I really enjoyed building and testing this deck. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Wish to support our work? Near-Infinite landfall. Who will be the most toxic at the table? In general, the deck felt solid. Conoce los ms interesantes rinconces de los alrededores de Kobe. I have played Magic for over 15 years. Think Minn is some jank illusions commander? Weekly drafts featuring a variety of formats new and old. Press J to jump to the feed. I am posting the decklist to give anyone else who loves Scute Swarm a deck idea, and get some more ideas of how to use him. They really punish our less impactful cards and remove or counter anything that could pose an issue while applying a good clock. Errant, Street Artist serves as a spellslinging assistant. This site is unaffiliated. TappedOut.js Blog Widget. Draftsim.com is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. The important thing is that they tap for blue and green; the third color of mana isn't relevant.) (I put in a mix of Ketria Triome and Zagoth Triome, but use whatever you happen to have in your collection. Migratory Greathorn tutors a basic land onto the . Or turn 6 scute, land, mutate migratory greathorn. I think this matchup is even and it doesnt change after board. My reasoning is that Greathorn dodges a lot of their removal outside of a kicked Bloodchiefs and Hagra Mauling which they dont normally run and if they do it is in small numbers. TCGPlayer $292. Use the options below to exercise this right, and please review our privacy policy for complete information on how your data is used and stored. He enjoys the deck building aspects of Magic and describes himself as a better designer than a pilot. Parcelbeast grants a tap ability that allows you to each play the top card of your library if its a land or draw it if its not. mtg scute swarm mutate. I am posting the decklist to give anyone else who loves Scute Swarm a deck idea, and get some more ideas of how to use him. It's convoluted, but I still find it very clever: . Lotus Cobra is card I really want to try but haven't spent the wild cards on yet. The additional creatures (if you targeted any), Errant, and Ivy phase out, and then all other nonland permanents are returned to their owners hands. This is why Shadow Rift, Slip Through Space, Aqueous Form, and Rogues Passage are in the deck. When you click on links to various merchants on this site and make a purchase, this can result in this site earning a commission. I also cut Scavenging Ooze because it just doesnt have a lot of targets here. 4 Mountain . Utokian Fractalnator by artontherun. I love hearing this sort of stuff from players <3. . I'd love to hear thoughts on how to improve the deck and any other decklists people have that . MTG Arena Zone 2023. But it just does its own thing and doesnt fall in line with what our deck is doing. Mardu Yorion: Standards Definitive Creature Deck Killer, Patch Notes December Game Update, The Top 5 Decks for the Bo1 Standard Play-In Event March 2023, Standard Mono White Midrange Premium Deck Guide February 2023, Historic #7 Mythic Boros ThopterBlade Deck Guide Where Aggression and Synergy Meet. Last week, we got an early look at Zendikar Rising Standard with UG Kicker, but today, we kick off our exploration of the format proper (in best-of-three) with one of the most spectacular budget decks we've played in a long time: Scute-tate. Discussion. Visual; CMC; Compact . Please take a moment to review them and accept to continue. Imagine Vivien and a mutated Scute Swarm are on your battlefield. Gemrazer lets you destroy an opponents target artifact or enchantment. This allows the deck to essentially go off with only 2 cards and consistent land drops. Equipping this on Ivy is a great way to get more of it, but if you also want to copy some of your other abominations of nature, this is a nice way to do it. Scute Swarm makes 1/1 green Insect tokens when a land enters the battlefield. Scute-tate is essentially a midrange combo deck built around the mutate mechanic. Four-player Commander battles