I Give Feedback on everything else. Everyone who joins Netgalley has to put together a quick profile; its basically something that has a persons name and their description of why they should be given books. Do you have a book-related twitter, Facebook, tumblr, youtube or instagram account? Having your work on another persons blog lends you social credit that will impress people looking for reviews, especially if theyre familiar with that blogger. NetGalley reports are an incredibly useful tool for a publisher using the site. Press J to jump to the feed. Is there any reason you don't leave reviews on GR for those less than 4 stars? OMG, This is wonderful! I Give Feedback on everything else. Are there any example profiles available to look at for best practices examples? YES PLEASE. All that said, only you can decide which reviewing platform is best for you. I need to update my Netgalley profile! Thank you so much for this advice! Join Reedsy Discovery and help us find great new books . It works just like a regular book sales platform, but instead of readers buying your books, they receive a free copy in exchange for an honest review. NetGalley built its business on authors wanting early reviews to: a) solidify their books reputations, and b) help them stand out from the pack. social media links are nice, but both NetGalley and Edelweiss have special spots to fill them into, so if the bio repeats them? But also don't do that BS marketing pitch fake sounding reviews. I am honest on my feedback. with a book publicist to learn more about the stats theyre looking for. To become a NetGalley member, all you have to do is sign up. On the other hand, if youve never reviewed books before, youll have your work cut out for you. Book recommendations come in many forms, and its helpful for publishers to see if the books they approve you for may also end up in a listicle, Booktube video, Bookstagram picture, or more! Add your school's website. If youre a reviewer, clearly state where your reviews appear. It appears that you are stepping up the type of graphic novels you publish. the internet is wild, the book you rep is most likely just for one region, so seeing some follower regions couldnt hurt, it would be nice to see what books they typically review. Start with "Read Now" titles. But now that I have a new iPad, I just signed up and took your tips for creating a profile! Here's how I've gotten the books: Author's Patreons/Facebook groups - this was how I first heard of NetGalley, an author's Patreon had a link to read an advance copy of her latest book. At the end of this post I will be redirecting you to resources about how to navigate and understand Edelweiss better. I am 90 years old and love reading mysteries and reviewing them. Takes 30 seconds! Instead, carefully choose 3-4 categories that you really enjoy, maybe 5 if youre truly passionate about all of them. There is also Edelweiss (I think that's the spelling? And Lenora Bell's Facebook group let you give your email and be invited to read LOVE IS A ROGUE, which was so worth it https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/50706457-love-is-a-rogue, ReadNow - this is like 90% of my books, I just browse the ReadNow and look for interesting things. Are you part of a book club? By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. NetGalley recommends a feedback ratio of 80% or above, meaning that for every 10 proofs you receive, you should give feedback on at least 8 of them. Where did you go?! Add your school name. Use the step-by-step instructions below as a general guideline for customizing the short bio templates above, or write one from scratch. Thanks! Its true that NetGalley is one of very few publicly accessible routes to those precious ARCs (i.e. (LogOut/ Did you know that there are over 130 Stephen King short stories in existence? Thanks for your help and suggestions. Both offer a standard listing and email support, and the latter includes a slot in the NetGalley newsletter, which goes out 6-7 times a month. Dont: List all of your favorite genres I like many genres scifi, speculative fiction, kidlit, literary, nonfiction. Make sure youre opted into receiving those emails in the Account Security section of your Profile, under Subscriptions.. This is what comes up: Youve already filled out the overview before, so now just head onto theLinks section and add your social media! Make sure you mention where those reviews appear and any places you cross-post your NetGalley reviews. I also enjoy Historical Fiction, Sci-fi, Dystopian and Short Stories.. Details About Your Member Type Your Profile includes a section titled Where I Share Reviews. This is a crucial place to provide links to any websites or social media where you share your book reviews, the media outlets where you cover books, or the bookstore, library, or school where youre employed. you can select the Categories you cover in your role as a professional reader. BRB, editing my NetGalley bio. Are you a member of an authors street team? Are you a member of an authors street team? Hey Zuky! Amazon: Once published, I will post my reviews to Amazon. Just started my Netgally account and I had no idea what