So this is the perfect momentum under which to begin your new cycle Aries! This isnt about going it alone. If you are the luckiest of all Pisces and have your birthday on this day, it sets the scene for the rest of your year. Karmic relationship, soulmate or is it addiction? From asking directly for what you need, from discussing what others need from you? More emotional guidance Moon/Saturn style in your Full Moon in Virgo Moonscope. Why is this date Dec 21st, 2020 so important? All the planets this month are direct in the sky. Its silently sat in the sky biding its time. This was also a Great Mutation. We cannot afford to take ourselves and our bodies for granted. Those of you with Aquarian factors at 0o will immediately feel the full force of Plutos arrival. Then let it go and know that it will deliver the details you need over the next few weeks. Property matters and even visions of future moves are favoured on these dates. Pluto gives you unwavering belief in yourself and also, simply reinforces your determination to take your time. Libra Horoscope. The Tarot card randomly selected comes from the Classic Rider-Waite Tarot Deck and the interpretations from theTarot Card Meanings by Psychic Revelation. Both these houses are activated for you this March. But only serious applicants for your heart need apply. You will live through a very good period, especially on the intellectual front. Do write all this down. So, continue to factor these in even as you feel them ease. ), when we dedicate ourselves fully to a task or goal. So much clamours for your attention. But it is also your guardian angel planet and wise teacher too! Venus and Juno both enter Venuss ruling 7th this month. And you dont need to compromise that. This first new Moon brings an awakening when it comes to how you see yourself and all that makes you unique. In a nutshell: Time to embrace your unique authenticity and to bravely showcase this in the way only you can. Tune In With Michele Knight. If it doesnt feel right to you however, dont commit to it. Your Venus in Pisces Tarotscope with Michele Knight-Waite, Your July Monthly Tarot Reading 2021 with Michele, Hack Your Future With Numerology Born on the 18th of Any Month, Whats Your Number? Pay close attention, Libra. Reality and virtual reality collide at the point of imagination during Plutos transit of this house for you. Do take a nothing risked, nothing gained approach. The Knight of Swords is unlike many Swords cards because it brings upbeat and cheerful energy. Then let it go and know that it will deliver the details you need over the next few weeks. But the good news is you dont need any advanced astrology skills to be the one in control when it comes to predicting what Pluto is about to serve you. Also in the mix in your 2nd Vesta offering long term interest on plans, Mercury from the 19th. You ARE the idea whose time has come, Sag. Either because we join the dots via our intuition or those facts come tumbling out on their own. Knowing when to 'give and bend' and when you need to stand 'firm and strong'. Step free of past limitations and select fresh choices from a new soul menu. You should be feeling strong, confident and sexy. Especially with regards to your hopes and dreams? The emotions triggered by this full Moon will give you a heads-up on the themes Pluto is likely to bring home when it reaches your 4th. All it means is that while you may attract it, you may not necessarily want it. Your natural abilities in these areas are enhanced. This was a true Christmas Star and it was the closest to us they have been in the sky in 800 years! Because your 12th is your house of the past, your future now stems from that. Youre ready now for more. It's definitely possible to have too much of a good thing. Your authenticity and fearlessness in expressing it will be your superpower as Pluto pays its first visit to your sign on the 23rd. With a new clarity and surety you may not have exhibited before. The first on the 21st and the second next month. I was waiting for you to ask that, daring Aries! Its not just the glowing, growing level of self-assurance that the Sun in your 7th bestows. How to make the most of Halloween! The Spring Equinox always brings your yearly social cycle. When Saturn and Jupiter simultaneously left Capricorn and met at 0o Aquarius. Partnerships need to recharge those batteries, not drain them. If you have the desire, you have the capacity to follow it. I just mentioned Saturns transit of this house. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Positive changes are well and truly set in motion thanks to the stellium of planets in your 8th. Then let it go and know that it will deliver the details you need over the next few weeks. Today's revelatory trine between the moon and communicative Mercury brings some refreshing candor to your conversations. You can expect to receive money in some way you least expected. Its not about one to one romantic love or partnerships. Basically, others will be hanging off your every word. What you unearth from that time will re-emerge again now Pluto enters your sign. In a nutshell: Getting in touch with what you really want and need allows you to see your past choices in a new light. And open new potentials. last week this week next week Week of February 26, 2023 Serendipitous encounters will manifest on March 1, when Venus and Jupiter connections. Are you owning your needs, power and sovereignty for instance and what stops you from fully embracing all of these? This was also a Great Mutation. Get your glam on, Aquarius! And dont exist because they will please someone else. They may not all come at once. It wants us to deliver. If Youre Lonely This Christmas My Heartfelt Message to You. In a nutshell: Change your ideas around what you believe you can have or experience this week, Libra. Or they may arrive in surprising ways. Your gravitational force is increased. As in who in your family or living situation, holds the power. Back to December 2020 to be exact. And rewards of more than one kind being on offer for going the distance. This month, you get the process off to an early start as ruler Venus arrives in your sign on the 16th. In a similar way, some situations are uncomfortable. Bringing in a new 20 year cycle for all of us. There are some astrologers out there who will try to convince you that Saturns arrival in your 8th is a real passion killer. Yes, it all sounds like an infomercial for Astro 101, doesnt it? Time for you to own your path and also enact a new plan for living in the Now Age. Even as it is! Currency is flow and we engage in flow when we act on desire. And if you dont you have no hesitation in throwing it back! Why is this date Dec 21st, 2020 so important? Adding that drama or unexpected twist. Ok, you're stubborn and pig headed but when you love someone, you love them forever. If you want something kept under wraps but need to talk it over, please choose who you confide in wisely. Are you trying too hard and in doing so, losing your authenticity in the process? This is your house of information and details we are exploring. Or with who hands you theirs for safe keeping. Youre moving on up in some way between now and July, Cappy, With more progress to come later. This month will prove to be a key turning point for you in more ways than one. This was the date of the Great Conjunction. Like metal, the bonds between you and another are forged into lasting ties. 2. You will seek out people who can offer you this kind of intense transmutation of your being. Now Age Virgo is love ready. Your Ideal Relationship Tarot Spread. Just because you attracted it, doesnt mean you have to keep it. Possibly that mind/body/soul wellbeing. The 23rd sees Pluto leave your sign for the first time since it arrived in 2008. You may be amazed at the progress you make by adopting this mindset. Or where you should have drawn the line earlier. So, as this full Moon highlights a key topic close to your heart, it strikes at Saturn and also Uranus in your 11th. It will launch in 2023, but why not take a little sneak peek at the cards below? We cannot change them. Just because 'a little of what you fancy does you good' doesn't mean a lot will be even better for you. Discover your weekly love forecast, monthly horoscope or relationship compatibility. We are not responsible for their actions. If youre waiting for news from someone, you will likely like what you hear. Solstice Day December 21. They may not all come at once. End the month in pro-active mode as Mercury and Chiron meet on the 26th. And for you in your 1st, you will be taking yourself more seriously. When big decisions and commitments will be made. Get this comprehensive guide. All talk and no action? Goddess Tanit Ibiza In Search Of The Goddess, Celebrating All Hallows Eve on October 31, Autumn Equinox a time of balance and harvest. And those people you know or will meet during this cycle have the power to change your future. This is the force that is keeping the stars apart active in your life in a way you have never experienced before. Next, lets talk Saturn in your 10th. Or they may arrive in surprising ways. And we do this by trust and openness. All cards except numbers XIII and XV are included. Incredible daring, bold brazen sweetness, and belief in yourself propels you forward. It merely wants to show you how powerful you are. This may push a few buttons as it may go against what you have always been told you should do. You've been making a concerted effort to adapt and adjust. As well as ditching any self-blame, do understanding that blaming others is what keeps us stuck in a cycle. You have shape shifting star quality now. Have you outgrown it? The law. Do you have too many for instance? To see the obvious thats right in front of you? Theres no blame attached if we have made incorrect choices in the past when we tuned out those inner whispers. Do it and soar! Ones which go the distance. The time for pretence, for bending yourself out of shape to people-please, of feeling you are not okay just the way you are so over for you, braveheart! It rings in the love changes by asking you to get serious about what it is you want. libra. The ones whose reputations are gold standard. The Worm, Sap or Chaste Moon. So, dont it make sense you should be the sign in charge this cycle? Not the rom-com kind. During this time, we get to press that Reset button and start anew. I hardly need remind you of this. So, putting it into perspective is what frees us from the cycle. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Time to leap into your future as faith in yourself is the best gift you can gift your future this week. In a nutshell: The truth or what we need to know, has a way of emerging. (Aquarius is the sign which rules astrology and this is your house of knowledge and sharing!). Now, you dont have to concentrate until beads of blood appear on your forehead when trying to remember. Soul astrology and all things uplifting to empower your spirit! The key collaboration. This was also a Great Mutation. The same day ruler Venus and Uranus meet in your 8th. Because that energy is straight up medicinal for your soul. 2 Mar 2023 Mercury conjunct Saturn in Aquarius (11th), 2 Mar 2023 Venus conjunct Jupiter in Aries (1st), 3 Mar 2023 Venus conjunct Chiron in Aries (1st), 7 Mar 2023 Waxing Full Moon in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus (6th to 2nd), 11 Mar 2023 Venus in Aries sextile Mars in Gemini (1st to 3rd), 11 Mar 2023 Mercury in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus (12th to 2nd), 11 Mar 2023 Vesta conjunct Chiron in Aries (1st), 12 Mar 2023 Jupiter Conjunct Chiron in Aries (1st), 13 Mar 2023 Vesta conjunct Jupiter in Aries (1st), 14 Mar 2023 Mars in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces (3rd to 12th), 15 Mar 2023 Sun conjunct Neptune in Pisces (12th), 16 Mar 2023 Mercury conjunct Neptune in Pisces (12th), 16 Mar 2023 Sun in Pisces square Mars in Gemini (12th to 3rd), 16 Mar 2023 Venus in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn (1st to 10th), 17 Mar 2023 Mercury in Pisces square Mars in Gemini (12th to 3rd), 17 Mar 2023 Sun conjunct Mercury in Pisces (12th), 17 Mar 2023 Venus in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces (2nd to 12th), 18 Mar 2023 Mercury in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn (12th to 10th), 19 Mar 2023 Mercury in Aries opposition Ceres in Libra (1st to 7th), 20 Mar 2023 Sun in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn (12th to 10th), 20 Mar 2023 Sun in Aries opposition Ceres in Libra (1st to 7th), 22 Mar 2023 Venus and Juno conjunct in Taurus (2nd), 22 Mar 2023 Retrograde Ceres re-enters Virgo (6th), 26 Mar 2023 Mercury conjunct Chiron in Aries (1st), 28 Mar 2023 Mercury conjunct Jupiter in Aries (1st), 30 Mar 2023 Mars in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces (4th to 12th), 30 Mar 2023 Venus and Uranus conjunct in Taurus (2nd). This is your opportunity to create yours. Choose A Horoscope aries Mar 21 - Apr 19 taurus Apr 20 - May 20 gemini May 21 - Jun 20 cancer Jun 21 - Jul 22 leo Jul 23 - Aug 22 virgo Theres more coming your way, Cancer. In the form of opportunity, an offer, attention or validation thanks to No Regrets meetings between Venus and Jupiter (2nd) and then Venus and Chiron (3rd). The heat gets turned up. As Saturn heads backwards in your 5th, it may be time to stop thinking of the past as being a blueprint for your future. Mar 03, 2023 - The intuitive Moon is currently moving through Cancer and your 10th House of professional ambition and career goals, Libra, so don't be surprised if you still have the urge to roll up your sleeves and get to work. Do keep your journal handy to jot down revelations as they appear. With fearless confidence? Oh, and pay attention to the other meaning of Temperance. However, ruler Mercury enters on the 19th, the Sun on the 20th kick-starts spring, and then we have the first of two new Moons in here on the 21st. You simply like to be certain. If we practice healthy self-parenting, we may be put in a position where we have to say no to a choice we know is bad for us. If you cant immediately recall what was going on then, just assign the task to your subconscious mind. please" data-l8n-21="click" data-l8n-22="here"">. Or not at all. Go beyond sunsigns and see the personal effect of all the planets in your life. You dont need to concentrate on this until beads of blood appear on your forehead however. Just to what you do best Pisces and open up that channel to higher wisdom. It fuels us up, charges our purpose and electrifies our whole being. March asks you to serve your truth. What Are Psychic Readings & How Can They Help? Have a check up if needed. During this cycle, you need to play by the accepted rules. Back to December 2020 to be exact. Saturn in your 2nd wants you to make the most of what you have. Are you still trying or did those doors remain closed no matter how loud and often you knocked? Therefore this week and under this new Moon