featuring a new theme every week. Help | This "combo" allows us to build a huge board of massive creatures extremely quickly once we get up to six lands. And again. Covering The Best In Video Games, Esports, Movies and Geek Culture But we dont. 23. Snuck into Mythic At the end of the August season with a WGU Scute Swarm Deck. Whenever we mutate, we get to Rampant Growth a land from our deck and put it onto the battlefield, which triggers the Scute Swarm ability of our mutated creature to make a copy of itself (assuming we have at least six lands), but rather than getting just a 1/1 Scute Swarm, we get to copy the entire mutate pile! Ethan has been playing Magic since 2011 and is a writer and Discord mod for Draftsim. By the time you're ready to pump out tokens they tend to be flying over you for lethal. Whenever this happens, the game becomes extremely laggy before freezing. While making hundreds or thousands of Scute Swarms is pretty sweet, in Scute-tate, things can be even more spectacular thanks to the mutate mechanic $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00. If I was only playing red decks, then sure, 4 all day, every day. This site 2023 TappedOut.net, LLC Auspicious Starrix. Thrashing Brontodon blows up Embercleave and The Great Henge while being a great blocker. I really love playing this deck and it has become a fan favorite over on my stream (which you should totally follow me on *cough*). Often the single 2/2 a turn is just bad against their blockers and flyers. Does the rule text for Scute change all instances of Scute Swarm to Migratory Greathorn. They mutate into the creature on top plus all abilities from under it.) With the amount of ramp and repeatable land tutoring, you could switch out the fetch lands. 4 Fabled Passage. Crystal Shard gives the ability to apply casting pressure on your opponents without needing to have more than one blue open or a card in hand. It reads Whenever a player casts a spell that targets only a creature other than [it. 4 Skyclave Pick-Axe. Your primary wincon is either commander damage with a supped-up Ivy or general damage from multiple iterations of severely mutated creatures and Ivy sprinting into your opponents faces. Rhonass Monument is like Kefnets Monument. Heres the breakdown: Breeding Pool | Illustration by Mike Bierek. Where mutate has generally failed in Commander by concentrating everything into a single creature to get their benefits, youll be able to spread the love around and still get one massive mutation out of it. Migratory Greathorn gives us a Rampant Growth whenever we mutate it. But it does get much more powerful after your fifth land drop since you get more Scute Swarms and put counters on them. Contact | Scute Swarm + Perilous Forays + Earthcraft. As far as our lands, we get Fabled Passage (which is great with Scute Swarm since it generates two landfall triggers) and some random Triomes. The main upside of Sea-Dasher Octopus is that it's only two mana to mutate, making it our cheapest way to trigger Auspicious Starrix's and Migratory Greathorn's abilities (and we do draw extra cards with it on occasion). 3 Migratory Greathorn $0.25 0.09 0.02: 1 Nylea, Keen-Eyed . There are some others that have very specific purposes. Parcelbeast is a cheap mutater that can also draw us a card and, if it's a land, put it directly on the battlefield. Souvenir Snatcher lets you gain control of target noncreature artifact. Do you have another theme that you think suits Ivy better? The learn cards are indeed slow and are the first to cut to speed up the deck. It's there to bounce cards like Blood On The Snow and Alrund's Epiphany to blow out games but generally is not good against aggro. You then mutate that Stomper. There have been countless times where I made my third land drop, had Rootgrazer in play, but missed my fourth land drop with a Felidar Retreat or a Yasharn in hand. 1.44-2.08. scute swarm combo explained. Be careful: in the late game with a beefed-up Ivy, it can become draw your library instead. If the Henge is in play remove it ASAP. Once