What I love about this course is that it is providing insight into how I move in the world and the "whys" behind it all. I like what you said about these being tools, not rules. Think about these as archetypes, or even pantomime figures, and see who resonates with you. Out of my face B. "Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring." marilyn monroe A snapshot of the Ingenue Patron Saint: Marilyn Monroe In Pop [] Got it She lowers defenses, possibly with with humor, precociousness, or intrigue, and she elevates our moods, naturally drawing out the paternal aspects in a man's personality. It discusses the history behind the different archetypes. yet whimsical details that emulate your personality. People with a dramatic style personality love to be noticed. Its a very comprehensive process, and very individualized. I consider myself a good writer but apparently I did not communicate well this time. Which gives me some guidance. Where I had great success in life, I was unable to truly understand the reason why to enable me to replicate it for the times when I'd fallen. . The Lover. Im an analytical learner though, whereas some people are more intuitive/visual. Your hair needs to be low maintenance and wash and wear so (tidy) long hair that you can tie back is good, or maybe short hair in a well cut style that will look good if you dont have time to blow it dry. The word gamine is a French word, the feminine form of gamin, originally meaning urchin, waif or playful, naughty child. See my complete disclosure policy here. I always thought I looked best in shorter jackets (and I think you do too) I have suffered through the tunics and long over lean look trying to convince myself it was a good look for me. My inclination is Classic, but my lifestyle is anything but elegant and dressy. Boatnecks are good and shallow v-necks. The gamine woman is dominated by the maiden psychological archetype and that presents a unique challenge. Compact Shapes, Crispy Fabric : Gamines look best in compact, tailored, small-scale designs and shapes. So for clothing other than my own, I need to rely on retailers images. See more ideas about fashion, style, clothes. GAMINE style type. A Gamine needs small, sharp geometrics, Precision fitted and crisply tailored. Bobs and pixies are good choices. Hairstyles need to be feminine long, soft waves or curls are good. It's really worth being yourself, anytime, anywhere, from head to toe. One of the main features of Soft Gamines is that they're tiny. Susan, after your Red Leopard visit I was inspired to make my own. Gamines are usually petite and not necessarily in terms of height (a few extra inches can provide enough Yang in their Yin-Yang balance, but they won't be extremely tall anyway). Celebrity examples: Ellen deGeneres, Carey Mulligan, Judy Dench, Emma Watson and Audrey Hepburn. Youve articulated what was bothering me about the descriptions of the styles. Gamine. Sometimes I incorporate a some Natural elements into my style, which Annie says is fine, as long as its neat and not too bulky/textured. Sorry this is so long but I have been inspired to think about all this by your most interesting posts about your developing style directions . Haha). or anything that adds extra interest is preferable over plain designs, Style Followers : Emma Watson, Winona Ryder and Natalie Portman, Gamines look best in compact, tailored, small-scale designs and shapes. If you're struggling to define your own style essence, The Concept Wardrobe has a great overview. strapless low cut gown to a public event and was later induced to wear longer skirts for her engagement photos . I fear that I dont properly understand any style profiles/types that Ive seen described . Its not my best look and I dont have to embrace it just because Im a woman of a certain age! This is what she says about style: Be authentic: Forget conventional style typologies like classic or bohemian and create your own unique look. gamine in American English. Coming from me thats pretty something too because I am extremely really read from spirituality to neuroscience, confident and live my life authentically. Mary, Im reading a book called The Curated Closet by Anuschka Rees. Ill admit, that assessment both delighted and surprised me. They describe the gamine as petite with compact bodies, captivating eyes, and a slightly "boyish" look. https://www.pinterest.com/womenlovepower/the-gamine/. I am now excited about being in my own little Paradise and letting my energy attract what I wish to create! I knew also that despite being in my fifties I had a magnetic vibe from men. Jamie Lee Curtis 's ice gray pixie is as iconic as her roles on screen. Your figure should be slim, feminine, and petite. The sales associates all agreed instantly that the Boy was so much better for me. Thus, the gamine style looks best on a petite and boyish frame as the feminine qualities of the clothing stand out. But what David says to FGs is that the need for short hair is part of your head-to-toe look and long hair or medium hair just doesn't work. . I do get tired of the general belief that the goal of clothing is to make us look tall and slim. It referred to a relatively boyish, youthful, playful, charming, and adorable way of dressing. It seems dated and sexist. Thank you Susan, and everyone for sharing! Ive been moving away from droopy fabrics anyway, so that makes sense. Surprised, because I didnt (and dont) have what Ive always considered a gamine body. They have a lithe frame that tends to show off some toned musculature. Lots of discussion as to the various style profiles. One can of course be a mix of two and sometimes more. And I felt that pressure. But I still felt lost, cautious, and scared. As Lady Diana Spencer she famously committed the faux pas of wearing a black (!) Bobs and pixies are good choices. You have a good eye. Feminine, pretty, glamorous and girly, but provocative at the same time. Most Americans wear 15% of their wardrobe 85% of the time. Start there. I