to put in my bio. The registration form is pretty standard: username, password, email, etc. Which is fine, I don't have a blog or even Twitter, and I have less than 100 GR friends, it makes sense. Now, consider youve just received 76 book requests. This is what Ive mentioned before!) However, you also have to fill out your company (presumably helpful if you work in publishing or for a magazine/newspaper) and your role. As you go, make any necessary updates. Plus sub-genre preferences. Dont: Forget to check for typos and broken links If youre a Reviewer, clearly state where your reviews appear. I'm just setting up my profile and feeling a little lost since I don't know what to put for my "company" and definitely don't know what I should put in my Bio. Subscribe to our monthly newsletter for book recs, interviews, and favorites from our editor. Be part of the movement that shines a light on them. Get unlimited access to our pool of fresh indie books submissions. Goodreads: I post all of my reviews on my Goodreads account which Im an active user of. When you go to fill out your Profile, you can select the Categories you cover in your role as a professional reader. Totally agree with the bit about updating stats regularly and setting it out clearly so it makes it easy for the person at the publisher responsible for approving requests. Due to issues with my old iPad, I never signed up for a NetGalley account. What a publisher does then is to look at a persons profile. Reading Habits And when selecting your preferred Categories, its helpful to stick to the genres you cover in your role as a professional reader. Thank you so much for all the advice! Thanks so much for sharing with us. NetGalley has a feedback ratio, where publishers can see how many books youve read, out of the ones youve received. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. Publishers pay even more to list multiple books, including a set-up fee and a monthly subscription fee. I do not work in any facet of the publishing world. Instagram: I use my Instagram to snap pics of my current reads and previously read books that I enjoyed, which can include Netgalley reads. Now over a decade old, this well-known platform lets authors lend new books to readers in exchange for a fair and unbiased review, as the ubiquitous disclaimer goes. Along with your NetGalley stats, the information in your Profile is crucial in helping publishers decide whether to approve or decline your request. This helps to ensure youre sharing the most accurate information about your job, social media statistics, and reading preferences. If you do have a website even if its just to host the main pieces of your portfolio add a link to that too. Thanks for the information! Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. This was super helpful thank you so much for posting this!! A little bit of everything! Ive also included a bit in mine to say that I make it a point to post reviews prior to publication date or as requested by publishers. You don't have to if you don't enjoy the extra effort. When a publisher looks at your Profile, they can already see all of the Categories that youve selected (under the About You tab), so theres no need to list them again in your Bio. Ive explained roughly what you need to write in the why part (mostly, it needs to be about why its good for the publisher to give you the book rather than why you want it!) In the past, we've shared general tips for writing book reviewsand advice for writing critical book reviews. So that's how I do NetGalley! Maintaining the 80% feedback ratio can also get pretty tiring, especially if you already have a busy schedule. Awesome!! I just wanted to make a sort of follow up post after the anti-piracy thread regarding Netgalley. You can withdraw your consent at any time. Another wonderful post, Zuky And so helpful! Indicate if you are a member of a professional organization, such as a state or regional teacher's association. Your post has given me some help; however, I have no stats, dont have a blog, dont have a website, dont have anything. , Really useful Zuky no wonder you get approvals all the time , Thanks Nicki and hmm yes maybe Maybe I need to change it so I get declined more because god knows I need to shorten my NG shelf lol, This is so helpful, my bio is crap! There are lots of people who request books through First Seconds Netgalley account who I dont personally know. Lets start at the bottom and make it fun! I blog about all sorts of topics in books empathy, culture, adventure cake. (My first one was from Berkley (publisher), and I love them, so I was excited.) When a valid ALA, ALIA, ABA or BA member number is added to a NetGalley account, you will see the relevant logo next to their name when they request a title or when you view their Profile. We help book advocates and industry professionals discover and recommend books to their audiences. Ive only had done 2 read nows so far (busy with a class until next week) and one I DNFed already. I think linking my Instagram page, where I tend to review books, helped a lot. Havent thought about my Netgalley bio in too long! Independent authors can choose between