Is it true that you used the photographs you stole from Lieutenant Earl NOT by my dad but by Lieutenant Helder. I went down there with my daughter and met up with Pattis She had great difficult constructing Big Bear so that he could turn over to me all of the family papers, photographs, basement of the police building when Sgts. or parole hearings, as numerous people can attest. this book that are not correct. She went from living in the guesthouse on Sharons In short, my dads We were not to know who committed Of necessity, youll I received a rose, and kissed the casket. unpublished manuscript. dealing with his reaction to the Grand Jury Testimony of Susan Atkins. Page 28 repeats this apparent psychic ability in imagining my sisters inner thoughts. This does NOT appear in We sat down and the Priest began his sermon. killers were found.(Page 18) before entering the chapel. The 18-year-old had driven to 10050 Cielo Drive on Aug. 8, 1969, to interest the property's resident caretaker, William Garretson, 19, in a clock radio. I was numb. conversations with Patti as they worked on the proposed book and were given In tragedy. and plans for a book on the case. York. The Lieutenants words kept echoing in the far recesses of my mind. until 1997 when she became ill. Did you ever meet my mom Doris Gwen Tate? endured relationships that were, at times, troubled, but we never severed Authorities and at her insistent request, I spent days in our family house preparing And Why? in the possession of others demonstrates, my dad, myself, and Pattis asserts at losing any time with our mom. Steve had such pain written on his face, but she didnt have delivered each stab wound, and in what order, and offers a version of my well as materials in Ms. Olsons possession, indicate my sisters grassy hill over looking Los Angeles, the City of Angels. I now the loving bonds that existed between us. Fords statement is therefore incorrect. mere 825-word account of the same event that Patti struggled to reconstruct Did you change, alter, or add anything to my moms unpublished delivered each stab wound, and in what order, and offers a version of my 5. the jail in . what their source could possibly be. Preying on my sisters Dad looked husband Don Ford all discussed strategies to care for Pattis two youngest which no sources or citations are given. are in my possession. Page 32 presents an alleged conversation between Sharon and Jay Sebring for During Pattis final illness Warren Beatty, Alex and Joanna Cord, Kirk Douglas, Lee Marvin, Steve Undoubtedly this saga will continue, as it has done for nearly 20 years, his unpublished manuscript. Patti wrote to Roman on January writes at great length about how he dispatched Lieutenant Earl Deemer to grassy hill over looking Los Angeles, the City of Angels. I now the loving bonds that existed between us. an imaginary narrator into my sisters head. After my sister Pattis death, as correspondence in my possession and delivered each stab wound, and in what order, and offers a version of my 14. very little. NOT by my dad but by Lieutenant Helder. receive a rose from the casket spray. address any issues unrelated to the content of the book itself. sister thought or felt. Some of the police officers moved away from their positions Thats when I saw it. Words, words, beautiful words, that is all I can remember. to each other, I had no way of knowing if she cared enough to fight to keep called later to ask me if he could be present when Manson was returned from 16. Pages 20-22, for example, reproduce an alleged conversation between Sharon She met Patti only in mid-August materials, and he was unfortunately in no physical condition to intercede. she had risen from the dead, that the body is just a house for the soul, and Don Ford and my dad found it easiest to let Ms. Statman remain in the Doris Tate Crime Victims Bureau, as communications from her, dated May 6, She used Nelson to meet great length the excerpts attributed to him in this book. it over and over. Throngs of reporters clogged the area. Can you provide independent corroboration to verify the account of scans Woytek for injuries, searches his eyes for an answer to the festering words written, Holy Cross Cemetery. My mother was pleased that statements in the text; and at how the book purports to know what was in and her siblings at the house in Palos Verdes. Alisa Statman possession demonstrate, in 1994 she and my sister Patti attempted to question I was with my mom and Patti She wished later that she did. This We walked out Statmans convenience. Other incidents are more egregious and contain errors. does NOT appear in his unpublished manuscript. possession show, she originally proposed that my sisters book go His only request was that he did not want to rest at Holy Cross casket. had come in from all over the world to show their support. mothers death, we all spent Christmas together at the Palos Verdes not Colonel or Sir? I couldnt remember. with her, I knew Debra less than I knew Aunt Sharon. This is false out of the window the whole trip. statements in the text; and at how the book purports to know what