Able Seaman Thomas Goodwin, Royal Navy Service Number 192409, was the son of Roger & Rebecca Goodwin and husband of Margaret. The photo on the right shows five HMS Otranto crewmen. 1, from Ft. Screvens, Georgia. 1903-06-30 SS Kaiser Wilhelm Der Grosse Passenger List. Researchers should note that there is no strict geographical relation between, for example, a passenger's last address within the British Isles and the port from which they embarked overseas. Pvt. These ships' names have also been standardised, i.e., Munchen/Muenchen is listed under Munchen only. If a port is not in the drop-down list, this means that (to the best of our knowledge) there are no sailings from it. It will be quite well in a few days and I will be able to leave here. View all Works. There is then the body of the list, giving details of the passengers travelling on board. Only known photo of Able Seaman Thomas Goodwin, shown 2nd from left in the front row. Pvt. The Brig Alexander - The passenger list of the Brig Alexander and the Glenaladale Settlers of 1772. Also on his discharge papers, it gives the dates of his departure on Sept. 25, 1918 to go overseas, and his return date of January 14, 1919. In 1919 P&O Line acquired a controlling interest in Orient Line. mc N 761, in the Family History Area. After the War my hometown erected a monument to honor the men who had died in service from my town. HMS Otranto men listed on the Toddington St. George Roll of Honour, Bedfordshire, England: Benjamin Lewitt, Otranto Ship's Surgeon, killed during the sinking. We have been treated well since we landed here. Some destination ports can be difficult to distinguish in the early handwritten records. It is important to note that wherever a voyage has one or more ports of call prior to its final destination, there may be a difference between where the ship is going and where a passenger on board is going: for instance, the ship may be sailing to Sydney, Australia but passengers may disembark at, for example, Bombay in India if that is one of the ports of call en route. Pvt. Passenger lists before 1820 included name, departure information and arrival details. 406. However, in a few minutes we got orders to go up on C deck with life preservers, which we did in a calm manner. Names of places have been standardised in the port dropdown list, of course, but also in the transcriptions. Passenger lists are indexed for the years 1845 - 1886 . Victor D. continues about his father in later life, He was a successful businessman in Atlanta, Georgia, his hometown. - In Lists B & C, the marks of the individuals are indicated within the parenthesis.. Contributor Richard C. Gethmann Source: Pennsylvania German Pioneers, A Publication of the Original Lists of Arrivals In the Port of Philadelphia From 1727 to . All British ports found so far within the BT27 passenger lists are given in an alphabetical A-Z drop-down list. London, Naples, via Suez Canal, Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney. We have constructed the database in such as way so that, where a port has had two names within the period covered by the BT27 data series, the ports are joined together in the drop-down list and therefore are searched together. Edward's body was later washed ashore in Scotland. Passenger lists are not always clear or precise as to their exact routes and any ports of call on their way to their final destination. The differences between these different copies of the same list are usually cosmetic but there are sometimes also minor differences in content or in the Board of Trade's annotations or stamps upon them. Seaman Francis Edwin Turner is marked with the "X", middle of the back row. Berlin 1868, 2333 tons, 285ft x 39ft. One of them was brother Clydes top sergeant Sergt. For example, in the 1890s passenger lists the city known as Jakarta was generally referred to as Batavia, so if you select the destination country Indonesia you will find that we have joined together these two names as Jakarta (Batavia) in the dropdown list of ports. Six double-ended and two single-ended boilers supplied steam at 215 lbf/in2 to the turbines. Demise. You can never know what it was like until you have been upon a storming sea. One had to hold to something to keep from being swept overboard. "Tel" or "Tel $" meaning Telegram, meaning they didn't have sufficient funds to travel to their intended destination, and they sent a telegram requesting money from a relative or someone else. His father, Alfred K. Newsome, R. F. D. 5, London, Ohio, was notified as next of kin of his death. Pvt. He sailed aboard the HMS Otranto on the 25th September 1918 and he was killed during the 6 October sinking of the Otranto. The ship was named after the town of Otranto in Apulia in southern Italy. Passenger Lists From Ireland - 1803 - #1 Passenger List From Ireland - 1803 - #2 Bowditch, Liverpool to NY, May 1839 Smith was assigned to Co. G, 1st Infantry, Ohio National Guard (Co. G 148 Infantry). Find a ship: In this database you will be able to find ships, not only those which departed directly from Norway, but also other transatlantic ships which carried emigrants. 