In this Loud House Alternate universe a man made virus force's mankind to abandon earth.all except one 11 year old Lincoln Loud was accidentally abandoned by his paren. Luna: >whispers< Yes bro, that's the spirit. After grabbing all his things and putting on his protective gear, Lincoln got back on his bike and rode to Piperville, but not before going to the bathroom in a nearby outhouse. Luna: >to Lincoln< Lincoln, you better apologize to Sam and Simon for what you've done, >to Simon< And that goes for you too as well! After 5 minutes, he heard another knock at the door, this time it was Rita. Liam: Tarnation, now this is even more cheesier than the time Lynn tried to get me into Baseball, but it was fun while it lasted. Of course, while I don't know what Lincoln's favorite kind of cake is, I imagined it could be white cake. Clyde: I agree, that was a good show, >passes stick to Simon< now it's your turn, favorite super hero and why? Luna: >to Lincoln< Which one do you like best Bro? ", "Yes," said James, "but thereisa possibility he might be in good hands. The government thought we had too much kids do they had to give one away, and they chose Luke, they only boy we had before Lincoln. Lincoln: >annoyed, to Simon< Uh, you do know he has bad episodes as well. The elder sister looks back on how it happened. Sam: Like you care, because if your brother doesn't want to be friends with my brother, than both of you can butt out of our lives. Butch broke the fourth wall when he said "And to think she'd improve her character in Season 2 of this show.". Read to find out. "Boy, when I get my hands on her, I'm gonna give her a piece of my mind," Steve growled. Luke: "Well, I enjoy video games. Commentary is acceptable, The Story (It shows Lincoln and Leni are in the living room, looking at a scrapbook of their childhood memories) LINCOLN: There we are, Leni. The Loud House: The Lost Loud Brother [COMPLETE] Fanfiction Lincoln is tired of being the only boy in the house. (Luna then forms tears in her eyes and starts crying, Lincoln tries to calm her down, but Luna pushed him to the ground), (Luna runs away from him as she continues crying, Lincoln gets back up and turns to Liam). Lola: >to Simon< Normally she doesn't play by the rules, but in the case, I'm glad she's decided to help me out with the cooking and baking. "We all sat down and greeted Luke.Rita: "Luke was born just after Luan. "Luna: "I'm way to confused brah. "Luke: "Uhh, I like comedy. Luna: Look guys, you just recently met, I don't want the both of you to start arguing with each other. Luna: No Sam, I'm sorry for harassing you, I want us to be two peas in a pod. (Clyde then waves the stick to one of the boys, Clyde then places the stick onto Lincoln's head gently, Lincoln then grabs the stick). Luna: Well, I hope you boys are proud of yourselves, not only that you boys keep disrespect each others opinions aside from the chicken coop chore, but you also destroyed Liam's farm. "I made this to show how sorry I am," said Lori. Simon: Wait a minute, I remember you, you're the "Cow Pie Kid" right? "Well," said Steve, "I found the sister obviously, but where's the brother? Luna: >pinches his cheek< Don't mention it bro, they will be here in thirty minutes, but please, don't mess this up with me and Sam, I want all of us to have a good relationship together. Clyde: Okay Lincoln, you're up first, Who is your favorite Super hero? Luna: And I thought you still hate me afterwards. Lynn went inside and found the lump on the bed. Sam: >in thought< Oh no, you've got to be kidding me! Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. But, enough about that, please come home! But when we had A few more kids, they didn't take them away, which makes things confusing. This is what Luke looked like. It's his favorite kind too! The problem was, he don't know how to. James then removed a pair of noise-cancelling earmuffs he had on. Lincoln: >annoyed, to Simon< But the Playstation has the same graphics. "What do you want," asked Lincoln. Clyde: >to Lincoln< And Lincoln, how do you fell about Simon's opinion on SpongeBob? - Lincoln said (They look at a photo of him and Leni bathing in the bathtub) LENI: Aw, you look so cute as a baby! ", "Well, at least not by yourself," said Lynn Sr., "next time you go running away like that, take us with you, huh? Lincoln: >annoyed, to Simon< How dare you mention that mere name that we have been rivals with. Maybe you could find something to watch together for a change. (And this is what the boys actually did, they fed the chickens and collected the eggs from the chicken coop not soon after an angry rooster scares them off, then they went to the pig pen and fed the pigs, then they took a ride on Ellie Mae the Moose to collect some straw