There is no possible way for anyone to know exactly how much gold has been mined, and horded away, When gold itself is virtually useless, and no-one needs it. The length of the tunnel was given as approximately 1,500 miles, so it cuts through underneath both land and water. Thank you for your thoughts on what you believe is to happen. So why is none of this information coming out yet ,? Its like when a good spirited person enters the room the others tend to become happy as welk.. Can you provide a link? I do believe Trump has been chosen by God to lead the world through such a strange and difficult time. Yes, we do hear from each other and maybe do put our own spin on it, but all in the hope of reaching more people through our own connections. I had doubts of Charlie as well. I know He makes no mistakes so it was all part of His perfect plan, but so hard for us to comprehend. No, I cant retract the statement. I believe it will be. SO all you people who are sceptic, have no faith, faith in Jesus and HIS Father! Someone could have found a golden island somewhere and kept it secret, and the gold thats in that tunnel is that island which doesnt exist anymore. Hi Dani! The area is dense with historical and archaeological artifacts which may be endangered by unsupervised digging. One to mention here is Jordan Sather, a massive douchecanoe!!! Starting from Vatican City, for the first 150 miles, (241 kms) there was found a Where ignorant armies clash by night.. Iran showed off the tunnels during air defense drills this week [the last week in February]. Still, my guess is that it could be true as Ive got to the stage that nothing would surprise me anymore! Citizens of Tomar once told me that, when burning tires there, smoke came out here - so there was an underground corridor here that, as far as I know, was closed in the 20th century. Nesara/Gesara is real, this is the year of Jubilee! Judge and research for yourself please. Translation: Well, in one place you have to store the yellow stuff and America is as good as the moon.But if we do not overestimate it again, we must remove food speculation from the stock exchanges and then the hunger in the world will be able to be eliminated. Under the Clinton Foundation in Manhattan, they found 2.5-mile-long tunnels going the piers to unload and load the children. Nor certitude, nor peace, nor help for pain; So various, so beautiful, so new, Another theory is that the Annunaki aliens created humans to mine gold. Can you tell me if the books recovered from the Vatican are books of the Bible and if we, the people, will ever be able to know what they say? Do I believe that? It is just that we in California see no no change. Just to be clear about this, Im a Christian. It was short and strong, only abput 2 seconds. John uses the same apochraphyl language as Daniel. Well, Im not going there as it would be conjecture at best. Hes never said a single thing that wasnt already reported but he acts like like he already knew everything. I guess we just have to make sure we are enjoying the journey along the way. As does Wm G Carrs Book, Pawns in the Game and Eustace Mullins book, The Secrets of the Federal Reserve. Rough estimate, but thats what people should hope and wait for. A vertical opening is usually called a shaft. Thank you Armida for sharing with us knowledge from the actual area. id like to mention that i am a navy brat i waas born on a navy base , i grew up in military housing , i can still remember living in virginia in military housing , there was a whole group of us kids that were constantly sneaking down into the tunnels . And if I hear it more than once I know it is legit usually. or is it too strange to think that way. These people thrive on low vibrational energy. We are in the middle of a potentially terrifying clash between good and evil but we know the end of the story God wins! Especially if everywhere else around the area is more orthodox. Some of the routes were closed up, but other tunnels can still be found in the forest that surrounds Tomars fortress. It is only right that God would use prophetic ministries to tell the world of what was to come. and will remain this way. With all the other things I have to dolol I have 60 windows open. All we can do is have faith that God made sure the most important parts have remained intact. That might sound like it would never be, but thats not the case. The House of Lords that owned the British East India Company wanted to keep gargantuan profits from soil resources in India, China and North America in only their control. Unfortunately there will always be more. We are moving into a different world, only made possible by the complete removal of the evil Cabal who have been busy robbing us blind in every possible way. DUMBS are filled with trafficked childrenall will be revealed. If you hear now stroies about DUMPS (deep military underground bases) where eathquakes are happening, seeming that they are blown up, do you think that there could be a connetction between Vatican, that tunnel, the town Rakovski perhaps the tunnel is interrupted now We use your sign-up to provide content in ways you've consented to and to improve our understanding of you. You are free to believe in scarcity. Im not here to kill the fun, but our job is to present the facts as best as we can. You can say these things are happening, & I believe they are to a degree, but I have no family or friends that will follow the research or believe me. Do you know what loosh is? Some believe the order may have once carried the Holy Grail and the Ark of the Covenant, two items central to Bible scripture, yet never found. Ive been going down this rabbit hole for over a year now . You may ask why that would be? Remember the end times is referring to the end times for the Ca/bal (N/W/O), not the end times for us. I actually remember when this incident happened, I believe. 10They will stand at a distance because of their fear of her torment and say: Too bad, too bad, you great city, Babylon you strong city, because in one hour your judgment has arrived! 