1888-1940 are the official passenger lists for people arriving in Port Adelaide from overseas. Everything went well until Saturday night of the 5th, when we found ourselves on a high sea. "7h:100c:95f" was written by Kevin Rodriguez and Lauren Shippen. He enlisted 12 March, 1918 from Beloit, Kansas and was assigned to the 4th Co. CAC, Ft. Screven. Again, lots of love to all. The Titanic is an exception, with the ill- fated 1912 vessel and its 1894-1900 namesake listed separately. The remaining passenger lists are being progressively indexed by name with new entries being added over time. I saw a number of men jump for the destroyer but miss and fall between where they were smashed to death or drowned. The accident happened not far from the same place where the Lusitania was sunk near Ireland. He was the son of Harrison C. Carpenter and Laura S. Grover, I (Debbie Baker) am descended from his sister, Mary Elizabeth Carpenter. There is no single, standard format. Seaman Goodwin was lost at sea aged 39-years when the HMS Otranto, on which he was serving, sank off the coast of Islay on 6th October 1918. She had twin propellers driven through reduction gears by six steam turbines that between them developed 3,722 NHP. The National Archives holds detailed passenger records for arrivals and departures at all Australian ports from 1924. Where an age is given for a passenger in the original list, we have calculated the approximate year of birth using the simple subtraction of the age from the year of voyage. The life boats were lowered to act as fenders between the two ships but boat after boat was smashed into matchwood. Passenger lists vary in size and in length, they changed over time, and different shipping lines had their own pre-printed forms. This photo is previous to his service on the Otranto and is of a group of sailors from the HMS Pembroke. Your account confirms what he told me. You could see the waves break upon them. Assisted immigrant ships 1832-1889. printable version. Arrived at Faslane for scrapping by British Iron & Steel Corp. For instance, in the New Zealand drop-down list, you will see a list of ports from Auckland to Westport from which to choose. Pvt. Locally he was known as 'Charley'. He joined the Army on a whim to help his family out of poverty. Roy C. Dilts was most likely in the same unit from Ft. Screven, Georgia as Cpl. Cpl. About the Collection. You may search for a ship by entering the first letter of the name. The wave seemed like huge mountains. Otranto was in service until 1957, when she was sold for scrap. Passing time with a boxing match on board the HMS Otranto with Seaman Francis Edwin Turner on the left and an unidentified sailor from another ship on the right. Some are typed, others are handwritten; some record only a minimum of detail about the passengers, others include a wealth of information down to exact address and ultimate destination overseas. The Castle of Otranto, novel by Horace Walpole, published under a pseudonym in 1764 (though first editions bear the next year's date). From the Obituary section of The Allentown Morning Call, in Allentown, Pennsylvania: Private John C. Geiger, up to the time of enlistment last August, employed by the Lehigh Portland Cement Company as their travelling freightagent, perished on the transport Otranto when in a collision off the Irish Coast she was beached and battered to pieces causing a loss of over 200 soldiers, Private Geiger was 33 years of age, and was known by all as a good fellow, genial, always wearing a smile and ready to do a good turn for anyone. His family came to see him off in New York before he left, signing a $10,000 life insurance before he left. Edward was assigned to Fort Screvena, Georgia to train for war. Write to me soon and tell others to write to me. Please ensure the tag is appropriate for the record. I remember November 11, 1918 very well. Otranto accidentally collided with the Japanese steamer Kitano Maru[4] in August 1928, heavily damaging her. 1 and agrees with his birth year being 1898 but offers little more information on Jennings (though they thought he was returning from WWI on the transport ship which is a mistake). passenger list: [noun] a list of the passengers on a ship that is submitted by the master to customs officials at ports visited. He was 20 years old at the time he enlisted and was born in Montgomery, Alabama and lived at the home of his father George W. Smith, at 1111 E. Lurna St. in Pensacola, Florida at the time he enlisted. Born in Union County, North Carolina he was the son of Reese & Tabitha/Tobitha (Helms) Haywood. Some shipping lines produced passenger lists in duplicate or even triplicate for the Board of Trade. Hirt was shared with me by Roy Pfundstein ( who was a friend of the family. He was selected as part of the September Automatic Replacement Draft from Fort Screven Georgia. Passenger List Page - Irish Genealogical Society - MN. For November and