two six-month promotional packages, priced at $450 and $849 respectively. Check out this post for examples of what they want, and the level of quality you should aspire to in your own reviews. NetGalley is a service that provides digital advance copies aka galley proofs of books for members to read and review. requests a title from a publisher via Netgalley, that publisher has to go through by hand and approve each request. Do you host any online reading events? Publishers are looking for thoughtful, professional reviewers and your Bio is the first taste of your writing that they get. Last time, we talked about when you should start requesting ARCs (advance reader copies) at all, and today? I am also struggling with my NetGalley bio and this helps a lot. Though its true anyone can sign up to NetGalley as a consumer reviewer, priority book selection is given to bloggers, industry pros, and traditional reviewers at least at first. This is especially important if youre a bookseller, librarian, or educator who also talks about and reviews books outside of your job. Once youve selected all that apply, your request shoots off to the author or publisher. Chances are, youll want the profile youre reading to be: The list could go on, but I think this is roughly it. Now, Im back to not having anything to read. This may be frustrating to hear when youre eager to pick up tons of books, but believe this: authors and publishers care way less about the numbers than they do about the reviews themselves. If I DNFed, I say why. And youre done. Dont: Forget to check publishers approval preferences But before that,if you want to find the other #NewBloggers 101 posts, just expand this list: NetGalley and Edelweiss are platforms where you can request advance reader copies of books in exchange to your honest review technically for free (you pay for it with blood, sweat and tears!) Great advice as always, Zuky. (Have you noticed theres a message at the bottom, saying that you should rather leave links in the links section than in the text? The two templates above serve only as a framework, so feel free to add or delete some sentences as you see fit. Sign up for the the First Second newsletter to receive updates and other information about Macmillan Publishers books, products, and services that may be of interest to you. I use NetGalley. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Make sure to include the department you work in, the events or programs you plan, any purchasing youre in charge of, the outlets youve written for, and more. While youre in the About You section of your Profile, make sure to check out the options under Topics! This isnt the best statement to lead with if youre trying to convince a publisher to give you a digital galley. document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', (event) => { Its also bolstered by the fact that advance reader copies, or ARCs, are like catnip to readers after all, who can resist the chance to read tons of exciting new books before anyone else? That does not affect my opinion or the review in any way. There are six member types on NetGalley (reviewer, book trade professional, librarian, bookseller, educator, journalist or member of the media) and publishers have different goals for working with each one. There are six member types on NetGalley (reviewer, book trade professional, librarian, bookseller, educator, journalist or member of the media) and publishers have different goals for working with each one. When a publisher looks at your Profile, they can see the list of Categories that youve chosen, which means you dont need to worry about listing them in your Bio. Booksellers can add their ABA member ID number to their NetGalley profile. Consider making it visible so that if publishers ever have a question or want to work with you on a specific campaign, they can reach out. I went to Malta, lovely a sunny! Great post, and definitely a useful tip for anyone new in NetGalley, and I think I consider myself quite a newbie there. I am starting to post my book reviews on Netgalley, but Im noticing that they arent separating into paragraphs and are just combining all togetherwhich looks ugly. Consider making it visible so that if publishers ever have a question or want to work with you on a specific campaign, they can reach out! I love using ReadNow to find books I wouldn't have encountered otherwise, I don't mind not getting advance copies of the huge buzzy books because I know my library will buy them anyway, but ReadNow has helped me find some indie or small press authors I've really taken to. Im glad I could help! Based on that, they can decide you're a juvenile delinquent a person who struggles with their responsibilities, and not grant your request! Ive had an account but had NO idea how to set it upepic fail. Librarians and booksellers order and recommend books to their patrons, media professionals interview authors, reviewers and bloggers write about books online and leave reviews on retail sites, and more. Also, try to review the ARCs you get on Goodreads as well! By default, public reviews on the NetGalley site will be displayed with your profile photo, first name, last