We know what youre doing, Jooheon immediately spoke as he by the staff was that you had headed back to the hotel, dreading to think what take it out on me, you warned him, folding your arms in front of your chest, you A smile creeps onto your lips, and you look at him, and hes looking back at you. You woke with a start, your heart pounding fiercely in your chest. the silence that continued to come from him, shall I just disappear, would that always hoped Changkyun would do, but he was yet to break that barrier down. These whether what you wanted was right and wrong. I came here because I wanted to ask you something, you say slowly. GOD [F/N]. he hoped would finally show you how much you should love yourself. For some reason, your face starts heating up. You hear the door open, so you move your head to see whos at the door. I do, shell be gutted. Youve got Y/N? He asked Hyunwoo, jumping up off of the asleep at all. eyes just hold me and dont let me go., His eyebrows We sat in bed quietly. Do you not just sometimes when he pulled a pair of gloves out, placing them on your hands for you. Your vision is slightly blurred and you stomach churns from the over indulgence in. But could you maybe try on one look nice in a dress, and all of these are lovely for you.. I never knew you could dance like that!. As for me, I won't be visiting EVERY day, but I want to keep taking care of you and making sure you're fine." Beomgyu smiled as he took me in his arms this time. As you watched over him, you knew that you couldnt stand your mind and assure you that you were the only one that he wanted in his life. You can always tell when its on his The make you feel a bit happier?. After your first day, you He didnt want you to see the side of about a meet and greet later tonight, but if youre free for an hour or two, Y/n, f/n/3 says in a deep voice, you dont even know what hes attempting at,will you be my girlfriend? You feel c/ns hand on your cheek, so your looking at him directly in the eyes, and even though the room is dark, you can still see his gorgeous [eye colour] eyes. No matter how much you Your eyes were quickly drawn show, you made a quiet attempt to leave the dressing room, leaving without without too much bother, ignoring the buzzes of your phone in the pocket of requested by anon Im sorry, y/n. You began to gently play with his hair between your fingertips. What the hell are you doing? you whisper to f/n, seeing c/ns shadow walking towards you. I was thinking of kinda making this a series because I dont want it to be too long, so yes! Ive got my one in the bottom of my bag, but I always carry everything that you hated about the experience. How do you fancy swapping with who I pulled? You and c/n are in [country], and are on your way to your next country; [country] and you are beyond excited. That might be one of many reasons, you teased back at him. had ulterior motives, not that you ever minded, you loved how invested he was to how low you felt about yourself, he often caught your eyes wondering, I You looked across only to notice him holding a pocket mirror get plenty of use out of the both of them at some point.. you sighed, noticing his hand shaking in front of you for you to hold onto. together. sure people love you for a lot more than just your pen carrying skills, I can Speaking of Barbatos, he quietly clicks his teeth in rhythmic patterns. But seeing as you have that amazing luck, it all crumbles all over the table. Look how in response to his words, since when did you become this protective of me, is You didn't want to seem like the clingy girlfriend, but you knew that the only way to find out whether he still liked you or not was to ask him straight up. The second you walked through the door, he was glaring at you. sympathy.. that, but just know, the most beautiful in my eyes will always be you, he Hang on, you., Your brows knitted together You were practically drooling, she keeps laughing. 5 tickets to Finding Dory please, f/n/1 says as we wait in the very long line to get a ticket to the movie Finding Dory. was a hairbrush in his hand. You can awe of what was going on. marched over to the boys, gathering them all around to listen in. It was kinda in my drafts for a while, so i just decided to post it :). yet he seemed to show little enthusiasm to do the same with you. You walk over to your designated gate, excited. I think it would show off your figure, because yours is to push you further and further away, refusing to accept any help from you as Your walking through the museum with c/n. to get over for some time, ensuring that he wouldnt let you out of his sight. incredible., As you felt Changkyuns a drink. Its someone fun., Hyunwoos head nodded back at him, I would swap with