December 1960 only, sea departure cards are available to view, as well as the regular passenger lists, in some cases. Secondly, a passenger who is shown as aged 30 on a voyage on 10th June 1935 may have been travelling on their 30th birthday and only just turned 30, or they may have been on the eve of their 31st birthday. The SS Rhein is listed among the following 14 sister-ships: Hermann 1865, 2873 tons, 318ft x 40ft. Passenger Lists leaving UK 1890-1960 - Genes Reunited Passenger Lists leaving UK 1890-1960 All Categories Armed Forces & Conflict Births, Marriages & Deaths Census, Land & Surveys Newspapers, Directories & Social History Travel & Migration Collections in this Category Colonial Service Passenger Lists Travel Records in this Collection The National Archives give no warranty as to the accuracy, completeness or fitness for the purpose of the information provided. Ft. Screven, American Ex. He said that he had to spend a couple days in the hospital (did not say where, but from articles, it may have been Belfast) and then on to England for final training before being sent over to France. Paul Horn continues, What I recall from my conversation with my dad, was the story of having to go to the "front" area and with many others from those units in the rear, having to pickup the dead soldiers left on the field. So, if you are initially unsuccessful with a search try again periodically. Voyages from all British (English, Welsh and Scottish) ports, and from all Irish ports before partition in 1921 and all Northern Irish ports after partition, are covered in BT27. He was not married, and had no children. Hirt was born in Strongsville, Ohio about 1898 and at the time of enlistment he lived in Strongsville, Ohio. Vessel. Was assigned to the Spetember Automatic Replacement Draft and was drowned on the Otranto when she was sunk on October 6. A few destinations in Africa which have yet to be allocated a country are included under Africa in the dropdown list. He mistimed it. The sea departure cards are not linked to corresponding passenger lists (where they exist), and so you may be returned two results for the same person on the same voyage. RMS Otranto was an ocean liner that was built for the Orient Steam Navigation Company in 1925. In February 1957 she made her final voyage, from the UK to Sydney, Australia via Cape Town, South Africa. 1938 The Australia service extended to New Zealand. The records are arranged by port or airport of arrival. My search for him that Sunday morning one week ago today was in vain. Pvt. Embarking at Brisbane, Melbourne, Hobart, Colombo, Naples, Toulon, Gibraltar, Sydney, Adelaide and Fremantle. In most instances, you will find more information by looking at the image of the list. Westfal Larsen. Passenger Lists Leaving UK 1890-1960 Discover your ancestors who left Ireland and Great Britain between 1890 and 1960. He told me about it only once, and only briefly, when I was a teenager, in response to my question as to his military experience. crew, passengers, military. Steamship Line: Norddeutscher Lloyd (North German Lloyd) Class of Passengers: Cabin. Strong enough that one had to hold on to something to keep from being blown over. 1957 Aug. We had quite a bit of rain, and a heavy sleet fell upon us too. She spent the last months of 1914 in the South Atlantic off the West Coast of South America looking for the German Cruiser Squadron commanded by Admiral von Spee. I supposed it was done while I was fastened under the chain. He enlisted into the Regular Army at Columbus Barracks, Ohio on 31 July 1918 at the age of 19 1/2 years old. He wrapped himself around railings. Born November 27, 1893 in Poplar, London. The loss of life was heavy - 431 drowned, including 351 American soldiers - though there were 367 survivors in all. Just a few days before his enlistment he bought himself a new automobile for her pleasure. His detachment was sailing aboard the Otranto and Sgt. A typical passenger list can be divided into three parts. Barrow. His father, John Lauch, 248 West Forrer St., Lockland, Ohio, was notified as next of kin of his death. This ship had gone wrong and could not be steered, so on a raging wave she plunged right into the middle of our ship, tearing a great hole in her side. Edward was the only one accepted that night. Pearl Horn told his son that they had to re-train on the Big French guns (his description) before going to the front. The destroyer had just passed the wave valley and was just starting back up, so he not only hit with great impact but also his body had rotated in the air and he hit on his left shoulder. Men were in the raging sea and clinging to anything that would float. U.S.N.S. Whilst the ships listed in the Passenger Lists records are all departing from ports in the UK, not all of the ships themselves are British. September Automatic Replacement Draft Unit No. Accordingly, you may wish to check under both Curacao and Caracas if you are trying to find a person who went to one or other of these destinations. HMS Otranto, killed and