11Also, the merchants of the earth are weeping and mourning over her, because there is no one to buy their full cargo anymore, 12a full cargo of gold, silver, precious stones, pearls, fine linen, purple cloth, silk, and scarlet cloth; and everything made from scented wood and every sort of object made from ivory, and from precious wood, copper, iron, and marble; 13also cinnamon, Indian spice, incense, perfumed oil, frankincense, wine, olive oil, fine flour, wheat, cattle, sheep, horses, carriages, slaves, and human lives. Hi Dennis! Tutti a 10 km di profondit Ready to clean earth up. There is more than enough gold in the world to back all the worlds currencies on a one to one basis, and sufficient to take care of all needs worldwide. Now we go to the 5th demention and life happy everafter. Hath really neither joy, nor love, nor light, I have come to really like Nicholas Veniamin as well he mainly asks questions of those he interviews and allows them to explain. It is more that we plant seeds in the hope it will cause people to start doing their own research. The false-prophet is undoubtedly the pope or the black pope? These expanded into tunnels and then were repurposed into a labyrinth of catacombs, space for mushroom farming, and an unofficial sewer system. Here, looks back to a time when the church was actively unearthing its own secrets . He moved all his videos over to other places, such as Bit Tube, but they dont appear in order any more. He reveals how his experience in the laser industry led him into contact with the dark military-intelligence alphabet agencies. The subterranean structures began as quarries for the Romans. Whats that?! 24000 children in some of the DUMBS is a little hard to believe, but yet I think it is all true, just not seen. The Creator only speaks to you through your soul, higher self, or I call your sixth sense from with in. One of the more intriguing is the Vatican Necropolis laying underneath Saint Peter's Basilica. I have followed Dane Wiggingtons site for many years. I will enjoy taking a look at them. A tunnel ran under the grounds of the Frescati House where the family of the Trinity College provost lived in 1739. He told BBC Reel: We can say that when it comes to symbolic meaning, we are in the important place for the Templars in Portugal. Its a poison substance that has never been approved. If that didnt work, to control you they also created a 700 acre city state inside the city of London, that controls all Central banks of the world, IF that wasnt enough to control you they also owned Washington DC also is a city state that had controlled the greatest military power on the Planet (Until Donald Trump was elected and is still the commander and Chief of the US military) all are owned by the Kasarian Mafia. Yes, you are going to be tormented and killed. You may ask but how do they build them and how long do they take? Over the years our Catholic Bibles have been sold with fewer sections. Reservations for the Scavi tour can be made through the Vatican Excavations Office. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. The Vatican Necropolis, known as the "scavi," requires special reservations, but it is worth making the extra effort, said Wauck, who praised the tombs for their beautifully preserved frescoes, sarcophagi and ancient Christian inscriptions. London's deepest tunnel will also be its least-seen. Looks really interesting. If you have not seen this. In the 12th century, 1190, during the second Arab invasion, Almanzor conquered all the Portuguese territory until he reached Tomar. None of these stories ever was backed up with factual reporting. Its the energy someone receives from another. It was ready for 2000, but no president ever wanted to enforce. Hi Jim, They have all gone over my house repeatedly as I am on a flight line. and that is all that your ego will allow you to believe in. Remember we stand together, you are not alone. These underground tunnels even helped local Templars evade a Moorish siege in 1190. Although most ot the work is done. So many of the powers that be have already been dealt with, and what we are seeing now are body doubles or actors in masks. 14Yes, the fine fruit that you desired has left you, and all the delicacies and the splendid things have vanished from you, never to be found again. Thank you for wanting to. We need to be able to see what is really taking place and not allow the enemy to confuse our minds. Nothing is as it seems but it all has to be. After Tomar helped launch Portugals 15th-century maritime expansion, spearheaded by Henry the Navigator, the church became the inspiration for all Portuguese churches built overseas leading some to declare it the Vatican of the Templars. Via Labicana, 95 Open Mon-Sat, 10am-12pm; 3pm-5pm; Sun 12pm-5pm Entry fee: 10, reduced 5. I have added a link to my post How they connect wicked secret underground cities because of your question. Sorry Anna, I might not have made it clear enough. The tunnels were built by the Martians who have lived in the centre of the Earth since it was created. Find Robert done extensive research . Your email address will not be published. They say some stupid things really. Thanks Marilyn for all your research and this reminds me of the scripture that says the wealth of the wicked is laid up for the just. Assets will be transferred into other hands for legal ownership. To lie before us like a land of dreams, There was more gold than you can imagine found in the tunnel under the Vatican City. I think we are right in the middle of a terrifying clash between good and evil. Gold in tunnels under the Vatican, now taken to the U.S. (2) Sequestered Illuminati and Cartel Wealth (3) Gold from the Chinese elders, buried in underground Taiwanese vaults (4) Gold brought from off-planet (5) The St. Germaine World Trust (6) Historic bonds (7) Income-tax refunds (8) I too was taught in such a way even though I still have many, many questions. It was very interesting to note the tunnels connecting the Vatican to Jerusalem, including the stolen Hebrew books and the gold. Panorama of Rome with a view of Basilica from St. Peter in the Vatican. They have destroyed most of the Satanist and reptilians. We keep on going, trying our best to alert sleeping people and encourage those who are awake. It is the end of the world for the Satanists, not for us! Much appreciated. I have seen most of Charlie Wards videos along with Gene DeCodes info and completely concur with you. When are my dead love ones going to get there glorified bodies? Has Donald Trump been chosen, I certainly voted for him? The Templars are no fun without the myth, but just keep the history and myth separately.. Over 300,000 babies were stolen from their parents up to the 1990s. Anche nel mare Adriatico tra Italia e Croazia They save the children then blow them up so they can never be used again. So interesting, thanks for your hard work. But dont think of it that way as thats not the reason anyone moves on simply cause they dont wanna die, you have to find love in all things and wake up from deception. Last I knew they found Covid in the air. We didnt know the anything about what was going on under our feet, and the bit we did know completely pales in comparison to reality. Charlie Freak said, "When the American Marines first arrived they went to New Zealand. The Kasarian Mafia also owns and controls the W.H.O. and the United Nations and all major corporation of the world, which never shutdown or slowed down during covid-19 (C-the Sheep Surrender). They might ban me but wont be the first time! He also show the barges that go down to GItmo. So how amazing is that? Yes I agree to your last response. the weight of gold is 1206 lbs per cubic foot. It was built by the J. Paul Getty Foundation for Queen Elizabeth and now houses much of the loot once .