we get going, this often means that every time we mutate, we are putting several lands into play to trigger Scute Swarm's ability. This site works best with JavaScript enabled. Man, I'm old. Then, at the end step of the turn before your own, you cast Topiary Stomper, search for a land, and put it on the battlefield tapped, copying that mutated Scute Swarm. Cardmarket 199. More counterspells or Sorcerous Spyglass could help to buy us the extra turn we need to close out the game without getting our board exiled by the eight-mana planeswalker. While it adds more rare wildcards, Primal Might is probably a better option in the current meta. I suggest picking the most powerful engine you have in your hand at the time to put on the battlefield. Highlighting the Pauper format where only Commons are allowed. You should also make a point to not leave it on the battlefield alone for very long or someone may make you sacrifice it. Deploy lands for mana Ramp as much as you can possibly ramp; Play scute swarm Mutate migratory greathorn onto scute swarm Continue to mutate it and search out lands till you can send in a stamped to swing; Deck. Thankfully, Ivy has a mana value of two, so its reasonable to bring back online even when its been bounced to the command zone several times. Until next time, Hero out! Aggro Deck - You need 2 lands on turn 2 every game and 3 lands on turn 3 for several 3-drops. mtg scute swarm mutate. 27 10 1 22. Its ability to give additional value to any targeted spell is amazing and opens up a lot of possibilities. As a secondary measure, Ive also included Triumph of the Hordes so that all you will need to do is sneak through a 10/10 with infect or throw the big buys over the wall to hit your opponents with enough to end it. Finally, Illuna, Apex of Wishes is one of the most powerful mutate cards in Standard but is only a two-of in our deck since it only puts non-land permanents into play (which is oddly a drawback because we'd often rather be putting extra lands into play to trigger Scute Swarm). At its heart, this is a Voltron/mutate deck that heavily relies on Ivy, Gleeful Spellthief being on the battlefield and soaking up the benefits of your mutations and other spells. 16x Forest. As far as changes to make to the budget build of the deck, I'm pretty happy with the main deck. Thanks to Scute Swarm and the absurd value that cards like Auspicious Starrix can generate, we can win the long game in most matchups, so it's usually best to order our mutate piles in a way that is most likely to keep them alive, rather than in the way that gives us the most immediate power. /s, Can you give some examples when Scute Swarm came in clutch, and some where it under-performed or was disappointing? The Doom decks do as well, but they have a lot of cards that just do nothing and can end up just shuffling through their deck while we answer what they have and apply pressure. At the end of it all, I am very pleased to finally see mutate get a bit of limelight again and hope that this will hold me over until we go back to Ikoria. Your package of instants and sorceries includes a lot of the typical Simic ramp staples, so youd expect to get lots of mana as early as possible. 4. If someone can Scute Swarm. Lovestruck Beast: This card has become a standard staple. Rogues Passage lets you get everything out of your way. . It allows you to copy the tokens that Ivy creates and choose new targets to get even more value out of them (sadly, these copies are not cast and dont allow Ivy to trigger again). Wilson, Refined Grizzly cant be countered and has vigilance, reach, trample, and ward 2. You have Flood of Tears and Slip Out the Back in hand. Then your scutes get nice big bodies. When this combo "pops off" it often creates hundreds of creature tokens in one turn. Otawara, Soaring City is another bounce source if you really need to get something out of your way. Everyone Plays Poison | Commander Clash S14 E5, Much Abrew: Mono-Red Proliferate Superfriends (Standard), Budget Commander: Minn, Wily Illusionist | Killing Them With