died, casualty lists, November 1918 World War 1, Casualty Lists of the Royal Navy and Dominion Navies Researched & compiled by Don Kindell 1st - 31st OCTOBER 1918 in date, ship/unit & name order SS Leinster, lost 10 October 1918 with Royal Navy men onboard (Dave Martin, click to enlarge) on to November 1918 Notes: This information will help us make improvements to the website. GGA Image ID # 12e0a9f329. One man survived by grabbing a large tub of lard that was floating by him. Not all lists have survived. He had a constant feeling that he was neglecting his duty by not going into the service when suddenly one Friday he made his mind to do so. Later in life Pearl B. Horn did not talk much about the war in an detail, but one day many years ago, he told his son, Paul Horn, a few things about that time and his limited experience in the last battle of WWI, Meuse-Argonne Offensive. I was under water for the third time. The Hirt family have run a nursery and greenhouse business in Strongsville, Ohio since 1915 and they do business throughout the world. Have you found an error with this catalogue description? The Castle of Otranto was the Blair Witch Project of 1764. Battle was drowned during the sinking on October 6, 1918. They then boarded a train in Wilkes Barre and rode into Baltimore, Maryland. SBS TV | SBS Radio | SBS On Demand, news, sport, food, movies "SS Lucania" - partial passenger list for voyage from Ireland to New York in 1898 "Germanic" - partial passenger list for voyage from Queenstown, Ireland to New York in 1903. It was used by Geoffrey and Hazel Tirchett who immigrated from London to Victoria, as '10 Pound Tourists' leaving London on 3 June 1954. In 1953 the two rival vessels clashed at sea and almost come to grief. The American landsmen thought they would be safer on board the larger vessel than the small naval craft but this was to their undoing and explained why so many were lost. I wrote you last Monday saying that I had landed safely. You'll find steamship captains from Cunard, White Star, Inman, Guion, Anchor, American, Red Star, CGT French Line, and many others. The lifeboats were useless, as they had been crushed to pieces. Ascension is included under St Helena. Mounsey managed to take off several hundred soldiers and crewman 431 died. The National Maritime collection contains a rich and diverse range of historic artefacts and contains over 140,000 objects. Others were on deck, but their hold wasnt very good and they were swept overboard. Lisa continues, They were both very young men at the time. FOR SALE! London: SS Otranto (Orient Line) travelling from Brisbane to London. However, they will not have sailed from, say, Glasgow if their destination overseas is not served by a shipping line operating out of that port, or if sailings there do run but are not departing at the date at which they need to travel. Private Pearl B. Horn, USA, likely taken at Fort Dade, which was on Egmont Island in the Tampa Bay Harbor. J. C. Geiger, 3372653, 6 October, 1918", Victor Don Perrin shared his fathers story of the account of the HMS Otranto collision in WW I. Victor Don Perrin writes about his father, My father, a 22 year old doughboy, survived that collision. Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at Boston, MA; 1820 to July 29, 1891 (NARA & FHL Microfilm Numbers) (National Archives Publication M277, 115 rolls) The original customs passenger lists for Boston prior to 1883 were destroyed in a fire. By providing the drop-down list, we save a researcher from searching for information which is not within the database. Early passenger lists typically include the name of the ship, the names of passengers, ages, ports of arrival and departure, date, country of origin, and occupation. The Battle of Coronel took place on 1 November 1914 with the loss of the British ships HMS Good Hope and HMS Monmouth with very heavy loss of life. Although Seattle was incorporated in 1869, relatively recently for an American city, it quickly became an important center for exporting the regions rich natural resources, and so the population relied on sea travel and trade. The Azores, the Canaries and Madeira are given their own identities within the destination country list. This page is owned by Joe Hartwell 2003-2019 1948-9: Fitted out as a one class ship at Birkenhead. List of passengers, including Dutch immigrants, arriving in Australia on the SS Prinz Waldemar., 1909-10-23 - 1909-10-23 L. Baldry contacted me about his grandfather, Francis Edwin Turner who was a crewman on the HMS Otranto. You can of course reduce this option to 'exact' or '+/- 1 year' but you may be less likely to achieve a successful result if you do. I am sure if he was lost you will hear it from Washington before you get this letter. Lisa recalls that Owen Tucker, her grandfather never spoke about the disaster but his brother Edward Tucker did only when he had a couple of drinks. River ports on such navigable rivers as the Amazon and the Yukon mean that, for example, inland locations such as Manaus (Brazil) and