Teen series are definitely back on trend. Les vnements de Baby sont inspirs de l'affaire Baby Squillo, un scandale de prostitution enfantine qui a clat lorsque Angela et Agnese, deux adolescentes ges de 15 et 14 ans, ont t dcouvertes comme faisant partie d'un rseau de prostitution enfantine impliquant au moins 50 personnes accuses d'avoir des relations avec les adolescents, dont des hommes d'affaires . Consiguieron un anuncio de una pgina que ofreca servicios sexuales y dieron con los proxenetas. Floriani, along with other clients, were found guilty. Angela, de 15 aos, es la hija nica de una familia adinerada de Roma; y Agnese, de 14 aos, es la hija de una madre soltera con una vida econmica difcil. Theyve just read that its a series about sex between children and adult men, and they dont want to talk about it. En 2014, la polica reuni una lista de al menos 50 clientes, incluidos polticos, abogados, empresarios, y miembros del personal de la ONU. Maybe you can alternate between the days., Other court documents, originally seen and reported on by The Daily Beast in 2014, revealed disturbingly sexual texts sent by clients, including from a high ranking police officer Mauro Floriani, who was a politician in Berlusconi's still important political party, married to Mussolinis granddaughter Alessandra Mussolini and a strong advocate of womens rights. The transition to adulthood becomes, for her, the first time she has the opportunity to be herself and to live, perhaps even by making mistakes, according to her natural impulses. According to Italian Insider, she was sentenced to six years in prison and stripped of parental rights. Whats on TV tonight: Finding Michael, Daisy Jones & the Six, Beyond Paradise and more, How Daisy Jones & the Six faked Fleetwood Mac, Lucy Worsley: For years I thought an au pair and a courtesan were the same thing, Finding Michael, review: stunning scenery and uneasy ethics among Everest's dead, Stephen Fry: Willem and Frieda Defying the Nazis, review: a moving story of wartime defiance. So this is the first time young female Italians have seen this kind of story. Only through this process will she discover her real nature," Porcaroli told Refinery29 last year. Hearst Magazine Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved. The 2015 novel Professione Lolita by Daniele Autieri follows a group of teenagers in Paroli who get involved with prostitution and the Roman underworld. But for me, thats a kind of censorship. In Baby, two high-schoolers in the posh Paroli district of Rome begin working as sex workers. Apparently the duo was making approximately 500-600 euros ($570-$680) a day minus the cut they had to give their pimps. Tras la investigacin, la madre de Agnese fue privada de. If you continue to use our services, we will assume that you agree to the use of such cookies. },false) Find out more, The latest offers and discount codes from popular brands on Telegraph Voucher Codes, Benedetta Porcaroli as Ludovico and Alice Pagani Chiara in Baby, Benedetta Porcaroli and Alice Pagani in Baby, Andrea de Sica and Anna Negri attend the World Premiere of Baby. Pics of Zach and His Winner Are On Reddit, Nick Viall Called Zach Shallcross a "Total Dick", The 411 on Whey Greer From The Bachelor Is MIA, Attn: Bachelor Eliminations Have Begun , Outer Banks Stars Madison and Carlacia Talk S4, Zach Responded to That Tense Zoom Date with Greer. He was very good looking, wealthy, and with a very nice job, says de Sica. This, however, was not completely portrayed in the series, as neither of the girl's mothers knows exactly what their daughters are doing after hours as per the end of Season 2. Who knows what Season 3 will bring us? En la serie Baby de Netflix, Angela estara representada como Chiara y Agnese es Ludovica. As The Daily Beast reports, the older girl comes from a notable Roman family. Likely, in Baby, Angela is represented by Chiara, the disaffected only child of two wealthy Romans. In Italy, we had the opposite problem. En la serie las protagonistas son . Multiple clients received fines and prison sentences. The series focuses on two young women, Chiara (Benedetta Porcaroli) and Ludovica aka Ludo (Alice Pagani) from the Paroli district of Rome, who begin working as sex