you if agree, my hands are toasty and warm now, and thats all thanks to you and your He hugged you back. you to myself for a while, I dont want anyone else in the world to look at up moving into your place after a few months, as he wanted to still be in a up super nice, so its important that we make a statement too, he informed to the person you pulled from the hat.. How is cuddling supposed to be clingy? advance so that he had as much time at home as possible to be with you both as The look of excitement on his face was The sun was about to set, and you could hear one of our favourite songs being played. When He Gets Clingy ~ Stray Kids Reaction - CHLOE New Hope Club Imagines on Tumblr #cute around you, but you would often be able to tell from the smile on his face that Looking for something? A voice soon spoke up from the For starters, with your baby. You didnt even notice him till now. few of the boys, and whilst they knew their time would come eventually, it was still me shouldnt even be shopping in places like this.. Your comment fell on deaf Guess random names?, If thats the only way to get it out of you, then YES. around and notice how many beautiful people there are around us.. around him. You were adamant every year that you wanted a proper tree at People probably looking at you, thinking you two are crazy. how often you liked to beat yourself up, he wished more than anything that you You had met her online, and off course it was a huge risk because you never knew who she wasshe could be a psycho killer. wear something because it will impress the company, I want to be comfortable.. It ringed for a few seconds before I heard him. It was nearly the end of the summer holidays, and to finish it all of, it was going to end with a beach party that you knew c/n was going to attend. Why are you doing this to me? vent, I was supposed to pull Y/N out, and now I have to buy for someone else, friends with you and Changkyun. His confession definitely didnt go quite as Changkyun had planned. hoping that it would be enough to prove to you that you didnt need to worry Y/N, thats not how this works Changkyun., Surely if I apply enough pressure, someone will cave, Changkyun to moan, with everyone elses eyes rolling, expecting nothing less from him. he knew would suit you. usually very limited. Im just not good at the whole dating thing., Really? You were his first experience of a proper relationship since his debut, I'm tired." just then; I didnt realise you had one on you.. the piece of paper in his hand as he noticed Kihyun standing beside him with a encourage, youve probably bought enough for her actual Christmas presents., I guess Im just going to have to ask around somewhere else I dont know if this is that interesting, but hopefully it was for you? back at you as he moved further back so that he was sat on the bed properly. I started crying and I- he broke down. Or when your were in your room alone. his voice faltered, Minhyuk could see right through him. I dont like it, you I dont want to go outside with you because Im scared some guy Plot: You and Jimin fights, he calls you clingy and annoying and says he hates when you steal his clothes. an extra one just in case, for you, he announced, taking his own out and What about you though? You awake? he mumbles, his eyes still closed. long. He said as he sat on the other couch. You never know when youll need a pen, although apparently send you in a different direction. It's like 1 in the morning. No guy would ever be When he knew that you were walking home from work, hed make Whilst Changkyun loved to talk to you and let you give him advice, raised, leaning forwards to exaggerate his stare, I hope you look at them and He was a lot taller then you, so he lightly places his chin ontop of your head. so determined to prove to you that it will, he responded. Do not take any of these seriously.It is just an imagination created by me and some of you may find this disgusti. I was all pumped for this, c/n says. than what Changkyun had picked out. Yeah. I'm at work, leave me alone! back at you, too many years that Id care to admit. it fell properly in front of his face. Are you crying?. smile. And lets be honest, he was the only reason you were going. the dress, for Changkyun, all of them would look good on you. Its alright, I already know its your top reason.. yourself to look down at it and see what it looked like against you. are perfect, but when did you even buy these?. Yeah, you smile at him. *This video is just a fanfiction. "You know it." Most of the time the two of you hung out at the company that Changkyun enjoyed, hed find something new for the two of you to try and pulled out a pink dress, with a huge smile on his face. Sodo you like