No, but they see opportunities to work with the Marxists who are also only interested in their own enhancement. Some incorrectly say the need to raise funds and the desire to support real diversity puts universities in a bind. You are far from alone, Bob. Explore the depth and breadth of ANA content through our product subcategories. It feels forced, obvious and its now constantly shoved in our face. Thanks, Jackson. Blm and its little followers are trying to take over the world and that will NEVER HAPPEN!! lol. You raise a good point about female representation, Stephan. And I 100% agree with what you said about the relationship between art, truth, and propaganda. Just dont use the dreaded C (Christmas) word though. Yeah, Im not seeing how follow the money works here. The FOUNDER of BLM just purchased four homes over a million dollars FOR PERSONAL USE! Youre right, Ace the majority of brands are so aggravating and obnoxious that a lot of us are cutting the cord. Either way, marketing was just generic white dude stuff. (Witness attempts to reboot the film Annie, The Wonder Years TV show, and Marvel and Disneys efforts to replace white characters with characters of color, and even change their genders and sexual orientations.). For a clue to your answer, check out the reader comments down this page. Here in the Cranky household, we dont turn ours on unless its to stream old movies or TV shows we like. In todays TV commercials and movies, the burglars are always white! Great points, G! Interracial couples are 10% of all new marriages, which is material. So true in todays canceled culture world..maybe lets cancel the commercials too. I dont think anyone has a problem with brands catering to their customers or trying to gain traction with new demographics. I used to work in IT and whenever there was a black hiring manager, theyd hire 75-80% black employees. Shame on you, advertising professionals. We see you. Katie Drews, Avenica, 12. When the roles are reversed, BOTH races are mentioned. Recently, I too have seen greater representation of Asians and Hispanics in commercials, while the over-representation of blacks has stayed about the same. As others have posted, advertising is but a cog in the machinery. Thanks, Virginia, for taking the side of fairness and sanity in this culture war. Ive heard similar stories, Daniel. I just saw three commercials in a row with mixed-race (black/white) couples/families, including at least one with kids and one with an attractive black woman dating a doofy-looking, ginger-haired white guy. I change the tv when a commercial comes on. Its called brainwashing. Of course posters, marketing, etc would be mostly white if the country was mostly white. Good for you, Brad. The whole you have to be an activist or youre a racist deal is getting old. Yes! Yes it is the Democrats doing this because all white people are racist. Not true. We are living the nightmare of Atlas Shrugged whodathunkit? Dont worry about being politically correct. Today, long after the end of segregation, long after the Civil Rights Act, we still have black churches, black schools, black magazines, black television stations, and more. I am a gay man and i am SICK AND TIRED OF ALL THE LGBTQ BULLCRAP BEING SHOVED DOWN OUR THROATS!!! If they fail, they will ultimately find themselves facing justice for their many crimes and forced to pay for their misdeeds. And I dare say that all but one or two comments have been from people who agree with the premise of the post boiled down simply, that blacks are conspicuously overrepresented in U.S. television commercials at the expense of other racial groups, and that todays advertisers are duplicitous asshats whose anti-white and anti-white male agendas are driven by propaganda either their own programming, or a desire to program others. Lacking strong men, governments can more easily control compliant populaces and feminists can get closer to achieving their dreams of taking down the patriarchy.. No masculine role models or father/son interaction in commercials. . About the whole social justice push. And many, many interesting theories on what is going on. Thats a great point, WonderWoman. I never wanted to have a baby and wanted stuffed cats instead of dolls. some complain about the fast food ads, and some (or ONE person who wrote an opinion piece?) Hi, Merle. This is the new WOKE CULTURE we are dealing with right now. Enough with their double standards crap. I am a white woman from the United States. (Another is what Disney has done with the Star Wars franchise in erasing male leads.) Think about that. Im not a writer and cant articulate the story like you did. We are headed in the same direction. Avoiding them is not racism. Always use the Golden Rule. Do not hurt others in any way. I blame them for many of societys ills. I love me some big broad shoulders, massive biceps, and masculine moxie, like my husband has, yum. In some cities, the best and newest YMCAs are in mostly black neighborhoods. So much for fairness and tolerance, yes? I realized its because advertisers dont want to feature men but when they have to it sure as hell wont be a white guy. Or is that Deltas desired customer mix? Ive noticed it, too a conspicuous number of women replacing traditional male leads in truck commercials, super-hero movies, etc. When I approved advertising campaigns for my product lines, it needed to have actors and scripts representative of the target market we were trying to reach. Its complete nonsense. Hispandering. Who knew? These are proven statistics. But true. . Advertising is just an extreme version of the same phenomenon. That is the most frustrating part for audiences and movie studios alike. Right, who are very zen, too. White boys dont want anything to do with these girls. Instead, most advertisers commitment to diversity is a shrill, cynical, and superficial charade dressed up in lip service and lofty corporate values that amount to precisely fuck-all when in fact, these companies with their gigantic ad budgets are in a unique position to actually do something positive for their customers, their country, and the public at large. It explains how ever since the post WW2 era our society has been led down this destructive path. I probably wont find it because, as you say, there are many forces at work here. Yes, you can find the odd article here and there, or an occasional thread on a discussion forum. And again, your comments about the roles blacks have in commercials were dead on. Even against Mr. Fuckerberg, who, at the very least, deserves an Atomic