workers. Of Baby, one of the shows directors, Andrea De Sica, said, We tried to be as faithful as possible to [the girls] conflicts and their choices, but added, what youve seen is not a chronicle of real-life events., The Real Teen Sex Scandal That Inspired Baby On Netflix, All The Biggest Moments From The 2023 BRIT Awards, Theres a Major Issue With Latina Representation In, Like Many Sex Workers, Tilly Lawless Has Her Own Critique Of, teens are getting up to a different kind of no good. By June 2015, 11 clients had received one-year prison sentences and fines, and Angela was said to be suffering severe psychological trauma. Niccol es el hermano de Camilla, aunque est saliendo con una chica popular de la escuela, tambin mantiene en secreto una aventura con Chiara. Angela and Agnese (also a fake name) followed an online ad and found Nunzio Pizzacalla, an officer with the Italian Alpine military service and Mirko Ieni, who would become their pimps. Sin embargo, despus reconoci haber mantenido relaciones a cambio de dinero con una de las menores y fue condenado a un ao de prisin. El largometraje narra la historia de un grupo de baile de nias de 11 aos de edad, Sin embargo, el pster y la descripcin utilizados para dar a conocer este filme fueron catalogados como inapropiados y promotores de pedofilia. hitType: 'event', pg.acq.push(function() { Suscrbete al boletn gratuito de noticias de eldiario. En muchas personas estos temas generan una gran preocupacin, puesto que la generacin actual de jvenes pueden resultar susceptibles a estos contenidos. Sin embargo, la diferencia es que lite es creada y Baby est basada en hechos reales. 23 Must-Watch British Crime Dramas on Netflix, Alert! We would like to show you a description here but the site won't allow us. But there's a bit of European spice layered in. En la investigacin, en una de las llamadas, las autoridades descubrieron que la madre de Agnese, alent la carrera de su hija por un precio de 300 euros por cada encuentro, y en una de las conversaciones de madre e hija se escuch el reclamo de porque no estaba trabajando. El tema del documental tom mayor relevancia en Venezuela luego de que Juan Carlos Sosa Azprua, escritor y abogado, cuestion la calidad del documental y calific a una joven de 14 aos de edad como una mujer en lugar de una nia. Mirko Ieni indic a las autoridades que los clientes saban muy bien que las chicas eran menores de edad y dijo que la edad de las nias: era el verdadero atractivo que ayud a atraer clientes. International shows on Netflix have been having a major moment in 2018. The real events that inspired Baby are similar, if not more extreme. Totalmente gratis. } The ring was discovered when the mother of the other girl, Angela, became suspicious of her daughters increased income and called police. This of course became a media frenzy resulting in the Baby Squillo scandal. The baby squillo scandal has inspired other works. They followed an ad which led them to their future pimps: Mirko Ieni and military officer Nunzio Pizzacella. Prostitution is legal in Italy, though paying for sex with a minor under 18 is illegal. Angela and Agnese met their clients - over 50 men including government officials, politicians and UN staff members - after school, in a . Todos los derechos reservados 2022 Cultura Colectiva. ga('ads.send', { Segn los medios italianos, el escndalo sexual de Parioli, conocido en Italia como "Baby squillo" (bebs prostitutas), la doble vida de las jvenes fue descubierta gracias a la madre de una de ellas, que denunci los hechos ante la Polica al sospechar del estilo de vida de su hija, adems de descubrir que consuma cocana. As of June 2015, 11 clients had received one-year prison sentences and fines. Y aunque hay ficciones totalmente exageradas, algunas toman hechos de la vida real, tal es el caso de Baby, una produccin italiana de Netflix que trata sobre adolescentes europeos ricos comportndose mal, que gener polmica por haber retomado un escndalo de prostitucin infantil ocurrido en Italia hace unos aos. En el caso real, tanto Angela como Agnese declararon que se involucraron en la prostitucin para obtener dinero fcil luego de haber encontrado a travs de internet un anuncio de una red de prostitucin que las conect a un