Card Draw | $34, March of the Machine Spoilers February 19 | Jin-Gitaxias, Chandra, Thalia and Gitrog, Against the Odds: Monument to Perfection (Standard), Budget Magic: Mono-Red Solphim Burn (Standard). Maybe I cut Divide for Lotus Cobra. Use whatever removal you must keep Lovestruck Beast and Kazandu Mammoth off the field. Lifecrafters Bestiary gives even more benefit from casting creatures in the form of drawing cards for cheap. Build awesome Commander decks on a 20 tix budget. Tangled Florahedron: Another card I would love in this deck if the meta wasnt so aggressive. The most important thing this deck needs to improve is surviving long enough against Mono-White to get a board going without relying solely Doomskar. I cut Greathorn because it is just too easily punished with removal or a counter. Covering The Best In Video Games, Esports, Movies and Geek Culture Alchemists refuge lets you cheaply play nonland cards as though they had flash. Topiary Stomper has an ETB ability to tutor a basic land onto the battlefield tapped. Low Curve Deck - You need 2 lands on turn 2 but would like 3 lands on turn 3 for some 3-drops. You can also follow me on my social media which is linked below! Since I can, Im also going to make it a token deck! In fact, the only deck I had ever seen it in was in the Simic Mutate decks, and they have never really been a consistent top contender. Dreamtail Heron. Privacy statement | Aqueous Form | Illustration by Slawomir Maniak, ArchipelagoreAuspicious StarrixDreamtail HeronErrant, Street ArtistEssence SymbioteGemrazerGladecover ScoutMigratory GreathornParcelbeastPollywog SymbiotePouncing ShoresharkSawtusk DemolisherScute SwarmSea-Dasher OctopusSlippery BogleSouvenir SnatcherStormchaser DrakeTemur SabertoothTopiary StomperTrumpeting GnarrWilson, Refined Grizzly, Decisive DenialDouble MajorHunters InsightShadow RiftSimic CharmSlip Out the BackSnakeskin VeilTamiyos Safekeeping, Croaking CounterpartCultivateExploreFarseekFlood of TearsIrenicuss Vile DuplicationKodemas ReachNatures LoreQuasiduplicateRampant GrowthRite of ReplicationSkyshroud ClaimSlip Through SpaceThree VisitsTriumph of the Hordes, Ancestral MaskAqueous FormBear UmbraKeen SenseRancorSeason of GrowthShielding PlaxSnake UmbraVesuvan Duplimancy, Arcane SignetCommanders SphereCrystal ShardFellwar StoneHelm of the HostKefnets MonumentLifecrafters BestiaryMirror BoxRhonass MonumentSimic LocketSimic SignetSol RingSwiftfoot BootsTalisman of CuriosityTwinning Staff, Alchemists RefugeBoseiju, Who EnduresBreeding PoolCastle GarenbrigCommand BeaconCommand TowerDreamroot CascadeExotic OrchardFlooded GroveForest x5Hinterland HarborIslandIsland x4Littjara MirrorlakeMisty RainforestOtawara, Soaring CityPrismatic VistaRejuvenating SpringsReliquary TowerRogues PassageSimic Growth ChamberVineglimmer SnarlYavimaya Coast. This means that every time you mutate a creature onto another one, you create a token of that new creature. Set: Ikoria: Lair of Behemoths Type: Creature Beast Common Cost: {3}{G} Mutate {2}{G} (If you cast this spell for its mutate cost, put it over or under target non-Human creature . Ah, forgot that bit about First Sliver. Boseiju, Who Endures gives you one extra spot of enchantment or artifact destruction, and a source of nonbasic land destruction. I am pretty much dedicated to building around abusing the bug at this point. I see it so rarely (because it's either a $4,000 "I win" deck or a new player being enamored with how cool Slivers. In all honesty the only reason I play this over Cultivate is because in aggressive matchups a 4/4 body is just great. If they just have all the outs, then they just have all the outs. My favorite thing this deck does so far is Prosperous Innkeeper + Scute Swarm healing you comical amounts against aggro decks that were a turn away from closing out the game. $1.00. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. . Elspeth Conquers Death removes whatever we need since most of their deck is CMC 3 or more. Bringing back a blocker or threat should also not be overlooked. Sea-Dasher Octopus draws you a card when that creature deals combat damage to a player. Ugin is a fantastic top end to many Standard decks that can end the game on his own. You start with a. Yeah, 5000 posts. I tried using Black instead of White for a while for things like Binding of The Old Gods and sac package stuff but Felidar Retreat just seems too good to pass up when building around Scute Swarm/lands. Dont let scams get away with fraud. The copyright for Magic: the Gathering and all associated card names and card images is held by Wizards of the Coast. One of the biggest combos in the deck isnt a wincon or a repeatable combo. Enemy goes from no health to 70+ health 2 turns later because they abuse Prosperous Innkeeper and Scute Swarm How is that fun, to know you win the game because you are exploiting? Join our Premium community, get access to exclusive content, remove all advertisements, and more! Discord Server | Theyre ready to use at the beginning of your turn. All original content on this page is 2012-2023 MTGGoldfish, Inc. and may not be used or reproduced without consent. Most matchups will just come down to does our opponent have the out. I will still discuss key things to look for in each matchup. Commander $0.50 you cant not have it and thats as low as low can be, Creatures ~$12 again, mutate is cheap, Instants/Sorceries ~$45 the most expensive cards here are, Artifacts ~$25 the most expensive card here is, Enchantments ~$25 the most expensive cards here are, Planeswalker ~$1 Vivien is an uncommon and her uses are niche, Lands $150-$200 All this land is great and helps with mana consistency. In the ideal scenario against an aggressive deck where I have it out and my opponent has nothing, then it is the best card in the deck. I also spend a lot of time playing best-of-one games for my videos and I dont think I have ever played against it either. But neither is something I look forward to playing with this deck. Scute Swarm. by artontherun. EDH 0 / 0 . All permanents on the battlefield, 5 or more lands in play, Available, and at least 3 creatures on the battlefield including the Scute Swarm. For a good backup plan, Scute Swarm is a great standalone threat that also has insane synergy with Mutate creatures (Scute Swarm tokens will copy all attributes of the original, including any mutations on it!) Archipelagore has a stacking freeze effect for each time it mutates. Budget Magic: 13-Rare ($60) Poison Proliferate Control | Phyrexia Standard, Budget Magic: 13-Rare Mono-Black Persist Combo (Historic), Budget Magic: $106 Combo Zombies (Modern), Top 10 Modern and Pioneer Budget Decks from 2022 | $100 or Less, Budget Magic: 10-Rare Gix, Yawgmoth Praetor (Historic Brawl), Budget Magic: $43 Dimir Draw Two (Standard). 27% of 7264 decks +22% synergy. SUPPORT MY CARD GAME PROJECT!Patreon https://www.patreon.com/italianmageDiscord https://discord.gg/b28ymbBThe Mouse I Usehttps://amzn.to/3gvIkIJThe Monitor I Usehttps://amzn.to/33ul0reDeck4 Bloodchief's Thirst (ZNR) 945 Swamp (ZNR) 2733 Nissa of Shadowed Boughs (ZNR) 2318 Forest (ZNR) 2784 Lotus Cobra (ZNR) 1931 Cragplate Baloth (ZNR) 1834 Cultivate (M21) 1774 Fabled Passage (ELD) 2442 Castle Locthwain (ELD) 2413 Scute Swarm (ZNR) 2033 Migratory Greathorn (IKO) 1652 Cling to Dust (THB) 874 Archfiend's Vessel (M21) 882 Ugin, the Spirit Dragon (M21) 12 Roiling Regrowth (ZNR) 2014 Temple of Malady (M21) 2531 Jungle Hollow (M21) 2474 Track Down (M21) 211italian magescute swarm deck standard 2021scute swarm comboscute swarm mutate comboscute swarm migratory greathorn deck techscute swarm golgari deck techgolgari deck combo standard 2021golgari ugin deck mtg arenascute swarm mtg arena deckscute swarm deck mutatescute swarm combo mutategolgari nissa deck mtg arenascute swarm zendikar rising deck mtg arenanissa zendikar rising deck mtg arenagolgari zendikar rising deck techlotus cobra scute swarm deck Scute Swarm is a card that fascinates me because I hear so many players on the casual side of the meta claim that it is extremely overpowered and singlehandedly caused MTG Arena to restrict the amount of tokens players can make. Scute Swarm looks pretty harmless as a three-mana 1/1 that makes a 1/1 token when a land comes into play. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts Mana Cost: Converted Mana Cost: 4. Plus, the lands come into play untapped, which means we can use their mana to immediately mutate again, putting a bunch more permanents onto the battlefield! 20835 balmain In its current form, its total settles somewhere between $275-$325 (at the time of publishing). Low Curve Deck - You need 1 or 2 lands to function and have no 3-drops in the deck. pacifica police arrests; crypto market cap calculator; kwik trip myapps career central; bob kramer bottle opener; you think that when your coworker uses profanity It would have gotten messy, but I may toss that decklist out someday if anyone is interested. Kefnets Monument makes your blue creature spells 1 cheaper. After the mutate ability triggered and resolved, the landfall ability created a copy of the 1/1 insect instead of the Scute Swarm with Migratory Greathorn over it. DL_Ojutai . Let's get to the video and find out; then, we'll talk more about the deck! While the ultra-budget build of the deck is worse and there isn't any reason to downgrade in paper (the ultra-budget build is only $5 less than the budget build we played for the videos), it should be fine for less competitive unranked play on Arena, and you should be able to make just as many copies of Scute Swarm! We're hoping Third Path Iconoclasts will help us make this Grixis Artifacts deck a bit more aggressive! As such, we're letting you know that we've updated our Privacy Policy to reflect the new rule set forth by the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Why wouldnt you want six mana for the price of four mana. He is an avid player of limited and casual formats, but can also be found climbing the ranks of constructed on Magic Arena. migratory greathorn scute swarm combo. But I see too diverse of a field to justify 4 slots for a 5 drop when I dont even think it is our worst matchup. $1 Mono-Black Devotion (Pioneer), Budget Magic: $94 Witherbloom Plumb Aristocrats (Modern), Budget Magic: $43/15 Rare Mono-Black Tokens (Standard), Budget Magic: $58 / 10 Rares | UW Magecraft (Standard), Budget Magic: $90 Simic Snow Stompy (Modern), Budget Magic: $98 Orzhov Clerics (Modern), Budget Magic: Mystic Terror Combo (4 Mythic / 11 Rare) | Standard, Budget Magic: Human White Weenie (15 Rares) | Standard, Budget Magic: Fynn-fect (12R / 2M, Standard), Budget Magic: "Manaless" Affinity (Modern), Budget Magic: Historic Zombie Hunt (0 Mythics / 0 Rares), Budget Magic: Ultimate Memekin | 0M / 12R | Historic, Budget Magic: Izzet Rielle | 3 Mythics / 10 Rares | (Standard), Budget Magic: 15-Rare Mono-White Auras (Historic), Budget Magic: 4-Mythic / 10-Rare Pummeler (Historic), Budget Magic: Five-Color Plants (Standard), Budget Magic: 2 Mythic/2 Rare Rakdos Party Aggro (Standard), Budget Magic: Tutelage Tribal Mill (Modern), Budget Magic: Soulherder Surprise (Modern), Budget Magic: $50 Underworld Abyss Black Devotion (Standard), Budget Magic: $60 Mono-White Auras (Modern), Budget Magic: Mono-Black No Cat Archfiend Sac (Standard), Budget Magic: Hardened Human Allies (Modern), Budget Magic: Eight-Rare ($78) Izzet Prowess (Standard), Budget Magic: Blistering Rage 2020 (Modern), Budget Magic: Vivien Combo Brawl (Three-Mythic/Nine-Rare), Budget Magic: 12-Rare Tempered Steel (Historic), Budget Magic: $75 (30 tix) Cycling Gift (Pioneer), Budget Magic: Escape Protocol Lock (Standard), Budget Magic: $50 Tour de France (Standard), Budget Magic: $80 Legacy Mono-Red Prowess, Budget Magic: 2020 MTG Challenger Deck Upgrades | GB Final Adventure Knights, Budget Magic: Dubious Challenge (Pioneer), Budget Magic: $92 (37 tix) Gruul Sneak Attack (Standard, Magic Arena), Budget Magic: $65 (20 tix) Blue Skies (Pioneer, Magic Online), Budget Magic: $88 (33 tix) AnaxCleave Red (Standard, Magic Arena), Budget Magic: $100 (42 tix) Rakdos Kroxa Discard (Standard, Magic Arena), Budget Magic: $86 (17 tix) GW