yet adequate design solutions.". Marcelo Moura, Marina Dipre, Alberto Botafogo and Victoria Greenman from Brazil! For example, individual houses may be shown as small black squares. You dont have to struggle with bureaucracy, budget, or worry being political means.". Restart. The competition allows us to think of new ideas and test them out in various projects in different countries that are not usually encountered. Customers can see different approaches to a design task, and so have the opportunity to fully understand what they can get. ", "Participating in competitions is a great learning opportunity. Jan Tomas Ciesla, Miroslav Kratky and Iva Potuckova from Czech Republic! We also enjoy developing projects.". "Every architecture competition is an uncharted journey and challenge. It allows us to stretch various design muscles, engage in new design ideas, and innovate in areas outside of our usual practice.". 1300 Locust Street Philadelphia, PA 19107 Agathe Sautet, Clara Berthaud and Matthieu Friedli from Switzerland! But most of all because I enjoy the design process. For the agency, this has always made it possible to freely explore fields of ideas and to shape new concepts. It is a way to express our commitment to humanistic ideas and an active professional attitude to architecture. Competitions are important within our field because they allow us to pursue our endeavor to define the zeitgeist of the 21st century. Chun Fei Wong and June Yong from Malaysia! ", "We like to challenge ourselves, work on something together and learn new skills and architecture competitions are a great way to do that. Nowadays, we have an unique chance to compare our level to participants. "For now there is nothing we wish more than to get the possibility to share our enthusiasm, experiences and ideas for the new dimension of art and architecture.". "For us, taking part in architectural vision competition is a big chance for experimentation with space and structure, an opportunity to celebrate the design process and to face unusual topics.". "I find it a good reason to flex your mind creatively and see where you stand in relation to the collective order of things within the profession. Shahd Serhan, Mariam Farrah and Rawan Da'na from Jordan! Evgenii Varlygin and Anastasiia Soshnikova from Russian Federation! It was also an opportunity to explore my own interests and explore ideas which may not be possible within the restrictions of a university project brief. "Architecture competitions become our media to share our ideas and thoughts which sometimes we cant deliver on our real projects. ", "Participating in architecture competitions is the most opportune moment to push ourselves to the limit and explore our creativity. The design that I create through the storytelling and penetrating concepts awaken potential creativity. Daniele Conticchio, Aurora Del Sette, Beatrice Bella and Vincenzo Copogna from Italy! "Competitions are a different way of learning and exploring architecture. "Why participate in architecture competitions? Participation in competitions allows us to be involved in the new history of architecture, be in the context, and keep up with its development.". Project the map, titled The World. "I like to challenge myself, and during every competition I learn something new. Paul Mayencourt and Mohamed Ismail from United States! Hudson Parris and Matthew Cox from United States! "Architecture competitions give us a great opportunity to do something different from the daily work routine, still being engaged in our favorite occupation, experimenting and developing our skills. "The participation to contests comes from the will to report with different ideas and ways to think about architecture. It can help broaden your horizons and creativity. We are curious to see how the methodology and our self-imposed set of rules will crystallize into a clear design. It develops us as professionals and motivates us to search for new ways of thinking about architecture.". ", Monte D'Oiro Wine Hotel Honorable competition, "We participate in competitions because we have fun with it, and we really enjoy the process of creating architecture. ", SKYHIVE 2020 SKYSCRAPER CHALLENGE competition. Ipek Duzova, Ertug Erpek and Kaya Emre Gonencen from Turkey! "This kind of competition is a good field for matching with other points of view. Haipng (Heffrence) Teow and Lapzhen Wong from Malaysia! "To push ourselves to our limits, to experiment as well as to develop our imagination in concepts with different needs, which we may not have a chance to encounter in our professional career.". "Architectural competitions are a good opportunity to improve various skills from an idea to its presentation. This removes any pressure from what the result ends up being, as well as allows us to improve our own ability to iterate and refine our designs. ", "Architecture competitions have various themes and limited preferences. "Most of the time I work on real projects, for this type of competition can be really refreshing for the mind. "We are interested in public opinion - we see it as an exchange, competition and a challenge. Roman Leonidov, Pavel Sorokovov and Fiantseva Svetlana from Russian Federation! George Guida, Tatjana Crossley and Carolina