proxeneta. La razn porque le permiti y se involucr fue porque su economa era baja, adems era madre soltera, no fue excusa y se le encontr culpable por promover la prostitucin infantil con una condena de 6 aos en la crcel. Las canciones de Taylor Swift que nos abrazan en cada etapa del amor, La historia de Tormenta, cancin que sell una gran amistad entre Bad Bunny y Gorillaz, Atencin, fans de la Tierra Media! baby squillo angela y agnese 3- Classes pack for $45 baby squillo angela y agnese for new clients only. The first thing that we are always looking for is authenticity, and this show has that," said Netflix Vice President of International Originals Kelly Luegenbiehl. Baby tambin ha sido comparada con la popular serie espaola lite, por la similitud en sus personajes adolescentes y el hecho de que en ambas series los personajes viven en un mundo privilegiado donde asisten a una institucin de gran prestigio, sin embargo la produccin italiana tiene sus diferencias y aqu te detallamos quin es quin. Le dictaron 16 aos y medio de condena. Warner Bros. har ms pelculas de El Seor de los Anillos, Del Toro abraza la animacin: adaptar en stop-motion para Netflix novela de Kazuo Ishiguro, Cosas que mantienen humilde a Tenoch y su viaje en Metro de CDMX para sorprender a sus fans. Please review our, You need to be a subscriber to join the conversation. He didnt look like a man who used underage prostitutes.. eventCategory: event.slot.getSlotElementId(), They had been friends since middle school. For those of you who were sucked into the paranoid world of Netflix's lite, you may find yourself intrigued by its latest foreign language series, Baby. Official website of the comedian, television host, talking head, commentator, speaker, and word-haver. Ieni was sentenced to 10 years in prison; Pizzacalla to seven. They also had proof of the sordid text messages clients exchanged with the girls. Creada con Wix.com. Nos referimos a un caso que escandaliz a Italia en 2013 y 2014 y que se conoci como "Baby Squillo." Las vctimas eran dos chicas de 14 y 15 aos cuyos nombres reales nunca fueron revelados, pero se las conoci como Angela y Agnese. Police believe the clients were well aware of the girls were underage. I wanted to show that the darkness is behind what you see., Despite the ethical concerns over the series in the UK, the reception back home in Italy has been positive, says de Sica. According to a 2014 interview conducted by the Huffington Post in Italian, Agnese misses her mother desperately. eventCategory: event.slot.getSlotElementId(), They would earn about 500-600 euros a day, with Ieni taking a cut of the money, and began purchasing designer clothes, makeup and other expensive products. According to the Daily Beast, a dozen more girls were involved in the underage prostitution ring, but it "centers on a 14-year-old and a 16-year-old who told investigating prosecutor Cristina Macchiusi that they got into the game by searching 'easy money' on Google.". Vuelve pronto, y mantente actualizado. Durante el da acudan al prestigioso instituto y en las tardes iban al barrio de Parioli para prostituirse, y as obtener dinero para los lujos que siempre haban soado. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. hitType: 'event', Los eventos en Baby estn inspirados en el caso Baby Squillo, un escndalo de prostitucin de menores que estall cuando Angela y Agnese, dos adolescentes de 15 y 14 aos, fueron descubiertas de formar parte de una red de prostitucin de menores que involucr a al menos 50 personas acusadas de haber tenido relaciones con las adolescentes, entre los clientes estaban empresarios, abogados, funcionarios de la polica y polticos. We are one of the worlds fastest growing Pero cuando empieza a sentir una atraccin por Chiara, las cosas en el colegio parecen no ser tan malas. What most found horrid in the case was the involvement of one of the girl's parents. Esta produccin fue comparada con, En 2014, la polica reuni una lista de al menos 50 clientes, incluidos polticos, abogados, empresarios, y miembros del personal de la, Fuente: Daily Mail. Further, Cosmopolitan reported that the clients were not kept in the dark that the girls were underage with Leni saying the fact that the girls were under 18, was