Can my cat get mercury poisoning from fish? Thomas: In very rare cases, cats receiving high doses of Baytril have developed severe, irreversible vision problems. It's in all kinds of chocolate, even white chocolate. Cats can consume albacore tuna if it is fed to them in a small portion. Photographs, where applicable, are also encouraged. There are a lot of fish in the seabut which are safe for your cat to eat and how . "Modern cats may develop organic mercury poisoning over time if they primarily eat cat food containing tuna, mackerel, and other types of seafood," says Jenna Stregowski, RVT and Daily Paws' health and behavior editor. WebMD does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. I recommend that you examine cat food labels for the type and quantity of fish used. Poisoning associated with various forms of mercury has declined in recent years. If you are sending your submission by regular mail, please also enclose a SASE and keep a copy of the article for your own files. 4. Photo: Svetlana Rey / Shutterstock, Cailin Heinze, a veterinary nutritionist and assistant professor at the Cummings School, responds. Click Here, Yes, I would like to subscribe to your newsletter for information on natural health, products, and great deals!No, Thanks, Thank You! Animals that survive may exhibit eczema, skin keratinization, anuria, polydipsia, hematuria, or melena. The type of glaucoma cats get is extremely . All Rights Reserved. We took him to the vet where his blood work revealed an elevated neutrophil count, but his white blood cell count was otherwise normal. Please confirm that you are a health care professional. DonateSponsor Adopt a cat Find a cat Choosing a cat Preparing for a cat Buying a kitten Adopt a cat FAQs What is our adoption fee? Use OR to account for alternate terms In fact, the kidneys are the primary organ in which inorganic mercury is taken up and accumulated. Just limit special treats to no more than ten percent of your cat's regular diet and rotate protein sources. Cats can and do survive being poisoned if they're treated early and appropriately. Symptoms of caffeine poisoning include restlessness, rapid breathing, heart palpitations, and muscle tremors. Dr Jordan found holistic medicine in 2000 at the AHVMA American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association Conference. Still, keep an eye out for possible symptoms of mercury poisoning in. Just as you would do for your children, put all medicines where your cat can't get to them. It is usually diagnosed by a blood test or a test of the hair/fur. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Those foods include shellfish, tuna, king mackerel, and swordfish. Unused material will be returned after due consideration. The most dangerous kinds, though, are dark chocolate and unsweetened baking chocolate. "'People Foods' That Can Kill Your Pet. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. (2018). The first is the possibility of food poisoning from bacteria like salmonella or E. coli. All forms of mercury cross the placenta. Most of the time, the symptoms are due to another illness or disease. In the environment, inorganic forms of mercury are converted to methylmercury under anaerobic conditions in the sediment of most bodies of water. If cats are eating these foods regularly, they could be eating high levels of mercury and methylmercury. You may submit a maximum of two photos of each animal in your home. Comprehensive guidelines reflecting the serious nature of the mercury poisoning have been established internationally by the World Health Organization and many countries for humans and animals. April 13, 2021 -- Two lots of 30-pound bags of Meow Mix Original Choice Dry Cat Food have been recalled by the J.M. A Dead Cat's Brain Revives Discussion of 1960s Mercury Poisoning Disaster in Japan . These human foods can cause serious illness in your cat. In the surviving cats, no long-term complications were reported four months after discharge. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Copyright 2023 Meredith Corporation. Most cats are lactose-intolerant. Unfortunately, health laws for meat and fish in pet foods are much more lenient than they are for human foods. . The considerable variation associated with the clinical manifestations related to the various forms of mercury and the duration of exposure underscores the need for repeated tissue analyses. Bella: Cats can develop glaucoma, a buildup of pressure inside the eyeball, which can also lead to blindness. Beer, liquor, wine, foods containing alcohol -- none of it is good for your cat. Thank you for your interest in writing for Animal Wellness. They never showed signs of pain. Advanced cases may be characterized by depression, anorexia, proprioceptive defects, total blindness, paralysis, with high mortality. For more information about our privacy practices please go here. Cats are carnivores and need meat. But the fact that they'll walk away from a piece of bad meat doesn't mean they'll bypass an open can of tuna. For larger animals, it might take more significant amounts to cause mercury poisoning; however, for cats, feeding them tuna without moderation will lead to mercury poisoning. If you submit an outline for a story, please also send samples of your work. We are not veterinarians. Signs of mercury poisoning in catsloss of coordination and balance, difficulty walkingcan mimic other illnesses, including thiamine (a B vitamin) deficiency. If youd like to help us pay for our hosting costs, please consider supporting our Patreon campaign or making a one-time donation through PayPal. Methylmercury is mutagenic, carcinogenic, embryotoxic, and highly teratogenic. This can be a challenge, because tuna is a common ingredient in many cat foods, and cats tend to be very particular about which foods theyll eat. 1. It was in May 1956, that M. d. was first officially "discovered" in Minamata City, south-west region of Japan's Kyushu Island. And, that's exactly what it would do in your cat's stomach if your cat ate it. As Veterinary and Human Toxicology explains, mercury poisoning can lead to glomerulonephropathy or nephrotic syndrome, which are kidney diseases. Ive never seen a report of mercury poisoning in a cat fed tuna-based commercial cat food. As a result, consuming even small doses with each meal can add up quickly. And my cat also developed bizarre symptoms: within the space of a few months, every one of its teeth became loose