from the straw fields and store them on the antlers as they make good shovels or buckets, then they store the straw onto the hayloft, then they had to herd the cows and goats into the barn and each of the boys had to milk the Cows and dairy Goats and then release them back to their respected pasture, once they were done with the chores the both washed up, once they got all washed up, they were ready to sell produce at Liam's farm, they both sold milk and eggs and each earned at least twenty dollars and twenty one cents, Liam then approaches them). "Please don't ever do that gain," said Rita. "Will you go wake your brother up," asked Lynn Sr. Lynn ran up the stairs and to Lincoln's door, on which she knocked. Luna: I thought we could give it a try when we get them both together at least. Lincoln: I've been a fan of Ace Savvy since I was about Six years old, that's when I started to watch "The Adventures of Ace Savvy and One-Eyed Jack: The animated series", then I got involved into reading comics. And how its about a boy have 10 sisters? Lori looked and saw Pop-Pop Albert on the porch. Is he here? Lincoln: >to Luna< I think we both had a bad day! "Butch," said Mr. Elsewhere, in Piperville, Lincoln was joining Butch and Mark for lunch, which was meatball subs courtesy of the Piperville Deli. . "PLUS," said Lola, "THAT WASMYTWIN YOU HIT, YOU BIG FAT MEANIE! She's been gifted for as long as any of her family members could remember, she won every science fair, made ground braking discoveries, she was basically the female Einstein. (It then cuts to Luna and Luan's room with Lincoln and Simon sitting on Luan's bed). Sam: Seeing them together nicely is just what we needed after our breakup. "Lola," said Lynn Sr. in a calm tone, "I know you're angry at Lori, but don't throw your shoe at her. Lori held up her phone, which had a big crack on the screen. (Lincoln, Luna and Sam all gasped as Simon made a comment about Lincoln). Lori tried to walk away, but James saw her. I'm glad I'm friends with Clyde, Zach, Liam, Stella and Rusty, and I'm happy to have to have friends who are also friends with my sisters, but you on the other hand are the only exception. 175 Best Instant Pot Recipes. Oh wait! "I brought you some pizza in case you got hungry," said Rita. ", "Hey guys," said Steve, "we're having a BBQ at our place to celebrate Lincoln's reunion with you guys! Remake of the 1992 film adaptation of Tom and Jerry, titled "Tom and. Simon: >angered, to Lincoln< How dare you call her "Bland and Unsympathetic"? Lincoln: How do I feel about SpongeBob, Scorpion and Xbox? "Well," said Rita, "I suppose it'll be OK if we had you two staying with us. >to Simon< And as for you bro, you need to stop acting like you know better then him. Lincoln: Not to mention she called me "Stinkoln" multiple times. The Instant Pot Toddler Food Cookbook . Lincoln: Listen Simon, I want to say I'm sorry for disrespecting your opinions and about calling you off because of what you said about me. But I'm more comfortable with the Playstation controls than Xbox, besides, these controls aren't that good anyway. Sam: >to Luna< You heard me, I don't think we should be together anymore as either friends or a couple anymore. Sam: >to Luna< Yup, i'm happty that they are happy. "Luan: "Then you're in the right family! (They both share a hug, little did they know was that Simon and Sam also showed up at the Fro-Yo place, Sam wasn't in the best mood as she drags Simon to the Fro-Yo place). (It then cuts to Clyde at the Living room where he sits Lincoln and Simon by the couch as he instructs them about respecting opinions in a more positive light). (Eventually Luna remembered the times that Luna was harsh on Lincoln, but then she remembered how nice she was to Lincoln like when she made his his concert unforgettable or how she returned the favor after he was turned down of a V.I.P. (It starts with a black screen with the narrator reading the words on the screen) Narrator: >reads< "Previously on The Loud House" Ronnie Anne: My familia's got COVID and my Mom and Bobby are staying here for the week until my familia feels better. ", "Lana," said Lincoln, "don't tell anyone, but I'm running away.". Avelina has always cared for those who can't care for the Eleanor's life is not exactly pleasant. ", "Geez," said Lincoln, "calm down. Lincoln: But I love chocolate, take it from my sisters, they are extreme chocoholics! And uha word of warning: This MIGHT be a LITTLE sad, but hey, if other people do stories like this, why not let me join the fun? ", "AND ANOTHER THING," yelled Bobby, "WE'RE DONE!". Lincoln: Sometimes, I wish Simon would change his opinions instead of being a smart little butt! My only brother gone.". This is my new and improved Fanfiction of the Loud House