Rating: M Author: Anne Phoenix Rating: NC-17 Seeing Red He panted as he floated blissfully in his post orgasmic haze. Author: Alula_Astro Warnings: sadism, masochism, various kinks and fetishes, D/s Ordinary Love Summary: The Dark Lord Voldemort changed his ideals and wants Harry Potter on his side. And a handy, dandy, expensive heirloom. Rating:M Summary: A Dictionary Drabble based on the word rudiment. Warnings: OOC, violence Summary: Evidence in the case of the abduction of Harry Potter: journal entries by Lucius Malfoy, lead suspect. If he can seduce his captor into using him in other ways he might have some control over his life again. Warnings: violence, mpreg Rating: R Rating: NC-17 Freytags Pyramid* Warnings: A/B/O, mpreg, intersex, male lactation, knotting, AU, infidelity Summary: Lucius and Draco are looking for a third.. and Harry comes along. Rating: M Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Snape Warnings: non con Rating: NC-17 Rating: NC-17 In The End I will enjoy breaking you.. Author: crowthing Rating: NC-17 Lucius is there to hold the pieces together. But for the wizarding world under the ruthless rule of the Dark Lord Voldemort, well, its a little more all-encompassing than that. Rating: NC-17 The fluffiness is in the feeling and at the very, very end of this piece. Author: keikokin Summary: Harrys dream has walked into his life, will he survive? Snippets from an old idea. Warnings: au, underage, character death Human* Abused Summary: After a traumatic event, Harry loses his memory and forgets what led to his condition, including two love-struck Slytherins. Summary: Harry is approached by Lucius Malfoy just as he settles into his new and more relaxing work at the ministry; it leads to somewhat promising results. Summary: This takes place the same night as Body Language and Educational Lover. Warnings: AU, OOC, non con, violence Therefore, its most unfortunate that the future father-in-law tries to interfere. Challenges: 193. Desperately Author: keikokin Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Draco Summary:Lucius finally catches Harry and some interesting thoughts surface. The Long Road* Author: Sestra_Prior Summary: There is a new Lord in the wizarding world, and things will never be the same again. They did not, however, change nicely or easily or even willingly. So Much For Discretion, sequel to Discretion Required Pairings: Harry/Sirius, Harry/Remus, Harry/Lucius, Harry/Draco, Harry/Others tip: lex m/m (mature OR explicit). Summary: Harry, Ron, and Hermione were in trouble. Summary: In which Lucius Malfoy has a thing for fit Quidditch players. Rating: NC-17 Visual Effects*, a follow up to Another Kind of Magic (Snarry fic) Author: Nimori Rating: PG Warnings: mpreg, creature!Harry, multiple partners, D/s Summary: Oh, god. Summary: Harry goes to confront his demons. Summary:Lucius Malfoy had always loved contrasting colours. Author: lucius_complex Summary:Harry is almost twenty and ready to consider the next step with his mates, children. Warnings: AU, mpreg Warnings: PTSD, anxiety attacks Rating: PG-13 No Better Seduction Author: Keppiehed Rating: NC-17 Whore 1 AO3**| FFN Hermione needs to find a way home, back to her mates, back to her family. Author: GhostIsReading The Law Of Equivalent Exchange In Your Lies (Day 1) Working Relationship Harry had never expected this and it was with a single moment, a single choice that none of them saw coming, that Voldemort won the war. Author: keikokin Bonus points if Lucius whispers to Snape what a delicious fuck Harry was, while Voldie is still in the room. Summary: Lucius knows this is his last chance at pleasure and he isnt about to waste it. Love Blossoms Anew Summary: Lord Voldemort employs an unusual method to test Lucius Malfoys loyalties using Harry Potter. A shame that the transformed people are violent and leak allure until they find their true mates. Summary: Harry is betrayed, Lucius learns to submit, but will our hero Sev be so easily tamed? Warnings: OS But in the end, he can choose only one. Summary: And it had been such a nice plan! Rating: R Author: leela_cat Summary: A man fallen from grace receiving comfort from a person he least expected. Summary: Lucius Malfoy has to deal with the wizarding worlds implementation of a more modern attitude toward underage sex. Summary: No summary provided. Kings of the Wheel is named after a classic HPLM fic with the authorspermission. Harry returns to Hogwarts to finish his education. Summary: There are more Dark wizards than just Lord Voldemort. Not only is he a submissive, but he has 4 dominants. Fathers and Daughters When he finaly finds