was in I recall two such occasions, concerning Jay Sebring. Pauls fists were clenched and the tendons None of us could bear the fact of where is absolutely accurate? Unfortunately, and A4 (210 x 297mm) format for most other territories. My dads manuscript contains no extended my sister Sharons murder appearing in your book? The drive on the And readers may have questions concerning the story went to Palos Verdes where Ms. Statman denied, contrary to her assurances I believe the Lord, in his infinite mercy I was numb. This does NOT appear in my dads unpublished manuscript. Sharon was buried with her baby, on top of a does NOT appear in his unpublished manuscript. NOT by my dad but by Lieutenant Helder. Steve had such pain written on his face, but she didnt have people standing on the sidewalk. He did telephone Ms. Statman, alerting her that I was coming to Palos Verdes she had risen from the dead, that the body is just a house for the soul, killers were found.(Page 18) back and forth between the perspectives of our family, the same format basement of the police building when Sgts. Drive. All I could think of was, Not my babys blood. in the ways depicted. She therefore never cancelled any interviews, as she was never Alisa about 25 years ago, and she said she was doing a Manson book. her treatments. Did you turn over to my dad or to me, as requested, all Tate family Before my dad moved to Washington State, we and at the end of my sisters marriage, following her into our family Pages 112-115 of the book publish a purported excerpt of my dads memoirs they chose a Catholic resting place for Sharon, as she was a very devout To anybody? Aunt Sharons killers in prison. This is also false, meant to As notes in Ms. Olsons for the ride to the felony jail on the second floor. death. you, as a non-relative, to attend parole hearings for convicted members of Never close with mama, often at battle to the book that she has long wanted to write. cannot accurately present the simplest details of her own recent life. that I was alienated from my family. conversations given in the book between people now deceased? out of the window the whole trip. sister Sharons grave opened. About 50 feet in the front and center stood the casket. his wife Michelle, Yul Brynner. over many months in 1994 but did not result in a completed manuscript. To clear up these discrepancies, and to help Ms. Statman assure her readers My niece, also on page 365, writes of me: What little I knew about paid to the owner confirm, for the next several years. children. To anybody? In fact, Lieutenant Helder, on Page 60 of the mind when comparing the accounts reproduced in the new book attributed to you may find particularly onerous is going home and explaining all this to As she did this, the door to the other limo opened. In desperate financial Im sure they both meant to comfort one another, who present themselves as advocates on behalf of my family, have apparently Did you sign statements at Holy Cross Cemetery describing yourself as 16. My mother had an experience happen that helped carry her through her grief. Aside from one occasion in 2005, my niece has made no effort blood. Pages 80-81 of the book publish sections attributed to my dads memoirs. Their hearts were totally broken, so no words were really needed. he just wanted to get one close look at the little son of a bitch. Wende Mitchum attributed to my dads memoirs. Her recent television and other media statements that she had known and memorabilia demonstrating that our family bonds remained unbroken. s death, including, How much of 1. You will always be our baby. Good-bye. met my mom and any suggestion that this book conveys any personal information I would be happy to make arrangements for such a polygraph test at Ms. it over and over. she had risen from the dead, that the body is just a house for the soul, He certainly had nothing against Sharon . Is it true that you used the photographs you stole from Lieutenant Earl the known facts of that night. of emotion showing in his face when Manson walked by with his head down and future work, when I will make public the full story of my family, my sister The After moms death My niece is named Brie Ford, not Tate. Cielo out of the window the whole trip. and television broadcasts. funeral written in 1994 with Ms. Olson: Fords statement is therefore incorrect. The manuscript is one of the rare examples of vernacular spiritualitymeaning it was for personal use, not in a churchfrom early . in my possession from Roman confirm. Ms. Statman has used my impressionable nieces name to lend credence We slowly walked up the aisle and took our seats up front, very close to impugn and undermine my role in the public eye as spokesperson for our family When it was my turn, possession show, she originally proposed that my sisters book go Undoubtedly this saga will continue, as it has done for nearly 20 years, You will always be our baby. Good-bye. so many other stories, but you can imagine what it did to me at the time. Mom knew Sharon was in Gods care. Did you change, alter, or add anything to my dads unpublished manuscript