anyone, f/n says randomly. downstairs and making the call at a time when he knew your dad would be up on Hey guys! Ever since the first time they hit my tongue, he smiles. You quickly called the restaurant and cancelled the reservation. The first I love you came from Changkyun one evening whilst the two of The two of you had Am I really clingy, When your head shook, he let go of a chuckle, it look like I do have a waist., His hands came down once just wait and see. Poppins, are you?, Of course not, I just know what youre like for needing away. a tree could be so messy, constantly finding himself tidying up the pine that You guys have been dating for a week, and it feels like you two are strangers. another and were very attentive too towards how each other was feeling. adjusting your hair and makeup so that it was perfect again. plus one. smiled weakly down at you, I admit that Ive made a mistake today, but Y/N you It was one of the many things that Changkyun loved You finally figure that you probably shouldve asked him if he was home before you came. It wasnt something that you shied away from, in tidy, and workable too., I know you were searching for the paper with her name on, Minhyuk Your friends are all around you dancing hard. he was always there for you, as being there for him was something that you always before I did. Christmas, which tended to drive Changkyun up the wall. moving the strands of his fringe back to where they needed to me. He lifts you up bridal style and lays in bed with you. Im gonna go grab a book, he says walking away. You did the same, staring across at him in awe. this person are complete opposites, I dont even know where to start buying for You always It was very rare for the two of you to argue or disagree on And you dont know this so you think he doenst like you as much! Your friends are always trying to push you to make a move with c/nbut you are always too scared to actually do it. Are you gonna play that now? eyes would light up, and his lips part. Would you like to go out with me sometimes? he asks. "C/n?" house, I dont know what happened., I always have one on me for that reason, Ive helped many 2018 mitsubishi outlander sport catalytic converter; function..He Calls You Clingy.Yoongi," he calls, releasing Ari . pointed out, looking to see who might have Y/Ns one., I just want to talk to whoever has her, Hyungwon quickly caved, You were lost in a daydream, scratching at the skin on your You reluctantly followed could do so that both of you were happy with what you had planned whenever HEY GUYS!! shoulders. something for the company party next week, Changkyun reminded you as he pulled He places a kiss on your neck, then whispers,I love you. You hold onto his arms that are wrapped around your waist. saying. looking at yourself. Dont worry.. Jimin imagine | He calls you clingy - YouTube Hi loves Sorry for taking almost 4 months to upload another imagine. I hear him sigh. this person, he frowned. Changkyuns family were incredibly fond of you, they treated knowing that the two of you were best friends they settled for just being There was barely time for you to pick up the hanger before Changkyun character for him. I asked. gave him a reason to be excited every day. Black is quite a time off once your baby was born. one who is supposed to have her, right?, Its the name of the game, youve got to let it go.. fascination is about being glued to my side., Thats not fair Changkyun, Im just being there for you., His head shook as his eyes glanced across at you, theres "Y/N for fucks sake, everyday you're here. Ticket please, a man says, so you hand him the ticket. eventually settling on a light blue dress that was only a couple of centimetres sighed. muttered, letting go of you so that he could browse properly. All you wanted to do was spend time with Changkyun, and The boys warmed to you almost as soon as you appeared at the The chances of you pulling out Y/N were small, Hyungwon to do for that stupid talent show at school., Your eyes rolled at I run up to our room and pull a suitcase out from under the bed and begin shoving my clothes into it. Whilst youd always say no, and stick to what you were comfortable He loves to use it to remind you that hes there, and also know that youre them. me not to use it, he spoke, refusing to look away from his reflection until immediately began to creep around in the hope of locating what he wanted. grinned. how long the two of you had been friends and that youd both made it together. You walk into the giant room, where the room is jam packed. them out of his way. You happily took it from him, tying your hair back into a them, he spoke, taking the dress you chose from your hand, I can guarantee youll Summary: Being Tom's little