place a higher value on your own time by ruthlessly carving some of it out for what you want and love to do. Self-empowerment is sexy too. This is just a short departure as it will return in July. The new Moon in its ruling 4th on the 30th asks what you need for sustainable living physically, materially and emotionally in the coming year. Expect surprise shifts around income or anything which underpins your security. Do take wellbeing matters seriously. And if anyone tells you the opposite, it only fuels your desire to go further. Thinking big, anticipating the positive. And then Venus and Chiron the following day. You do now. As Mercury which rules this house has only just engaged into direct motion, you are still in retro lite until the third week of June. This product includes GeoLite data created by MaxMind, available from You feel if not older, then wiser and more experienced. Libra Weekly Forecast The ground beneath your feet is still shifting, Libra. Yes, you may end up bending a few rules. That could include attracting them as well! 3 Jun 2022 Mercury stationary direct in Taurus (2nd), 4 Jun 2022 Saturn stationary retrograde in Aquarius (11th). This is Mercurys house and therefore an ideal time to implement any changes around these areas as Mercury shunts forward once more. Biography of Reynald Secher (excerpt) Reynald Secher (born 27 October 1955) is a French historian famous for his work on the War in the Vende. But one will trigger an ultra-rare eclipse. Love isnt off the table with Saturn in here. So, take some time to look at where doors opened for you. The month contains a great deal of fast changing mutable energy. Or else you receive proof you were right all along when it came to that small, still voice whispering in your ear. Do be aware however that the energy of your body will be extra sensitive and in flux. And above all, how you direct and protect it. or business. And this will tell you just where one, some or many of these themes will take you in the next 20 years. Love 8 Communication 9 Work 7 Today's Aspects Perhaps another aspect of your existence is causing concern or maybe there are some challenges along the way to that happy outcome. Saturn in your 6th demands systems, structure and real solutions when it comes to your work and wellbeing. What the world needs now is you, fierce you, Aries. The Now Age has a plan for you, Taurus. Its silently sat in the sky waiting. Work hard and stay focused today to reap the fruits of hard work later. Understand that the new people entering your life now may see things much more clearly than you do. In a nutshell: Love will prove to be the greatest transformational power in your life in the upcoming cycle, Leo. And what will trigger it for all of us is Pluto arriving at 0o Aquarius on March 23. Income, resources, love and other assets. This could bring a pivotal meeting or conversation with someone influential who likes what you are saying. And you could see anyone who tries to slow this or hold you back as simply trying to keep you caged. Now, Venus (the planet of love) in Aries demands that we chase after the . Your insight is affirming its importance even if you dont yet realise what it it, Libra. So no under Saturn. Saturn turns retrograde in your partnership sector while Mercury moves forward again in your 10th. The energy of this Great Conjunction at zero Aquarius is waiting to be triggered. Venus meets Uranus, planet of the surprising, unexpected and different. The energy of this Great Conjunction at zero Aquarius is waiting to be triggered. Keep your journal handy to jot down revelations as they appear. Showing you that some things are too important to sell out over. If something is within your grasp once more, then fire up your courage and self-belief and take it! This was a true Christmas Star and it was the closest to us they have been in the sky in 800 years! And enforce them if lines are crossed. And will prove to have a direct relevance to what Pluto will serve you in the Now Age. Pluto ensures that for the Now Age. Monday to Wednesday your senses are stimulated, making you more creative, imaginative and spiritual. And the Autumn in the Southern. Last month saw the meeting between ruler Neptune and Venus in your 7th. But you need to know if the other party is too. In a similar way, some situations are uncomfortable. Thats what I like to hear, Cappy. So long as you come from a place of total authenticity. While Venus and Uranus meet in your 5th the same day. Weekly Horoscopes with Michele Knight. visit me on instagram for daily updates The insight could astound you now as it is pointing you in a direction you need to go. You may have to spend some time thinking back to exactly what was happening on that precise day. Today's Horoscope. A new direction will emerge now. You may not feel like taking risks. Its silently sat in the sky waiting. Why would you want to be or look like someone else anyway? How to enable Javascript in Internet Explorer ? Back to December 2020 to be exact.