Wedgie the likes of which he hasnt seen since high school. Perfectly coiffed. But when we all are forced to see people of every race, sex, and culture as equal (meaning the same), then we rob everyone of the traits and characteristics that make each of us stand out as unique and special. Tribalism isnt going anywhere ever. Im starting to say words I never dreamed Id say a few years ago when I once again see these commercials. And even further, every time a black person is shot by a policeman (white or black), the media and the black community goes into hysteria. Thank you so much Cranky for your article. Its safe, but it will take you away from this site to show you the video on YouTube. Good for you for boycotting some of these advertisers. All it is is black people getting into positions of power and choosing their own just like the racist people do (yes, there are racists in every community). Whay ever happened to hiring someone because they are the best person for the job? There is no war against white people. Id like to add some thoughts to some specific points Advertising Agencies are still mostly filled with college-degreed White males, and although this is changing they still have ideologies motivated toward the Left. Its quite obvious the liberal clowns are trying to portray white men as stupid and weak. In major urban areas of the the United States, Canada, and possibly the UK, it is by far people of color that wreak havoc within the public sphere. Why would they diminish the Christmas holiday to their potential customers? But then, were seeing a lot of men get to compete in womens-only sports these days, so I can only assume that the people behind all of this are terribly confused. 61% of Americans find diversity in advertising important. I agree there is an over representation of POC and a not so subtle effort to marginalize whites men but it goes way beyond Obama (whom I respect and admire). Healthy minds recognize differences like this and it niggles away at us because it just doesnt track. As society becomes more focused on diversity, audiences expect to see that diversity reflected in marketing and ad campaigns. And I have to remind myself, this is advertising were talking about. But boy, Ive learned since then!! Who are they kidding? I dont want to see 2 guys kissing, 2 girls walking hand and hand or every black living in in the Hamptons. Time to turn off the TV. To get more information about these cookies and the processing of your personal data, check our Privacy and Cookie Policy. I cry for the state of America these days because as previously posted, I date back to much better days. I call it Clown World and were all living in it. Everybody knows black people dont go hiking in Sedona and the Grand Canyon and go skiing and mountain biking and four wheeling, and their households never look like the ones on TV theyre filthy and full of rage and violence thats where their kids learn it and grow up to be criminals! The stunning lack of diversity in the advertising industry goes back decades and those in power have done little to change it. I am happy with my life. The female chromosome is XX, the male is XY. It seems like TV is pushing white kids to act like disgusting black kids. Thats a pretty good take, Anonymous. I resisted Facebook for years and opened up an account only when I had a small business and wanted to advertise to my community. Id like to blackball every company stuffing this crap down my throat but where would I go. To be honest, I feel more badly for any black people watching this crap. Theyd hire a token white guy and a token Hispanic, no Asians. Google it, its a fascinating story of how they duped consumers into believing they NEEDED cereal to be healthy. Mandy Glidewell, CentricsIT, 9. Current science says the exact opposite, and more and more people are getting on the bandwagon with low carb diets + fasting until lunch to experience weight loss and better overall health ( me, reversed diabetes and down 60 lbs so far). Have you noticed, even the cartoon commercials contain black, interracial and gay people in them. (And Im just going to say it: Barack Obama, the so-called Great Uniter, did more to damage race relations in this country than any leader in my lifetime. The neighbors are all black and mixed race. Let us all push back. And the alien up there in his spaceship would have to also conclude that nearly all white men are clueless bufoons, the butt of jokes from his wife and spoiled kids, and that nearly all figures of authority and respect, whether its a boss at a large company, a doctor, a judge, your local pharmacist, or anyone else that you would look up to, will be a minority. And who are they? Astute readers have shared their well-considered opinions all over this page. But they only come out when it fits their narrative, like when a White cop shoots a Black person. At this point, no one is being represented and maybe that vanilla (no pun intended) approach is another misstep that creates a billboard affect. By the way, everyone has chromosomes. And the victim mindset is poisoning our culture as we make the very creator of our stable lifehard working men, the villain. Todays brands and advertising agencies are very concerned about representation in TV commercials and most do have good intentions. Nissan had an ad last year that I found annoying in great part because it had an unmistakably white boy call a black woman mom, but also seemed to be advocating the idea that women are all poor drivers. It you really want to see how lopsided the commercials are with blacks watch sporting events and musical events. I have noticed such a drastic change in the demographics of television commercials. Thank you for the kind words, B.Y. See all Cranky ad reviews | Go back to blog home page | Subscribe for free. Much like in the 1980s in the early beginnings of the S&L downfall, I banked at an S&L. However, they are 14% of the population and commit about 60% of all murders in the United States but that is somehow not talked about or depicted on tv. Your comment reminds me of the former Levis jeans executive who just published a book about how woke capitalism at the company got her ousted from her dream job. Who would we need to contact to bring this to their attention? Anyway, overseas you see more representation of the other interracial mixes. Bottom line, I consider my self slightly left of center politically, but having experienced discrimination I am sensitive to it and find it unacceptable in all its forms (yes, including against straight white males).