Auras (Standard, Magic Arena), Budget Magic: $59 (48 tix) Izzet Scissors (Pioneer, Magic Online), Budget Magic: $98 (22 tix) Cats (Pioneer, Magic Online), Budget Magic: $100 (100 tix) Rakdos Madness Vampires (Pioneer, Magic Online), Budget Magic: $47 (12 tix) Mono-White Sram Auras (Pioneer, Magic Online), Budget Magic: $98 (20 tix) Mono-Red Devotion (Pioneer, Magic Online), Budget Magic: $100 (17 tix) Mono-Green Stompy (Pioneer, Magic Online), Budget Magic: $97 WB Discard (Standard, Magic Arena), Budget Magic: $56 Rakdos Reanimator (Standard, Magic Arena), Budget Magic: $43 (18 tix) 8 Whack (Pioneer, Magic Online), Budget Magic: $110 (52 tix) Pummeler (Pioneer, Magic Online), Budget Magic: $99 (29 tix) Gary Zombies (Pioneer, Magic Online), Budget Magic: $100 (76 tix) UR Prowess (Pioneer, Magic Online), Budget Magic: $77 Standard Affinity (Standard, Magic Arena), Budget Magic: $92 WB Prison (Standard, Magic Arena), Budget Magic: Throne of Eldraine Standard Updates, Budget Magic: $27 Mono-Blue Mill (Standard, Magic Arena), Budget Magic: Mono-Black Rankle (Standard, Magic Arena), Budget Magic: $92 (18 tix) Abzan Rally (Modern, Magic Online), Budget Magic: $96 (35 tix) Ajani Sisters (Modern, Magic Online), Budget Magic: $105 (26 tix) Soul-meria (Modern, Magic Online), Budget Magic: $71 Rotation-Proof Mono-Red Cavalcade (Standard, Magic Arena), Budget Magic: $94 (16 tix) Sephara Stompy (Modern, Magic Online), Budget Magic: $104 (44 tix) Twiddle Storm (Modern, Magic Online), Budget Magic: $112 (17 tix) Leyline of Abundance Combo (Modern, Magic Online), Budget Magic: $99 (13 tix) Hammer Time (Modern, Magic Online), Budget Magic: $73 Standard Bogles (Standard, Magic Arena), Budget Magic: $58 Spirits (Standard, Magic Arena), Budget Magic: $103 (18 tix) GateShift (Standard, Magic Arena), Budget Magic: $99 (9 tix) Battle Screech Tokens (Modern, Magic Online), Budget Magic: $103 (29 tix) Mono-White Persist Combo (Modern, Magic Online), Budget Magic: $99 (13 tix) Rakdos Unearth Goblins (Modern, Magic Online), Budget Magic: $89 (2 tix) Creeping Zombies (Standard, Magic Arena), Budget Magic: $84 (9 tix) Hydra Stompy (Standard, Magic Arena), Budget Magic: $66 (16 tix) Rakdos Aristocrats (Standard, Magic Arena), Budget Magic: $95 (22 tix) Leveler Jace Combo (Modern, Magic Online), Budget Magic: $86 (11 tix) Narset's Amnesia (Standard, Magic Arena), Budget Magic: $94 (13 tix) Simic Arkbow (Standard, Magic Arena), Budget Magic: $74 (23 tix) Izzet Saheeli (Standard, Magic Arena), Budget Magic: Rhythm Stompy (Modern, Magic Online), Budget Magic: $99 (14 tix) London Zombie Hunt (Modern, Magic Online), Budget Magic: $92 (11 tix) Mardu Aristocrats (Modern, Magic Online), Budget Magic: $93 (13 tix) Mono-White Taxes (Modern, Magic Online), Budget Magic: $65 (32 tix) Mono-Green Liquimetal Control (Modern, Magic Online), Budget Magic: Banefire Elves (Standard, Magic Arena), Budget Magic: $89 (19 tix) Bant Flash (Modern, Magic Online), Budget Magic: $52 (7 tix) Goblin Calamity (Standard, Magic Arena), Budget Magic: $95 (10 tix) Rakdos Shamans (Modern, Magic Online), Budget Magic: $88 (5 tix) Orzhov Blink (Standard, Magic Arena), Budget Magic: $89 (7 tix) Simic Merfolk (Standard, Magic Arena), Budget Magic: $89 (17 tix) Rakdos Aristocrats (Standard, Magic Online), Budget Magic: Four-Color Gates (Standard, Magic Online), Budget Magic: $98 (13 tix) Combo Elves (Modern, Magic Online), Budget Magic: $98 (25 tix) Metallurgic Drakes (Modern, Magic Online), Budget Magic: $116 (14 tix) Restore Balance 2019 (Modern, Magic Online), Budget Magic: $99 (18 tix) RB Reanimator (Modern, Magic Online), Budget Magic: $93 (5 tix) Dimir Winds (Standard, Magic Online), Budget Magic: $57 (8 tix) Goblin Storm (Modern, Magic Online), Budget Magic: $96 (13 tix) Bant Climb (Standard, Magic Online), Budget Magic: $92 (13 tix) Mono-Red Frenzy (Modern), Budget Magic: $83 (15 tix) QuasidupliDrake (Standard, Magic Online), Budget Magic: $68 (8 tix) Artifact Blast Affinity (Modern), Budget Magic: $63 (17 tix) Draft Chaff White Weenie (Standard, Magic Online), Budget Magic: $85 (25 tix) Overflowing Omniscience (Standard, Magic Online), Budget Magic: $96 (23 tix) Blue-White Mill (Standard), Budget Magic: $88 (13 tix) Pelt Collector Evolve (Modern), Budget Magic: Golgari Reanimator (Standard), Budget Magic: $98 (22 tix) Elfball (Standard), Budget Magic: $83 (33 tix) Izzet Drakes (Standard), Budget Magic: $90 (13 tix) PelakkaMonicon (Standard), Budget Magic: $99 (43 tix) Eminent Domain (Modern), Budget Magic: $99 (26 tix) Merfolk (Modern), Budget Magic: $94 (20 tix) Sidisi GPG (Modern), Budget Magic: $99 (24 tix) Mono-Black Zombies (Modern), Budget Magic: $97 (16 tix) UR Sai-Master (Modern), Budget Magic: $47 (10 tix) Mono-White Ascend (Standard), Budget Magic: $49 (19 tix) Goblin Gift (Standard), Budget Magic: $84 (40 tix) Bogle Horse Green (Standard), Budget Magic: $89 (35 Tix) Zombies (Standard), Budget Magic: $99 (31 tix) UW Naban (Modern), Budget Magic: $98 (27 tix) Obliterator Devotion (Modern), Budget Magic: $80 (25 tix) Haphazard Ramp (Standard), Budget Magic: $89 (30 tix) Mono-Blue Djinn (Modern), Budget Magic: $92 (33 tix) Mono-Blue Storm (Standard), Budget Magic: $96 (41 tix) UG Lands (Standard), Budget Magic: $98 (57 tix) Thunderous Wizards (Modern), Budget Magic: $98 (23 tix) Sultai Muldrotha (Standard), Budget Magic: $76 (41 tix) UR Auras (Standard), Budget Magic: $27 (38 tix) Flaming Wizard Burn (Standard), Budget Magic: $80 (35 tix) Saprolings (Standard), Budget Magic: $98 (49 tix) GW Interlude (Modern), Budget Magic: $88 (30 tix) Mono-White Leyline Tokens (Modern), Budget Magic: $99 (25 tix) Mardu Vampires (Modern), Budget Magic: $60 (20 tix) Wurm Revolt (Standard), Budget Magic: $100 (44 tix) GR HasteBraid (Modern), Budget Magic: $99 (26 tix) Teferi's Pool (Modern), Budget Magic: $78 (18 tix) Golden Journey (Standard), Budget Magic: $95 (36 tix) Cultivator Huatli Tokens (Standard), Budget Magic: $100 (60 tix) Mono-Green Land Destruction (Modern), Budget Magic: $64 (34 tix) Sunbird's Bounty (Standard), Budget Magic: $81 (51 tix) Mono-Black Panharmonicon (Standard), Budget Magic: $90 (53 tix) WB Aristocrats (Standard), Budget Magic: $53 (26 tix) RB Pirates (Standard), Budget Magic: $85 (35 tix) Mono-Red Hollow One (Modern), Budget Magic: $94 (48 tix) Abzan Rites (Modern), Budget Magic: $94 (49 tix) UW Monks (Modern), Budget Magic: $94 (24 tix) Wizard Devotion (Modern), Budget Magic: $99 (53 tix) Ponzamonicon (Modern), Budget Magic: $87 (36 tix) Mono-Green Monument (Standard), Budget Magic: $99 (18 tix) Martyr Proc (Modern), Budget Magic: $99 (31 tix) GB Leap Whip (Modern), Budget Magic: $94 (32 tix) UR Prowess (Modern), Budget Magic: $97 (28 tix) Grixis Amulet (Standard), Budget Magic: $92 (43 tix) Tempered Tokens (Modern), Budget Magic: $93 (20 tix) Mono-Black Monument (Standard), Budget Magic: $95 (15 tix) GW Cat Tribal (Standard), Budget Magic: $86 (52 tix) Revolt Treasure Ramp (Standard), Budget Magic: $100 (61 tix) Temur Miracle Grow (Standard), Budget Magic: $43 (25 tix) Favorable Pirates (Standard), Budget Magic: $87 (33 tix) Rogues (Modern), Budget Magic: $67 (15 tix) Wildfire (Modern), Budget Magic: $96 (31 tix) UG Emerge (Modern), Budget Magic: $81 (24 tix) Favorable Winds (Modern), Budget Magic: $70 (20 tix) Modern Monumental Quest, Budget Magic: $92 (21 tix) Vampires (Modern), Budget Magic: $91 (31 tix) Demon Fling Jund (Standard), Budget Magic: $83 (23 tix) CrocPatra (Standard), Budget Magic: $93 (32 tix) Madcap Gearhulk Reanimator (Standard), Budget Magic: $88 (74 tix) GG Panharmonicon (Standard), Hour of Devastation: Budget Magic Updates, Budget Magic: $99 (36 tix) Sunmare White (Standard), Budget Magic: $84 (50 tix) Mono-Black Vehicles (Modern), Budget Magic: $23 (11 tix) Mono-Blue Reservoir (Standard), Budget Magic: $76 (26 tix) Turbo Fog (Standard), Budget Magic: $98 (28 tix) Nevermore (Modern), Budget Magic: $98 (42 tix) Deep Bant (Standard), Budget Magic: $27 (2 tix) Two-Tix Red (Standard), Budget Magic: $58 (16 tix) Mono-U Bounce'n'Mill (Standard), Budget Magic: $98 (57 tix) Standard WB Aristocats, Budget Magic: $99 (57 tix) Esper Haven (Standard).