Gismondi from United Kingdom! "Participating in competitions allows me to focus on conceptual thinking. Competitions are an opportunity to step away from external demands and rediscover what is important to us. b. ", ABU DHABI FLAMINGO OBSERVATION TOWER competition. Grzegorz Mczka and Marta Mczka from Poland! There really is no better way to hone your skills than to be shut away in a room with collaborators discussing brazen ideas and acting on them. ", VALE DE MOSES MEDITATION CABINS competition. ", Iceland Volcano Lookout Point competition. ", "Personally, I see architecture competitions as an intellectual delight and a way to acknowledge and measure the current practices on an international basis. Public speech: Speech made within the public space. "Through the NIKA Creative Lab, we are always looking for ways to cultivate new ideas in a collaborative lab environment. This is not always possible in your work or study projects.". With this we concluded that every assignment, also within the profession, should be approached in this way. In particular, our team thought that the existing way of working and domestic space intensifies the problems of the current capitalist society. "In real projects, there are a lot of factors that limit the designer, such as municipal plans, governmental procedures, clienteles budget, etc. I considered this experience as a chance to put myself out there, no matter the result, while unleashing my creativity. "We participate in architecture competitions because they offer rich topics and stimulate people's infinite imagination and creativity of architecture.". "Architecture vision competitions continuously trigger us to train our sensations on designing, redesigning and finalizing. "It was an exciting experience and the opportunity to convey ideas through the prism of your worldview. By pursuing competitions with the hopes of the possible construction of the results, our partnership gathers more authorship in the architectural realm.". Of course, we faced many challenges, but finally overcome them. Larissa De Rosso and Ana Bretes from United Kingdom! Participating in architecture vision competitions does have a lot of value in terms of studying and learning different perspectives, getting away from the frame of reality, and also providing examples for others. Reza Aliabadi and Arman Ghafouri - Azar from Canada! Public space: A place that is within the public sphere of society, such as a town square or a busy street. They keep us looking for new ideas and maintaining a fresh design approach.". Diogo Lopes, Sara Pertile, Simone Antonelli and Susan Isawi from Portugal! After the deadline we always have a feeling that we could explore the issue more, which leaves us even more motivated and curious.". It is a learning experience. ", 2nd prize, BB Student award and BB Green award winners. To first think with our hearts, find the big idea, and then work down from there to a more realistic project.". ", MODERN COLLECTIVE LIVING CHALLENGE competition, "Architecture competitions give an opportunity to speculate on design and test the limits of what architecture can do for society. They force you to explore different concepts and cultures and simply are an amazing experience in themselves. "For us, participating in architecture competitions represents a promise of being able to explore architectural ideas in their pure sense. ", "Competitions are fun but serious, short but have a lot to learn from, and most importantly are usually on new and most contemporary issues. ", "We enjoy the research dimension of vision competitions because it is a field where we can experiment new ideas. This is a unique opportunity to question programmatic and contextual issues that are often complex. Let's determine the deleted residual for the fourth data point the red one. "While participating in architecture competitions, we can utilize all possible and impossible ways to try to provide our help and visions for real social issues or personal requirements for specific locations, programs, and functions. They are also fun and a challenge because you always have a new task or topic to deal with over a certain period of time. They also provide useful insights for the creative presentation of your project.". Bastiaan Muilwijk and Paul Ouwerkerk from Netherlands! ", "With the multitude of architects and designers on the rise in this day and age, architecture competitions provide an excellent platform for students and professionals in the field to showcase their best work.". Asli Aydin, Yining Cong, Karla Citlalli Contreras Marin and Liujun Chen from Turkey! "Participating in the competition allowed us to stay connected after moving to different cities. ", "I participate because it gives me the possibility to improve my personal skills and knowledge every step of the way. "Competitions are a fantastic way to challenge ourselves, they spark our imagination, and also present a unique chance to test our ideas. ", "Competitions allow me to explore broader architectural concepts beyond the limitations of the office routine. "We like competitions because we can work from the beginning. Open competitions have an important democratic function in helping young architects to show their work.". Mike Sudolsky, Patrick