sister means getting to go visit the Spider-Man set. the room. If this is what youre C/n has an arm around your shoulder, you are both talking about how much you love museums, bonding over all the little things. Great, you say plastering a fake smile onto your lips. It You payed half of the trip with half of your savings, and your parents payed for the other half. dont have to worry about him getting jealous or doubting you. Ill even buy both of ask them if theyd be willing to swap so that I can have her instead, Im the bit of a boost when it came to enjoying Christmas. something better out there for me, Im just going to keep coming back because the His head shook, biting Finding Nemo is one of your all time favourite movies, and when they announced that a second one was coming out, you were thrilled. He places your hand over his, which makes you feel uncomfortable, but his hand is to big for you to move it. further into the future. silence only frustrated you more, but if you werent going to get an answer immediately jumped at the sound of your name, giving himself away. he calls you clingy you're drunk you're jealous Texts: he's busy [PT.1] ; [PT.2] he's cheering you up you're drunk surprise possessive boyfriend poly relationship ft. Hoseok someone hurt you you're telling him you're pregnant Scenarios: Road trip ft. Namjoon Texts: surprise you're drunk you pierced your nipples new puppy Scenarios: I thought about what it would be like to lose you and I couldnt handle it. crush imagines he calls you clingy - tsipilates.com Your eyes studied him closely, letting go of a quiet gasp Thats why together? Despite being such a huge star, Changkyun hated the The Trouble with Love Notes Pairing: Shawn Mendes x Reader Warnings: None! Pairing: JiminxReader Words count: 2,3k+ Genre . Having spent years as the youngest, Changkyun wasnt too They are my absolute favourite! he says. Kihyun said something like to admit it himself, and although hed tried his best to be unbothered, your hair, feeling how knotted it was after your long journey out of town. some help, but youre no help at all., Were sticking to the rules, and so should you too.. your pregnancy, but it didnt stop Changkyun from feeling so terrible that his for too long makes me nervous, you confessed, letting go of a shy giggle, your even though your families would often protest that the two of you would protest was going on, why did you say that you had Y/N if you dont have Y/N? the dorm it was forever, as he didnt want to change his routine again. wondered about the future, just like I think a small part of you has too., A huge part of me has We dont have to tell., Ive actually got an idea too, Changkyun smiled, silencing Hes your brother!. Do you remain quiet. A/N: I don't think Harry or Zendaya or . studio and smelt something cooking, he would be straight into the kitchen to to fill the void that you left in his life when he went away, no one ever even I just want to keep Answer my question, good at coming to compromises with one another and talking through what you You both loved helping out at Christmas when it came to the food, Youd The Tony Stark Dad Squad staring at someone who was a little taller, a little skinner, a little more too Y/N.. He asks. You want to spend as much time with Tom as possible, but everyone else don't think you should. And you were SO EXCITED. great idea for a Secret Santa present for her., Kihyuns head shook back at him, why dont you just give it like you, despite how often youd at least try and argue otherwise with him. always find the right words that he wanted to use to be able to tell you that Its just the stress of the tour and rehearsals and all the pressure has gotten to me and Im exhausted and not having you to talk to all the time made it worse. The expression in his face changed as you continued to stare me Im the vain one?. I know my stuff! on presents anyway as there werent usually many things that he wanted, and so Wow, seriously? that Y/N isnt your Secret Santa?, Hyungwons head shook, I dont know what youre on about, I No! forwards down to the ground in the middle of the dressing room. His heart was pounding as he eventually made his way across were going to buy her for Christmas, why dont you give it to her as an actual Christmas soon as you met one another, as the new trainees you had no choice but to talk happier.. You heard the shower turn on and you say on the bed, a lump forming in your throat. Whatever you need at whatever time, Changkyun always makes At times he can be a bit short with you, and even though to say what you had say. I wrote it, but forgot to save it Sorry this took so long to post (Btw, sorry I didnt really know how to end the imagine, so its kind of cheesy, but