the courage to act, can he learn to be happy again? Rating: R Warnings: mpreg, multiple partners Warnings: underage (Harry is fifteen); AU (Harry in Slytherin), spanking, slight humiliation perhaps Everything in this story is more book based then movie based. Rating: M completely baffled, way more insane than anyone would care to admit and somewhat looking forward to beating Dumbledore at his own game this time, Harry sets out to find out exactly what the fuck happened to him. Falling Warnings: first person POV, darkfic Rating:M Becoming Undone One that is also very close to Lucius as well. When Lucius Met Gerry Forced to seek the help of two former deatheaters, Harry finds himself drawn to fulfill his new found desires. Summer Fun Summary: Even a brief stay in Azkaban for Harry will be disastrous. Author: Speedy Tomato Behold the gradual degradation of morality. Author: SnapeRulesMaraudersDrool Summary: When Harry falls for the wrong Malfoy can he rectify his mistake? Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Draco(/Other) Author: Lomonaaeren Unexpected Things Rating: NC-17 Author: SnapeRulesMaraudersDrool Rating: NC-17 Summary: This fic is part of the Beloved Enemies Harry/Lucius Fuh-Q-Fest. Author: keikokin Wizards Dont Get Mad, They Get Even* Author: Calanor What could be the problem. While keeping Snape busy, he sends Lucius to Hogwarts as Snape using polyjuice. Rating: NC-17 Rating: NC-17 Rating: PG-13 Author: pissedoffeskimo Rating: NC-17 Summary: Harry goes for a late night snack and is tempted by forbidden fruit. Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Severus, Harry/Others This blog do not endorse any specific themes listed below, and is not responsible for offended sensibilities. Summary: Harry Potter really was the last Horcrux. Rating: NC-17 Warnings: dub con Rating: M Summary: Desperate times call for desperate plans, or so Harry believes. Warnings: incest, mpreg, non con, gender issues Caring For the Boy Author: Cloud_Nine Well smut. Summary: The great sorcerer Lucius Malfoy leaves his hapless, but very charming, apprentice to his own devices, for just a little while. Rating: PG Pairings: Hermione/Harry, Harry/Lucius, Harry/Hermione/Lucius Instead, Voldemort was realising hed found the perfect solution to an ongoing problem. Pairings: Harry/Lucius/Severus, Lucius/Severus, Severus/Harry Warnings: OOC, AU, kink Author: Sinclairum Rating: NC-17 Rating: NC-17 Offering, sequel to Surrender Summary: The wizarding world fell to Lord Voldemort in the fall of 1980. Author: Elpin Tea With The King Author: Maeglin Yedi Author: greenie Summary: At the end of the TriWizard Tournament Harry decides it is time to rise again. With You Author: Lomonaaeren Warnings: prostitution, mild voyeurism, BDSM Rating: R Summary: Its starts when Harrys 12 when he first meets him in the book shop. Hitman In Love He is forced to endure rape, a sex-change and impregnation by the Dark Lord. Warnings: BDSM Rating: NC-17 For the Greater Good* Pairings: Harry/Lucius/Severus Warnings: dark!Harry Some Dark Undercurrent Woe All that was left was to follow the plan that Dumbledore had painstakingly crafted for this moment. Rating: NC-17 Apparently she had adamantly refused to work with him and his father had actually called in security to carry her into Draco's office. Author: Lillian Author: Mistress Slytherin Memento Vivere It quickly turns into an exciting announcement. Harry Potter is on the run. Summary: Harry is a fucking tease, Lucius is interested but also terrified of being hurt again. Author: julesmonster Summary: Harrys captured by Voldemort and finds help in an unexpected quarter. Warnings: mpreg, vague pairing description, creature!fic, abuse, mentions of non con, character!bashing Summary: Another Lucius veela story but I hope this is different. Post Hogwarts/War. Summary: A malfunction with a Time Turner sends Harry back to 1973 where he learns a dark secret about the Light side, finds his family and love. Summary: By the looks of things Lucius is also mesmerized by our juvenile adjudicator, his silver eyes trained on the boys face, never leaving, always assessing. Healing Shores, part 3 of the Delicate Boyseries Warnings: non con, underage, violence, BDSM (bad etiquette), sexual slavery, mindfuck Author: amy But, in order to get the love he needs, he learns he must make a heart-breaking decision . Rating: R Summary:Harry receives a confusing letter while at Hogwarts. Rating: R Holiday Cheer Warnings: abuse, non con, violence, torture The Lord then offers something Harry doesnt particularly want to pass up, Marked Rating: NC-17 Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Snape. His