Tria and Lemuel Urbano from the United States! It is also interesting to see the approach of other teams and how diverse solutions can be within the same brief. Alessia Falcini and Christelle Maalouf from Italy! "Architecture competitions provide a great venue for experimentation and development of our skills as well as the opportunity to test our ideas among other individuals who have a similar motive. ", "Creative thinking is one of the best things that we can do without even moving a finger. Show historic documents related to unpopular speech (Brandenburg v. Ohio, Westboro Baptist Church, KKK rally in Carthage). On one hand, it gives us the ability to learn from our mistakes and on the other hand to gain confidence with the several challenges we overcome.". "Competitions help us to develop our conceptual thinking, creativity and to explore our architectural boundaries. We also enjoy how architectures creative design process necessitates research in order to familiarize oneself with different environments and cultures. John Clayson and Andrei Dinu from United Kingdom! Competitions encourage a dynamic working environment as the working team will do brainstorming to come up with the best design.". I participate in architectural competitions to immerse into a creative process, guided by a set of difficult challenges, and to bring to life a solution and response that did not exist before. At the end of the competition, I love to go through my sketches and steps to see the path that I have taken and what I can improve in the future. It is finally a way to continue to express ourselves as young architects.". This way also improves our creative mind to always find new ideas and possibilities. ", Milan Navigli Canal Challenge competition. They are also good opportunities to test the strength and the efficiency of our team.". Claire Roy andAdelie Collard from France! To work on projects that are in a different context than my usual work. They force us to respond to problems we might have never come across during our education or professional life as architects. ", "Architecture competitions invite involvement in a range of projects that would not naturally occur when working on commissions. Ekin Turgay and Serkan Sonar from Turkey! ", "We believe that participation in architecture competitions can create many great opportunities, especially for students. A prospective client with a site, a program of requirements with room for change, and a deadline challenges her out of her comfort zone to do it. It's important for us to continue learning, with every competition or project, we always aim to develop our skills in something we have never done, or even with a new software have never used.". Alex Mcmillan, Fabiola Minerali, Lydia Richardson and Lucas Stott from United States! They played cosmic "connect the dots" to establish patterns that looked like animals, gods, goddesses, and heroes, creating constellations.They also created stories to go along with these star patterns, which became the basis for many of the myths that have passed . With utopia as a connecting line, it allows us to develop a discourse which is not dependent on time, allowing us to discuss pure shapes and spaces.". ", HOSPICE - HOME FOR TERMINALLY ILL competition. "Office Provisional participates in vision competitions because they provide artificial deadlines for work that we might otherwise not produce. ", "For us, taking part in architectural vision competitions is a big chance for experimentation with space and structure, an opportunity to celebrate the design process and to face unusual topics. It is challenging and fun at the same time. We think that besides the practice that we gain from these competitions, participating in them is a good way of observing how others perceive a task and respond to the same challenge. "We can think outside the box and try different kinds of concepts and experiments. "We sincerely hope that through the power of architecture, we can eliminate the imbalances and inequalities among the urban classes and find a dignified way of living for the low-income groups.". Stiven Rojas Sierra and Ana Mara Gaitn vilafrom from Colombia! Also, my vision could make the globe change. Architecture competitions allow freedom from real-life constraints such as regulatory and budget demands, while also setting up an ideas-led brief to create the basis for the testing ground.". "These competitions give a voice to what is most needed in our built environment. Give each pair an outline map of the world and an outline map of the United States. "Participation in competitions, as well as in exhibitions and publications, for us has become a way to develop our practice and be in dialogue with others.". Shahram Arashzad and Fatemeh Kazemi from United States! Gareth Cotter and Maria Mera Vera from United Kingdom! "We see architectural competitions as opportunities to showcase our philosophy. Keep a fresh mind on what architecture can mean or express.". "It gives you the chance to develop new ideas.". To speak up and ask questions. identifying numeral), Brigade, Combat Command of Armored Division, or Air Force Wing, Boundary between 137th and 138th Infantry. The L4 spinous process is typically larger than the L5 process.