gave all the coatigans to my 59 daughter and they look wonderful on her. But it also helped me step away from the superficial definition of femininity as prescribed by todays media. Maiden women who remain in their child phase, may find themselves in a string of relationships with emotionally unavailable, dark and even abusive men. Mature maidens can be incredibly creative, sensual, spiritual and wise, all the while maintaining their captivating youthful intrigue. Although, I do think some of the descriptors are helpful in terms of nailing ones style. Jewelry and Accessories: they suggested smaller post earrings for daytime, which Im beginning to incorporate. Hi Darlene, thanks! I wonder if there is room for some back and forth to find the right category? The only issue I have is with Audrey Hepburn being called upon to be the iconic gamine. I just know when I put on something if its me. Those of us with a gamine style personality don't like fussy clothes, preferring slim fitting styles. No that is not me. Une Femme dun Certain Age is so helpful!! Im not sure what you mean by a woman of a certain age needing to follow long over lean. I would love to read more about jewelry for the different style profiles. Thank you so much, I think you saved my soul with your videos. In particular Im thinking about tops: Im short waisted and now that Im almost 73 I have a bit of a belly. Celebrity examples:Ellen deGeneres, Carey Mulligan, Judy Dench, Emma Watson and Audrey Hepburn. The past informs the present in this course! So the cuts and styles that work for me may diverge from someone else who is also a Gamine but has different proportions. The definition I would give to the word Gamine, is boyish, youthful and fun and when most people think of someone Gamine, they think of Audrey Hepburn. Its helping me to build a cohesive wardrobe but with a little more color and interest. The Feminine Odyssey is a spiritual, mental and emotional journey that every woman must undergo. It was a full day all about clothes, which is my idea of fun! or anything that adds extra interest is preferable over plain designs, Emma Watson, Winona Ryder and Natalie Portman. Thank you for the educational post. Off to check out the curated closet. If you have a classic style personality then you have probably noticed that you find it hard to dress down! a diminutive or very slender girl, especially one who is pert, impudent, or playfully mischievous. After going through the Lover programme, I thought there is no way that the Maiden programme could touch it or come even close. . I do love the outdoors and dress for that occasion but I never stray too far from the gamine. Curious about your archetype? It is second nature to them. Ayesha has been an integral resource for building myself up after my spiritual awakening. I would tend to the Bohemian/ natural romantic by preference. The Maiden Is your second highest archetype. My trip to NY will find me wearing mostly navy, black and gray with only a little color thrown in. I have peace in my femininity. Many of you have been asking about the particulars of my Style Analysis with Red Leopard, and specifically about the Gamine style personality. How do you want to be perceived? Whether it is your sweet countenance, screwball personality, or complete disregard for protocol, an eternal child resides deep within you and she is your secret weapon. Gamine is originally a French word that means waif or playful child. Do you miss it? It is now at 76.2%! I had an initial exchange with the Red Leopard Ladies and didnt resonate with their suggestion of classic. Divine femininity is the 3D version of ourselves. Thank you, Elizabeth, for your understanding. I like having a framework, and being able to quantify why something works or doesnt. Sought after for her provocative insights on culture, mythology and gender politics, she has been featured on MTV, Essence, Entertainment Tonight, The Michael Baisden Radio Show, AfroPunk, and Time among other media outlets. The benefit of having a style blog for so many years is that I can look back and analyze my favorite outfits. Id rather replace that with some sort of smart casual expression though a single word eludes me. This goes even more strongly for the Royals here in the UK . Your email address will not be published. Think Audrey Hepburn, Emma Watson, Carey Mulligan, Ellen DeGeneres. My best prints are smaller and evenly spaced, not too much contrast. But not complaining, as aging surely beats the alternative. Oncethis change occurs, the maiden can harness the full seductive potential of her dominant archetype. Her wisdom is a grounding force. I feel liberated now. Again, like the Gamine, jewellery should be small scale, Shoes need to be pretty, dainty with bows or embellishments. I definitely notice a theme in that my best ones have lots of layers and/or an element of drama. The gamine style is sweet, childlike, gentle, innocent and adorably charming. It's not just sex, roses, and pink diamonds. The Princess: pretty, delicate, feminine, with small-scale, petite features. Thank you. After going through the program I immediately changed by branding to that of the Lover and my Instagram followers and engagement suddenly started picking up. A big yuck to the Fall/spring colours for me:( Welcome to my blog, une femme d'un certain ge. MY STYLE PERSONALITY. And yes, Ill still include it, just not exclusively, and with slight modifications. Hairstyles need to be neat rather than flowing. Yes, Im petite, but with more curves and softer contours than I usually associate with the iconic gamines (Jean Seberg, Audrey Hepburn). Small geometrics and angular asymmetric designs, short and broken vertical or horizontal lines etc. Thank you for sharing all this valuable information! I look at the style personalities as starting points, and a way to be able to quantify why certain styles feel right or dont. They are incredibly attractive. At 56 with long, thin legs and a short torso long over lean suits me best.