when Lincoln wish that he had a brother or maybe an imaginary friend. I give credit to Smile.Huezera for story asisstance. ", "No, Lori," said Albert, "don't apologize to your sisters. Simon: Uh, yes genius, and what's up with not respecting my own opinions, I have better opinions than you. He then leaves the house and slowly starts heading over to his, thinking about what to do. Simon: I could say the same, our argument is what caused our sisters to break up in the first place. Before he could process his surroundings, a familiar voice caught him off guard. I mean come on, she's nearly satanic dude!Lynn: "Hey Lukey wanna go grab A sub from downstairs? Most of the smiles turned into frowns when she said that. (They all shared a hug, until from a distance, Leni was clapping very slowly while smiling). Luna: I know thing hadn't gone off on a good start, but I think we should end our--. The Loud House: The Lost Loud Brother [COMPLETE] Fanfiction Lincoln is tired of being the only boy in the house. Seeing the effect of his drastic change to his family after the incident, Lincoln was determined to fix his mistake. Lincoln jumped out of the cab and rushed to his family, hugging them all. He tries to end their stupid superstitions. The letter read"Dear Lincoln, I take a pen in hand to write this letter to you to express my feelings of sorrow for what I did to you. Sam: >stops Lincoln and Simon< Guys, guys, stop arguing. "Lori: "We literally have A lot In common! Sam: >to Lincoln and Simon< What did we just say? ", "Are you kidding," asked Lincoln, "and continue to live under the reign of The Queen Of No after what she did to me?! # 10. HUH?! (The boys started getting into a fight cloud, then the storm out of the room while Sam and Luna completely dodged their fight cloud and eventually the twins, Lisa and Lily witnessed the whole fight, the fight cloud goes back downstairs and then Luna and Sam grabbed both of the boys and kept them away from each other). Lincoln: Okay. "And we're gonna bring him home on Chuggie," said Butch. Sam: How can I be friends with someone who has a sibling when both of their siblings don't get along with ones opinion who is disrespected or don't have in common. Lincoln: >annoyed< You know what? "Luke: "Definatley, when we have the chance. ", "I think you should try calling them," said Albert, "wouldn't hurt to,". Clyde: Now for your favorite cartoon show >to audience< Again, not counting our own show. ", "Mom," said Lincoln, "I know you're concerned, but I really don't wanna talk about it right now. I really didn't mean it, honest. As Lori ran upstairs, Lola prepared to throw her shoe at her, but Lynn Sr. stopped her. Sam: >sighs, to Simon< It's okay little bro, no go take a seat somewhere and I'll meet up with you later while I'll deal with >points her thumb at Luna< this parasite. ", "Yeah," said Mark, "the best in the Northeast!". There is no longer an "Us", it's just me and Simon not interacting with neither one of--, (Sam pauses and looks at both Lincoln and Simon as they were having a friendly conversation, Sam looked confused and the same goes with Luna as she spots them both as well). Sam: >to Simon, annoyed< STAY OUT OF THIS STIMON! Loud House Fanfiction - Second Loud Brother. ", "Don't worry, buddy," said Butch, "we'll make arrangements for you to stay here.". Liam: Now pay attention, now I could use your help around the farm, while my memaw is out of town, she gave me a list of chores around the farm, now I would like for you two to work together and then tell me in your own opinion what ya'll two like the best, now does that sound too hard for you boys? Lincoln: HmmmLipton's does taste good, but PG tips kinda taste awful, The Chocolate hip Muffins and the White Chocolate chip cookies are delicious, even more so than the other Muffins and Cookies. Liam: Yup, that's me, I used to play Baseball but my time has passed. Lincoln: Oh, the kid Clyde told me about, I heard from him that you did a great job cat-sitting for them and they were thankful. "Typical," said Lisa, "he always sleeps in on Saturdays like a lot of kids do. Leni says that the games are on her as well. loudhouse # 11 The Fastest Man Alive - A Loud Hou. You kind made Sam act like a jerk, no offence. Both Lincoln and Butch jumped from the branch and managed to escape the falling branch. "Steve, chill," said James, "we're not escalating this any farther. "There, there, Leni," said Luna, "It'll be okay, I hope.". (Lincoln, Simon, Luna and Sam all ran away as Lynn shouted at them, Leni was watching from a distance as she asked herself a question). Sam: Ohhhhhh, I loved that movie with Jack Black. Sam: Come to think of it, Simon and Lincoln never even met before, you think we should hang out altogether? Simon: Scooby Doo?