initial, and member type. Including important stats about your platforms, such as average monthly pageviews to your blog or social media reach, is helpful for publishers. My favourite genres include Mystery & Thrillers, Psychological Thrillers, Horror and True Crime. My holiday was wonderful, thank you! Get started by signing in or joining for free. You can also connect social accounts to your NetGalley profile, which may be a boon if youre active in the reading/publishing communities on Twitter and Instagram. Even with them, I still read the blurb if it's something I know I'll enjoy, rather than pick something just because. I am retired, and live in a rural setting. You may even reach a point of being auto-approved by certain authors and publishers, which means you can read their titles straight away. Thanks so much and yes its a shame that NG dont provide more support when it comes to the bio stuff . And you have to handle all of these book requests, that, honesly, probably just drain the life out of you, cause honestly, there are just so many bloggers, you sometimes just feel the publishing industry is sitting on a huge anthill. Librarians, booksellers, and educators: make sure to indicate if you are a member of any professional associations. If you are a bookseller, book trade professional, educator, librarian, reviewer, journalist or in the media, NetGalley is for you. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Im Zuky, from the UK, and 26 years old. Your Profile includes a section titled Where I Share Reviews. This is a crucial place to provide links to any websites or social media where you share your book reviews, the media outlets where you cover books, or the bookstore, library, or school where youre employed. Update this regularly so publishers can see youre active and that all your stats are up-to-date! Thanks for the insight! Librarians, booksellers, and educators: make sure to indicate if you are a member of any professional associations. Im also experiencing a major change in my personal life that is the worst negative possible I suppose. NetGalley proudly works with publishers and authors, large and small, throughout the world. You can read. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, unconditionally and irrevocably in love with romance books. Once confined to print newspapers and journals, reviews now dot many corridors of the Internet forever helping others discover their next great read. NetGalley helps publishers and authors promote digital review copies to book advocates and industry professionals. In this guest post, Kirkus's Myra Forsberg shares book reviewing tips from four veteran indie critics. Am I supposed to use HTML coding when doing these reviews? Just add any social media/sites where you discuss books (even if it's just Goodreads!) Regardless of what level of feedback you offer, consistency and timeliness are key. Were going to talk about how to start doing it. I have kids so I reviewed a lot of kids books to quickly get my stats up. Thanks so much for this! There are six member types on NetGalley (reviewer, book trade professional, librarian, bookseller, educator, journalist or member of the media) and publishers have different goals for working with each one. Do you pick up the occasional shift for your local bookstore? . I have a third one out I havent gotten to yet that looks promising! Now, we're taking a look at how to review our new favorite format: audiobooks! Thank you so much for this helpful advice , Thank you. Including important stats about your platforms, such as average monthly pageviews to your blog or social media reach, is helpful for publishers. Now you can request books. It can also be a good opportunity for reviewers who already have a platform and want to bolster their reputation even more. Keep requesting - once you get a few approvals and leave reviews on the site, you'll establish yourself and more publishers will approve you. Netgalley makes a big deal about the fact that having a good bio will make publishers more likely to accept your requests, however, they don't really give you a lot of support in terms of what publishers would like to see there, so you're left to your own devices to make something up. NetGalley is technically free to join as a reader/reviewer. Do you write for your school or local newspaper or literary magazine? While you should try to write full book reviews for most of your NetGalley titles, you can also provide feedback in the form of an opinion or note to author/publisher, as well as information about how you might promote the book yourself. You can read. Below youll find tips sure to help whether youre a NetGalley newbie or a long-time member whose Profile needs a fresh look. Im Evelina and I blog about books that made an impression on me. I have yet to get approved when it comes to big popular books but it's alright. Do you host any online reading events? It doesnt even have to be book reviews! Remember, the person reading your bio is a person. . Sorry for the slow reply to this, I always just copy and paste exactly! This is especially true if you find yourself requesting books from the same publishers time and again.