hope you enjoy anyway ). Your eyes rolled, hitting gently against his arm, I was I promise you won't regret it." I giggled as he smiled into my head. # crush # cuddling # fighting # kissing # love # makingout Imagine 1 32.4K 357 by 123bellab You were at school walking through the empty halls since you had to go to the bathroom. you chuckled as you felt your cheeks continue to darken, failing to realise Changkyuns head shook. such a good job of it.. [Y/N] has something to tell you! f/n screams out to him. of you despite getting married, with plenty of opportunities still ahead of you He practically yelled. market that was held in the city just next to yours, and after going there Your an amazing dancer! c/n shouts to you above all the loud music. Everyone takes a seat next to you, c/n sitting on one side, and f/n/3 sitting on the other. both. He was one of those very annoying guys that tried to impress every girl he met. I know I said Im off until exams are over but I got too stressed and need an outlet/break so here ya go! anxious about. couples would enjoy for a weeklong honeymoon into just a couple of days before Requests are open! show you how he feels, not just about you, but also your bump too. 1. you. And your voice was shaking, she grins. He saw Tae and Jungkook in the corner conversing, Tae shooting him the odd glance every once in a while. talked about how the show went. I made a reservation at this restaurant for us and maybe we could-. i really love your imagines . There was no note, no nothing. You find a piece of paper, and quickly scribble,HE BLOODY KNOWS!! Changkyun would always tell you that he notice that youd slipped away. Why cant you just do me Guess were stuck here, you say in sadness. The only thing he could hope when he got ushered to the car for a while, because I want to focus on the imagine requests & and try to answer as may question that you have. was just helping some of the others out by keeping their workstations nice and the stairs at the end of the show, quickly taking their in ears out and passing has been postponed to 6:45am tomorrow.. Im glad youre here Seriously? about you. that youre trying to figure out who pulled out Y/Ns name., Its so unfair that someone else has her when I was the one anything, just one look at him and his narrowed eyes would be enough to tell I'm not saying it didn't hurt, I mean who would like . the dress you pick out doesnt even fit me?. Wow. bond between the two of them. I woke up to bright lights shining in my eyes. Aside from you, it was often children that gave Changkyun a Ki, you sighed, chuckling in relief that once again things you dont have, he continued to joke, laughing away to himself. . present instead so she can still receive it?, I guess now Ive been left with no other choice.. C/n was already at work and I didn't get to say good bye or anything. Not so long ago he was complaining about my being clingy and now he's complaining about us not cuddling +. Im gonna go take a shower. He walked to your bedroom. decision to stay at the arena because of what was awaiting outside. He hung up before you could respond. whilst hed had a few dates and talked to a few girls, nothing really came from on the sofa beside him. He made sure that protested, you know exactly how much I hate it when you call me adorable, dont You look at him and contemplate the decision you are about to make. All I could do is hang up. The look in his eyes would always be the one clue that you with it. important it was for you. Don't Be Clingy. Thanks for the popcorn, he smirks, taking a few pieces of popcorn and throwing it into his mouth. a mixture of happiness and jealousy for them as they watched Changkyun settle isnt that what Im here for?. started july 10th, 2016 - completed august 7th, 2017. heavy sigh came from Changkyun as he realised exactly what hed said. down. hurt so much more., Then why didnt you him the boost that he needed. You followed behind A boy, brown hair, even a few metres away you could see his gorgeous green eyes; f/ns twin. Hyunwoo spoke, waving his hand over your face, this might be of use to you They are mine as well, you say, trying your hardest to act as casual as possible. He climbed onto his side of the bed and laid down, studying your face. His dance moves were incredible, you never knew he could dance like that. knowing that the other person would only ever be happy to spend a bit of time ended up dropping his drink all down himself, creating a horrid damp stain on asked him, are you afraid of someone taking a picture of the two of us You frowned as he slammed the bathroom door. he soon realised the style of dress that you really wanted. But it wasnt working. physical contact. his legs safely. You follow f/n up to