the real draw that helped lure customers. The reason why Baby works for a female audience, is that for the first time, girls are not seeing themselves as innocent angels or objects of desire for men. Las chicas llevaban una doble vida; por el da acudan al prestigioso instituto, mientras por la tarde acudan al barrio de Parioli para prostituirse, y as obtener dinero para comprarse todo que deseaban y tener una vida llena de lujos que siempre haban soado. Floriani is married to Alessandra Mussolini, a senator in Italys right-leaning Forza Italia party and granddaughter of of fascist leader Benito Mussolini. Hungry for new clothes and designer bags, but also keen to spice up their daily existence, they begin to lead a double life. Despite the outcry from survivors of sex trafficking, subject matter experts, and social service providers, Netflix promotes sex trafficking by insisting on streaming Baby. . Mientras tanto, su nueva amistad con Ludovica inyecta su vida con entusiasmo cuando Ludo le plantea la idea de convertirse en escorts para ganar dinero. Ieni was sentenced to 10 years in prison and Pizzacalla to seven. Ambas ganaban entre 500 y 600 euros por da, y comenzaron a gastar sus ganancias en ropa de diseador, maquillaje y telfonos celulares, al fin tenan la vida de lujos a la que aspiraban, sin depender de nadie ms que de ellas mismas. La explicitud de la escena gener una gran impresin y expertos en la salud mental se mostraron preocupados por los efectos que poda tener en los jvenes. Did he consider casting less attractive women? But you need a secret life.. Taught at a private school and living in one of the most des-res parts of Rome, the young women are bored. if(document.querySelector("#adunit")){ document.querySelector("#google_image_div").addEventListener('click',function(){ Cuenta la historia de una joven que se quit la vida y que deja una serie de cintas donde seala a los culpables de empujarla a tomar la decisin de suicidarse. Las crticas a Netflix por supuestamente promover la pedofilia y abordar temas en sus series y pelculas sobre el bullying, el abuso sexual, la prostitucin infantil, el suicidio, la depresin, entre otros, resultan sensibles para algunas personas. eventAction: 'render' According to Italian media reports from 2013, the two girls who were referred to by pseudonyms Angela and Agnese started after they searched easy money on Google. Pero el que caus ms revuelo fue el oficial de la polica Mauro Floriani, involucrado en el hecho y quien estaba casado con Alessandra Mussolini, una senadora del partido de derecha Forza Italia y nieta del lder fascista Benito Mussolini. While prostitution is legal in Italy, the legal age for sex is 18. 2020. "Chiara feels something inside forcing her to behave and live according to what is expected from her. I wanted a lot of money and I didnt want to miss out on having on anything, Angelaboth girls were given fake names in the reportsaid during an interview with investigating prosecutor Christina Macchiusi. Its hard not to imagine the film crew in the room throughout, puppeteering two hollow plastic mannequins with painted faces. We wanted the viewers to get serious about the characters.. Refinery29 reported that the girls, Angela and Agnese (fake names for their protection), had been part of the prostitution ring for "easy money". baby squillo angela y agnese INTRO OFFER!!! He and Mussolini, who headed a parliamentary committee on childrens rights, had three children together. Alm de cont. There is no online registration for the intro class Terms of usage & Conditions Angela and Agnese operated out of a two-bedroom apartment on Via Parioli in Rome, sometimes making 400 to 500 euro a day. Do we ban films about mafia killers just because they show something wrong? }); Interpretado por el actor Ricardo Mandolini, este chico rebelde comienza a tener conflictos con Niccol y Brando por vender drogas al menudeo. The prostitution scandal was just the starting point, explains de Sica, who worked with a group of young, Italian male and female writers aged 19 to 25 for the series. En la declaracin de Ieni, uno de los proxenetas de Angela y Agnese, confirm a las autoridades que los clientes saban muy bien que las chicas eran menores de edad y dijo que la edad de las nias era el verdadero atractivo que ayud a atraer clientes. In wiretapped cell phone calls, Agneses mother is heard scolding her daughter for not working. Against a backdrop of forbidden love, Ludovica and Chiara defy social codes and family pressure to become prostitutes. 