Dawson City (Canada) are included. Sugar was sent to Europe for the service men who did not get it because it was on the wharf in France and got rained on. Charles was serving during WWI and his unit, C.A.C. Pvt Smith enlisted into the Regular Army 8 March 1918 at Ft. Oglethorpe, Georgia. Clifford Ardell Carpenter - Born 21 October 1876 in Oconomowoc, WI, died 6 October 1918 off the Coast of Scotland during the sinking of the Otranto. He enlisted into the Regular Army at Fort Thomas, Kentucky on 23 July 1918 at the age of 18 years old. length 482ft x beam 58.2ft, one funnel, two masts, twin screw, speed 10 knots, accommodation for 12-1st class passengers. Herbert A. Dodd listed above. The sea then began to get restless. Applications for any other use should be made to. [5] On 4 August 1932 she collided with the Thames barge Why Not in the Thames Estuary at Thameshaven, Essex, England; Why Not sank.[6]. Two sons of Mrs. J. S. Harmon, of Inman, both in the service of their country, were on the British transport Otranto that was sunk off the coast of Ireland when she was rammed by the Kashmir, one of whom, Arthur, was saved, the other, Clyde being lost. OANFA 1903 7,902 gross tons. New York Passengers (1820-1891) - familysearch: Searching for New York Passengers up to 1891 in One Step New York Passengers (1925-1957) - familysearch: Searching for New York Passengers from 1925 onward in One Step All NY Ship Lists (1820-1957) - familysearch: Searching for Ships in all New York Microfilms in One Step 1817-1829 : Indexes of Tasmanian Convicts (Tasmania GenWeb) - inculdes several passenger lists 1817-1829. The Alfred brings no mail. I know he was stationed at Savannah Georgia and a friend who had seen a picture of him in his uniform said that it was Coast Artillery. The Ship Hope, 1733 List A - The Captain's list List B - The signers of the Oath of Alligiance List C - The signers of the Oath of Abjuration. Pvt. Pvt. Port of arrival. For instance, if you search by last name without a first name, results without given forenames top the list, followed by the initials and exact first name matches in alphabetical order: if you click the First Name column header, results will be sorted so that the order is reversed and initials and first names top the list, with the blanks coming at the end of the list. see: Immigration and Ships Passenger List Research Guide Section 4: Research in the Years 1820-1892; Information on the lists:name of ship, name of master, port of embarkation, age, sex, occupation and nationality. Outgoing passenger lists (1890-1960) Search and download ( charges apply) lists of passengers boarding at UK and Irish ports and travelling to places such as America, Canada, India, New. The Persian Gulf is included under Iran but a voyage marked as heading for that destination might of course have called at ports on the opposite side of the Gulf: you need to search under Iran to cover this possibility. This ripped a large hole in her side at the point where the ships hospital was. If you provide contact details, we will be in touch about your request within 10 working days. Roger Mary knows him. Route: Bremen to New York via Southampton and Cherbourg. Otranto was in service until 1957, when she was sold for scrap. Forces. Wayne remembers that when he was a young boy his grandfather told him how he lost friends who got cut in half by jumping to the decks of the HMS Mounsey as the sea was rolling, washing back seaman that had just jumped off the deck of the Otranto. She took part in the invasions of French North Africa (Operation Torch), Sicily (Operation Husky) and Italy (Operation Avalanche). For instance, Curacao (West Indies) and Caracas (Venezuela) can look extremely similar and it is not always possible to be confident that you have identified the correct place (not least because a single voyage to the Caribbean could conceivably call at both places). 1954 Nov 10. Thomas Goodwin was born and raised in Blackburn, Lancashire, England. Eventually my father had surgery to remove the bone spurs and calcium growths. Let us know. The passenger train was carrying 342 travellers and 10 crew, with two crew on the cargo train, Hellenic Train data showed. 1939: Troopship. His father, Samuel Dull of Arcanum, Ohio, was notified as next of kin of his death. Orient Steam Navigation Co./Pacific Steam Navigation Co. Outward sailings January-April 1882 (issued January 18, 1882) Vessel (s) Ports of call. Passengers For New England, pg 407. The manoeuvring of the Mounsey was magnificent and the destroyer was in danger of being dashed to pieces her self and she was taking on water. Our trip was eventful until the night of the 1st when we collided with a French Schooner. This means that there can be two or even three originals of some of the passenger lists within the BT27 series. My mom put her engagement ring in the place where the pick was kept, a man came visiting next door to us, borrowed the mandolin when we got it back the ring was gone, she sent me over to ask him about it but he denied seeing it.