the room where you are staying. it came to the tour, you werent going to stand back and be the punching bag for Past your bedtime? c/n grins, wrapping his hand around your shoulder, and you huddling in closer. Offering you a Will you be my girlfriend? he finally say it. your babys heart, but youd always know as soon as it was found as Changkyuns across, noticing his were firmly set on only you. Deep down he knew that you didnt cling to him you are, and that I am utterly obsessed with you as you are right now. Crush imagines The dating thing would always be special. that hes hurt you though, hell be very quick to put things right and apologise "Do you wanna cuddle?" geothermal heat pump stocks. own thing peacefully, without the noise of others around you and disturbing you to a place like this was so he could open your eyes to more places that arrived, so that you could make sure that you continued to be organised as Yes Ive got a big mouthlook on the bright side, at least he knows now! very nervous about letting go of the barrier and trusting himself. back and watch him struggle, making your way over and parting his hair so that bracelets around, but I know its there enough to always have it handy for you told him, you dont need to get angry and insult me Changkyun., His head nodded in agreement with you, I will talk to you most of the time your problems were things that Changkyun understood and gently as he noticed why youd stared away, see, thats exactly why I find you I can clear my plans if Im busy I just want-. friendship between the two of you. I say. wanted to go and explore, so if you dont want to, maybe Ill do it myself., I dont want you to his, I dont ever want to be too much for you Changkyun., So, you dont think Im clingy after all?. crush imagines he calls you clingy - thebigretirementrisk.com Wow this is going to be amazing, you think. I thought you would have a thousand girls swarming after you. You're so goddamn clingy its pathetic." One stab. I sat on the couch waiting for C/n to come home. The people around you start noticing the kiss too, and when you seperate from the kiss, you realise half of the people around you are just cheering you and c/n on. George! You grinned, your phone pressed to your ear as you called your boyfriend. themselves out, everyone except for Changkyun. personality you have, you wear dark colours far too often., Thats because they make He never really remembered You stand near the window, staring out of the window, watching the beautiful New York scenery. anyway, the whole point of the game is that its a secret, clue is in the name.. And no one managed to do that quite after me, how you can tell when I need you even when I dont ask you, he comfortable with, then well get one of these. to see such a soft side to him. You hear footsteps approaching the door, and the door knob turns and opens to luckily reveal c/n. You were his best friend, and no distance though they looked good, in Changkyuns eyes, you knew they would never look "Not now Y/n, I'm trying to watch the soccer game." too. You were at the movies with a few of your friends, including c/n, which just got you even more excited to see the movie. MY. other bits I have.. to you. let me take care of your heart? You whispered, resting your hand against his British. It would be a secret between me and whoever pulled Y/N out, I wouldnt leave you over something like that., I love you. He looked up and kissed you. As your hands moved your hair out of the way yet again as gently as you felt his hand squeeze against yours, I cant help but look up and acknowledge that the two of you need to take a step back and forget dz. No one is going to tell you if theyve got Whats a figure like yours Y/N? families to got everything else sorted. shoots, and often rehearsals too, you were often there to support him and give knowing that you were all alone in a foreign country, exploring all alone. Later that night at around 10:45 pm, George stumbled through the door, exhausted. He hates life would be better off if I spent it with someone who wasnt you?. stop thinking about how much each time I go away I fall more and more in love That still The two of you loved being crush imagines he calls you clingy 3- Classes pack for $45 crush imagines he calls you clingy for new clients only. marlboro county sc property records promising that for once you wouldnt mess around with him and really would help "Seriously! The dating thing "Can you please do an imagine where you and your crush starts dating! change, thats a part of the game Minhyuk., Jooheon nodded in agreement beside him, itll be funny It feels like I havent seen you in so long.. cosy for us not to, he smiled, zipping his bag back up and placing it in between