2020 por ENLACE INFORMATIVO. The mother of a 15 year oldschoolgirl from Parioli alerted the police after noticing her teenage daughter (given the fake name Agnese by the media) was suddenly buying expensive designer clothes and mobile phones out of her own pocket. if(document.querySelector("#ads")){ }); eventCategory: event.slot.getSlotElementId(), Notifications can be turned off anytime from browser settings. Todos los derechos reservados 2022 Cultura Colectiva. The situations shown in Baby have been deemed counter-productive to the combat being fought to defend the victims of sex trafficking. Skuola.net ha realizado una encuesta entre estudiantes de una edad comprendida entre 11 y 19 aos, el resultado es que el 15% de los adolescentes de Italia afirman que el fenmeno de la prostitucin de menores est presente en su colegio. La especialista Elizabeth Leiva, psicloga clnica de la Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCV), seal para El Diario que algo que compartan varias de las vctimas de la red de abusos era que se encontraban en un estado de vulnerabilidad (problemas financieros, familias disfuncionales, abandono infantil y traumas por abusos en la niez). But she was not a pimp. Ahora hemos actualizado las imgenes y la descripcin, indic Netflix. "We tried to be as faithful as possible to [the girls] conflicts and their choices. In a call that was wiretapped during the investigation, authorities believe they found proof of Agnese's mothers involvement. Both pimps were sentenced to jail with Leni being given a decade and Pizzacalla being given seven years behind bars. The series focuses on two young women, Chiara (Benedetta Porcaroli) and Ludovica aka Ludo (Alice Pagani) from the Paroli district of Rome, who begin working as sex workers. From Scorsese to Tarantino: six shows directed by big names of the film industry, Sydney Sweeney: 3 things to know about Euphorias star and Giorgio Armanis new face, Why Netflixs series Wednesday (Addams Family) is such a disappointment, Actor Cillian Murphy lands in Paris for Numro Homme, Why Xavier Dolan might end his career soon, Why Leonard Cohens cult song Hallelujah almost never saw the light of day. Los eventos en Baby estn inspirados en el caso Baby Squillo, un escndalo de prostitucin de menores que estall cuando Angela y Agnese, dos adolescentes de 15 y 14 aos, fueron descubiertas de formar parte de una red de prostitucin de menores que involucr a al menos 50 personas acusadas de haber tenido relaciones con las adolescentes, entre Before Baby even went live on the streaming platform earlier this month, Netflix executives were receiving letters from the National Center on Sexual Exploitation and 55 victims of sex trafficking, urging them to pull it. Las opiniones desataron la polmica, por ello la compaa rectific y cambi tanto la imagen como la sinopsis inicial. ), and making sure their expressions are conducive to looking pretty. }); A docu-film of the same name aired in Italy in 2017. Ludos mom in the show is an absent-minded narcissist who would rather spend time with her boyfriend than with Ludo. Una serie que fue estrenada en Netflix dio mucho que hablar, porque la temtica fue inspirada en un caso real de una red de prostitucin. A 14-year-old and a 15-year-old from Rome were found at the center of an underage prostitution ring. But, unlike lite, Baby has been the subject of massive pushback from the .css-tjvzc4{-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;text-decoration-thickness:0.0625rem;text-decoration-color:inherit;text-underline-offset:0.25rem;color:inherit;-webkit-transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;border-bottom:thin solid #6F6F6F;}.css-tjvzc4:hover{color:#595959;text-decoration-color:border-link-body-hover;}National Center on Sexual Exploitation for "glamorizing" the true story of the 'Baby Squillo' scandal (which roughly translates to baby prostitute). La trama parte de una historia de hace siete aos, donde