Lucius willingly (read: out of his own free will) becomes Harry Potters slave. Draco has some resolutions too, and soon decides he will help Harry to accept touch, closeness, sex, and maybe even love. Author: Cameron_Reese_Slytherin Rating: NC-17 Author:bev_crusher1971 Warnings: violence, slightly dark Impregnated during his confinement and afraid of the expected response, he runs from the Wizarding World. Author: salus-gem Rating: Me Rating: R Rating: PG A Dictionary Drabble based on the word contumacy. Rating: M Warnings: non con, BDSM Pairings: Harry/Severus, Harry/Voldemort, Harry/Lucius, Harry/Draco, Harry/Others Rating: NC-17 Summary: When everyones convinced youre innocent, its so much easier to manipulate them. Summary: Fait accompli is French for a thing irrevocably done. Harry and Draco have dealt with some of the consequences of their wedding night. Rating: NC-17 Warnings: character death, dubcon Author: Hijja Warnings: non con, AU Rating: NC-17 Author: ArielSakura Rating: R Author: Sestra_Prior Is it a good relationship? And Lucius isnt one to waste an opportunity. Not As It Seemed Warnings: BDSM Author: JBankai89 To see Harry Potter on his knees at the foot of your throne?. Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Fenrir/Draco, Harry/other Death Eaters No Other Before Me Love and Death Between the Dead and the Sleeping Warnings: violence, enslavement It wouldnt be as bad if that boy wasnt Harry Potterand it would be almost ok if when he closed his eyes he could picture Harry screaming in pleasureand not agony. Author: FrankieSpitfire Has Harry lost everything or will the unlikely ally of Severus Snape help him do more than just survive? Author: KLMatt Author: amanuensis Salvation Warnings: non con, violence, darkfic Summary: After escaping his vile relatives, Prince Harry comes face to face with unexpected dangers. Summary: A series of entries from the journal of Lucius Malfoy, chronicling a series of poker games with one Harold James Potter. Author: Depraved Necromancer (BvinYa_Raama) Author:emarwood Author: aisling Summary: Now, I know its quite late in life to be instilling the tenets of proper behaviour, but I am responsible for you, and Here, Lucius smiled, cruel, twisted, gleaming like a glint of light off a knifes edge. Rating: NC-17 Ambush Author: pissedoffeskimo Bound Magic ~ Lucius Story Rating: PG-13 Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Draco, Harry/Snape, Lucius/Snape, Lucius/Draco The Return Summary: 3 Months ago, my ex-lover and my father both pulled their heads out of their arses and got together, with help from me. Warnings: BDSM, underage, humiliation Contrast Post-war. Summary: Rain in general sucks. Author: Minxie Rating: R One shot. Will he finally see what Harry and Lucius have been trying to tell him? Summary: The last moment of the final battle between Harry and Voldemort. Love Letters Contract Warnings: non con, underage Warnings: light bondage Summary: Back at Hogwarts, Harry must deal with being thrust back into the limelight and everything else including Snape. Harry has a list of things he wants to do before the Festive season is over and it's not going well with the first one Lord Abraxas Malfoy weds his seventeen year-old omega son to Lord Cygnus Black, but after enduring five years in a dreadful marriage, Lucius has yet to give his lord husband a male heir. The Darkness Inside: Part 2 Hanging By a Moment Author: SweetSorcery Warnings: AU, possibly OOC Rating: NC-17 Rating: NC-17 Author: Sestra_Prior Rating: PG-13 Pairings: Harry/Lucius/Draco Summary: Its time to bring Luicus Malfoy into the Modern Age, but who can manage that? Rating: PG-13 In the Blood of the Traitor (Theyll Find Freedom)* Summary: Harry was surprised at how fast hate could change into lust. Rating: R Summary: When Harry loses his memories, what is his lover supposed to do? Summary:As some sick birthday gift, Tom hands Harry a book that changes his life for the better of everyone. Author: semaphoreddrivethru Soon he finds himself falling for someone who he once thought to be his enemy. Warnings: creature!fic, abuse, violence Summary: Lucius is awakened to feelings he thought he no longer possessed. Warnings: fem!Harry, gender change Hands Off My Half-Blood Warnings: crossdressing, mpreg Summary: Harry takes Lucius out of Azkaban to use him as a guide to Voldemorts destruction, but Lucius is tired of being helpless. Author: Ophiuchus Malfoy Summary: After the war, Lucius spent a great deal of time trying not to think about Harry Potter. Summary: The war is finally over and Voldemort is dead. When Sirius shows up, many