dos adolescentes de 14 y 15 aos de edad se vieron inmersas en el mundo de la prostitucin. Hijo del embajador libans en Italia, Demiano es un chico audaz y problemtico, acostumbrado a sobrevivir por su cuenta, cuando su madre muere repentinamente, Demiano se muda con su padre al barrio de clase alta de Parioli en Roma, donde acude al mismo instituto que Chiara y Ludo. En la serie Baby de Netflix, Angela estara representada como Chiara y Agnese es Ludovica. .css-4xjy6g{display:block;font-family:RundDisplay,Helvetica,Arial,Sans-serif;font-weight:bold;letter-spacing:0.01em;margin-bottom:0;margin-top:0;-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;}@media (any-hover: hover){.css-4xjy6g:hover{color:link-hover;}}@media(max-width: 48rem){.css-4xjy6g{font-size:1.25rem;line-height:1.2;margin-bottom:0.9375rem;margin-top:1.25rem;}}@media(min-width: 40.625rem){.css-4xjy6g{font-size:1.25rem;line-height:1.2;margin-bottom:1.25rem;margin-top:0.9375rem;}}@media(min-width: 64rem){.css-4xjy6g{font-size:1.625rem;line-height:1.2;}}How to Watch Daisy Jones & the Six, How to Watch the 2023 Crunchyroll Anime Awards, Rejoice: Succession Was Just Renewed Again. Angela is the older girl and Agnese is the younger girl. Baby Squillo, el escndalo en Roma Angela y Agnes, con esos sobrenombres se identific en los medios a las dos menores de 14 y 15 aos que eran parte activa del grupo de prostitucin. His coming of age story, told in six 45-minute episodes, follows high school students Chiara, (played by 20-year-old Benedetta Porcaroli), and Ludovica (21-year-old Alice Pagani), as they grapple with identity conflicts and navigate the hypocrisy of a society obsessed with keeping up appearances. Baby is loosely based on real and really scandalous events that occurred in Rome in 2013 and 2014. The girls are filmed as if they are constantly aware of being sexually appreciated: giggling to the point of absurdity, touching each other (how many times must women tell men thats not what female friendships look like? ga('ads.send', { In news coverage, the girls were referred to by the fake names Angela (the older girl) and Agnese (the younger). 06.07.22 . That much is true, and the scene feels sordid rather than glamorous, with their prospective pimps excitedly discussing how much money the girls, dancing blithely in front of them, will make them, before joking about serving them fruit juice. They wanted to be independent and buy luxury goods. It is important to know that the creators have spoken about the series' resemblance to the actual real-time case, but made sure to mention that it is not explicitly based on the scandal. Baby, a controversial Netflix show, turns one of Romes most shocking scandals into a teen drama. Of the 50, the rings most high-profile client was certainly police officer Mauro Floriani. In Ienis court deposition, he told the investigators their young age was the real drawthere is a real market for young, fresh girls like that.. saturday club membership fees Search. Fuente: Correre Roma. Angela, de 15 aos, es la hija nica de una familia adinerada de Roma; y Agnese, de 14 aos, es la hija de una madre soltera con una vida econmica difcil. El Centro Nacional sobre la Explotacin Sexual, de Estados Unidos, emiti el 30 de noviembre un llamamiento a detener la transmisin de Baby, la nueva serie italiana de Netflix, por considerar que la historia all plasmada "glamuriza el abuso sexual y trivializa la experiencia de un sinfn de menores de edad que han sufrido el trfico sexual". Warner Bros. har ms pelculas de El Seor de los Anillos, Del Toro abraza la animacin: adaptar en stop-motion para Netflix novela de Kazuo Ishiguro, Cosas que mantienen humilde a Tenoch y su viaje en Metro de CDMX para sorprender a sus fans. window.googletag.pubads().addEventListener('impressionViewable', function(event) { media-tech companies with hubs around the world. ga('create', 'UA-67136960-15', 'auto', 'ads'); Seemingly, Chiara (Benedetta Porcaroli) and Ludovica (Alice Pagani) are drawn to this underworld from a sense of ennui, as well as the desire for sexual freedom and financial independence. La trama de Baby es similar al caso de dos jvenes: Agnese y Angela, de 14 y 15 aos de edad, del distrito de Paroli, en Roma, Italia. The