things are resolved. Heres the real storyReading that is dangerous to your own health. Warnings: multiple partners, underage, violence, BDSM, creatures Summary: Harry Potter sat at the head table, overlooking the four houses of Hogwarts at another dull dinner.. Warnings: mpreg, underage, character death Rating: T Author:SweetSorcery Summary: To cement a treaty of peace after the war, two of the combatants must marry. Author: Bonfoi Strange Encounter of the Malfoy Kind Rating: Soft NC-17 Pet* Overture Forever In Your Arms* Place tongue firmly in cheek and read on to find out why. Summary: No summary provided. Summary:Harry is kidnapped and falls into the hands of Lucius Malfoy who makes him his pet. Rating: NC-17 Author: Depraved Necromancer (BvinYa_Raama) Author: WithDemonWings Author: waywardvictorian Not too surprising since Harrys not exactly himself these days. Warnings: violence, implied rape, Snape!bashing, Dumbledore!bashing Rating: NC-17 Warnings: mpreg, miscarriage, OCs Author:WithDemonWings Rating: NC-17 Jealousy Pairings: Harry/Draco, Harry/Lucius You will be begging me for more and hating yourself for it. Lucius said, before kissing Harry roughly. Who has a choice? Warnings: non con, violence, underage, threesome, body modification, forced pregnancy And waits. Summary:Harry is remembering, and contemplating his marriage with Lucius Malfoy. Author: Sestra_Prior Rating: NC-17 Swan Author: Maeglin Yedi Author: alafaye Author: Ayla Pascal Rating: NC-17 Choose the most attractive wizard you can find and seduce himonly to find hes your soul mate and now you have to figure out how to catch and keep him! Author: mellod89 Summary: Dont sneak out alone, Harry, they always tell him. Rating: NC-17 You should know better than that with an escaped Death Eater in the house. Its unexpected to say the least. Summary:For five years Lucius Malfoy has longed to have Harry Potter, Saviour of the Wizarding World and political extraordinaire. This is how Harrys Christmas goes when his best friend/brother doesnt believe a word he says. Summary: This ones for you, Scorps. The Light That Did Once Shine Rating: R And accepting that that help could come from Lucius Malfoy took him even longer. Rating: PG-13 Warnings: non con, violence, multiple partners Pairings: Harry/Lucius/Remus Rating: R The plan had been working till now. Warnings: underage, darkfic The Practice of Walking in Darkness* Rating: R Un-betaed. Warnings: OOC Harry has had such terrible luck in dating that he suspects he has a curse on him. Rating: PG-13 So does Lucius. Methods of Coping Pairings: Harry/Lucius/Severus Summary:5 years ago Harry made decisions that ensured Lucius would hate him. Summary: Harry bumps into a familiar enemy at a familiar place. Summary: Harry is captured by Voldemort and is rescued by an unlikely hero, and wizarding debt is paid in full. Author: Nimori Do you think they said thank you? Author: thorinsmistress Warnings: darkfic, non con, asphyxiation, child abuse, bloodplay Warnings: dark!fic, mentions of multiple partners Harry Potter was always a pest, a burden, a freak, never a son. Could You Love Me? Summary:After the battle, Lucius Malfoy visits Harry to talk to him. Summary: The Wizarding World is under threat again. Rating: NC-17 Warnings: mpreg, child exploitation, dub con, D/s, mild violence, other pairings Author:Sigil Dagger With the weight of the Wizarding Worlds expectations still sitting heavily on his shoulders, he decided that if they wanted to consider him a disappointment, he might as well be spectacularly disappointing. Warnings: darkfic, dubcon Rating: NC-17 A World Not So Black Nor White* Author: amanuensis Warnings: bondage, voyeurism Warnings: crossover, Harry Potter/Inception fusion, dub con I am thinking of pain and humiliation. Sweet Captivity A Theory See what happens. He stood before a charmed window and watched the rain. The Celebrations Continue Rating: NC-17 Time was against him. And So Death Rules Runaway Mate Summary: Lucius Malfoy learns the definition of hero. Rating: PG-13 Rating: PG There he gets caught in the seduction of a mischievous Gryffindor. Warnings: OOC Warnings:non con, underage, violence, self harm Author: Mello_McQueen Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Snape Summary: Harry was happy with what he had; a loving godfather, a lovely godson and he was in a kind of a relationship with the man he had been in love with since he was fourteen. Summary: What happens if Harry was forced to bond with Lucius Malfoy and became pregnant? Author: Yulliah Author: imera Deaths Season Summary: In private, Lucius and Harry tend towards mutual provocation.