story of how a group of youths can embark on an adventure in the labyrinths of transgression, at times even getting lost," said Andrea De Sica, one of the directors of the series, according to Express. Chiara espera estudiar en el extranjero en Estado Unidos el prximo ao con el prestigioso programa de intercambio de su escuela. A list of 50 clients included police officer Mauro Floriani, the husband of Alessandra Mussolini a far-right politician and granddaughter of fascist leader Benito Mussolini. The theme of Netflix shows this autumn seems to be "Rich European Teens Behaving Badly.". Creo que mi amiga podra tener asperger. Cuando Angela y Agnese fueron detenidas, las jvenes de 14 y 15 aos, reconocieron decidieron prostituirse para poder obtener dinero y as comprarse ropa de diseador y lujos. Tanto Chiara como Ludovica buscan independencia de sus familias, y la forma en la que lo conseguirn ser teniendo una segunda vida, si tienes 16 y vives en el suburbio ms bonito en Roma, eres afortunada, pero necesitas una vida secreta, advierte Chiara en el primer episodio de esta historia que involucra drogas, sexo e ilegalidad. They naively turn to prostitution to feel the thrill of the illicit; to create an identity they can really call their own. Cuando los gastos de su colegio superan su economa porque su padre dej de enviar dinero para sus estudios, Ludo es seducida entrar en el mundo de la prostitucin para obtener el dinero que necesita para resolver sus problemas financieros. window.adsContainer = {"positionAfterTitle":{"code":"Article_Desktop_300x250_Middle5_Rel_Newrev","isOrganicUserAd":true,"max_width":336,"max_height":280},"position2":{"code":"Article_Desktop_300x250_After_Title_Rel_Newrev","max_width":336,"max_height":280},"position3":{"code":"Article_Desktop_300x250_Below_Next_Rel_Newrev","max_width":300,"max_height":250},"position4":{"code":"Article_Desktop_300x250_Middle_Rel_Newrev","max_width":300,"max_height":250},"position5":{"code":"Article_Desktop_300x250_Middle1_Rel_Newrev","max_width":300,"max_height":250},"position6":{"code":"Article_Desktop_300x250_Middle2_Rel_Newrev","max_width":336,"max_height":280},"position7":{"code":"Article_Desktop_300x250_Middle3_Rel_Newrev","max_width":300,"max_height":250},"position8":{"code":"Article_Desktop_300x250_Middle4_Rel_Newrev","max_width":300,"max_height":250},"position9":{"code":"Article_Desktop_300x250_Middle5_Rel_Newrev","max_width":336,"max_height":280},"position10":{"code":"Article_Desktop_300x250_Middle6_Rel_Newrev","max_width":336,"max_height":280},"position11":{"code":"Article_Desktop_300x250_Middle7_Rel_Newrev","max_width":336,"max_height":280},"position12":{"code":"Article_Desktop_300x250_Middle8_Rel_Newrev","max_width":336,"max_height":280},"position13":{"code":"Article_Desktop_300x250_Middle9_Rel_Newrev","max_width":336,"max_height":280},"position14":{"code":"Article_Desktop_300x250_Middle10_Rel_Newrev","max_width":336,"max_height":280},"position15":{"code":"Article_Desktop_300x250_Middle11_Rel_Newrev","max_width":336,"max_height":280},"position16":{"code":"Article_Desktop_300x250_Middle12_Rel_Newrev","max_width":336,"max_height":280},"positionTop":{"code":"Article_Desktop_970x250_Header_Rel","isOrganicUserAd":false,"max_width":970,"max_height":250},"positionBottom":{"code":"Article_Desktop_Sidebar_Bottom_Rel_Newrev","isOrganicUserAd":true,"max_width":300,"max_height":600},"positionBottomRight":{"code":"Article_Desktop_300x250_After_Title_Rel_Newrev","isOrganicUserAd":true,"max_width":336,"max_height":280}} Estos hombres se encargaron de darles un apartamento donde las chicas se reunan con los clientes despus de la escuela. Segn un estudio publicado en la revista mdica de psiquiatra peditrica Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, luego del estreno de la pelcula hubo casi 30% ms de suicidios de jvenes de entre 10 y 17 aos en EE UU. Los encargados eran Mirko Leni y el oficial del ejrcito Nunzio Pizzacalla, ellos alquilaron un apartamento en Viale Parioli para los encuentros, y ganaban entre 500 y 600 euros por da. Two girls, aged 14 and 15, referred to by the fake names Agnese and Angela . En su declaracin, Angela dijo por qu haba decidido comerciar con su cuerpo:"Quera un montn de dinero y no quera dejar de tener nada".