and fell out, and it produced excessive saliva. Cats that are over ten years of age experience complicated side effects that could lead to total kidney failure. to qualify. Albacore tuna contains 3 times more mercury than traditional tinned tunas, so mercury poisoning is far more likely. The National Center for Health Research warns people with impaired kidney function that they can be harmed by mercury exposure when eating fish. Often, the food is raw or spoiled, though occasionally, bacteria can contaminate food during production. Too much tuna can also increase the risk of mercury poisoning. Cats can also eat it to the point of getting sick of it and then you'll have to find something else for your pet to eat. It's a smart idea to always keep the numbers of your local vet, the closest emergency clinic, and the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center -- (888) 426-4435 -- where you know you can find them in an emergency. Because tissue damage is permanent and food safety implications are important factors, treatment options may be limited and are often discouraged. I started giving my cat tuna can tuna for about three months every day all day and I noticed he start getting scabs around his neck really bad do you think he has mercury poisoning. For that reason, its safer to carefully examine the labels of certain canned foods before feeding them to your cat. The veterinarian might also prescribe vitamins such as vitamin E and selenium. Tuna is high in protein and low in carbohydrates. Make sure the photos are labeled and include your name, address and phone number. In contrast, organic mercury compounds, which bioaccumulate in soft tissues, are most appropriately assessed in liver, kidney, or brain tissues. Chelation therapy may be useful if treatment is started soon after exposure, before nephrotoxic effects become severe. "Modern cats may develop organic mercury poisoning over time if they primarily eat cat food containing tuna, mackerel, and other types of seafood," says Jenna Stregowski, RVT and Daily Paws' health and behavior editor. Behavior changes can include lethargy or over-activity such as pacing or increased anxiety. Cerebellar atrophy or hypoplasia and Purkinje cell degeneration are seen. . P.S. Dahlia: Mercury poisoning is pretty rare in cats, and in people. This highly toxic form of mercury produces corrosive bronchitis and interstitial pneumonia. Only your veterinarian can determine the cause of symptoms with diagnostic testing. It can also depend on the kind of food: A Brazilian study evaluating 88 local dog and cat foods found that mercury concentrations were significantly higher in canned pet food than in dry pet food. Remember the saying, "Honest as a cat when the meat's out of reach." Thomas: This page at has a list of side effects of common veterinary antibiotics used on cats. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Cats can be addicted to tuna, whether it's packed for cats or for humans. Can cats get mercury poisoning? However, if you catch the symptoms early on, your vet will prescribe charcoal tablets and other medications that will limit the absorption of mercury. A new study published Monday in Pediatrics suggests that some young children of pet owners may get salmonella poisoning just by touching surfaces that come into contact with dry cat and dog food. They may exhibit distress by pacing, using vocal calls, or generally acting irritated. Signs of mercury poisoning in cats include: Loss of coordination Unsteady gait Abnormal behavior Tremors or seizures Involuntary body and eye movements Central nervous system depression Vision loss Death Some felines display weakness, drooling, and inability to urinate. As you can see, we dont use ads on this site. The information at Paws and Effect is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, nor prevent any disease and is intended for educational purposes only. The vet prescribed antibiotic prophylactically. Get your cat to a well-ventilated area. Are there diagnostics and treatment for that? One study from a few years ago found that mercury levels in cats were five times those usually found in people! It could take up to four days of continuous treatment to get rid of most of the toxins circulating in the blood. Tuna also provides the omega-3 essential fatty acids EPA and DHA, which can contribute to overall skin and coat health and may also help . At the sight of any of these symptoms, its important that you take your cat to the vet as soon as you can. Whats the best way to write a love poem. Fat, both cooked and uncooked, can cause intestinal upset, with vomiting and diarrhea. In one study of 20 cats poisoned by permethrin, a chemical widely used in flea control products for dogs, only one died and this was because he wasn't taken to a vet for 24 hours. So it's possible that mercury poisoning happens, but is not diagnosed. In addition to onions, garlic, which is 5 times as potent as onions,and chives can each cause major health and potentioanally life threatening problems. Overview of Insecticide and Acaricide (Organic) Toxicosis in Animals. Mercury poisoning: the real threat for dogs and cats Remember that your pets can get poisoned if they actually absorb mercury and the easiest way for this to happen is through food and water. We reserve the right to publish all photos in Animal Wellness Magazine, and on our website. Grapes and raisins can kill your cat. These symptoms can be a sign of severe kidney damage. My symptoms were quite severe. And a cat can choke on a bone. This recipe is also veterinarian formulated and made in the USA, making it a top choice of Dr. Barnette. Mainly, too much fish over a long period of time could lead to mercury poisoning in cats. It is usually diagnosed by a blood test or a test of the hair/fur. Symptoms can vary but may include vomiting, diarrhea, drooling, confusion, lethargy, unsteady gait. o [ canine influenza] They contain a cyanide-type compound and signs of toxicity include apprehension, dilated pupils, difficulty breathing, hyperventilation, and shock. Because they're such picky eaters, we sometimes think cats know whats best for them when it's time to eat. ", Today. As for a little bit of cooked salmon skin (or tuna!) In addition to tea and coffee -- including beans and grounds -- caffeine can be found in cocoa, chocolate, colas, and stimulant drinks such as Red Bull. Common neurologic manifestations include blindness, ataxia, incoordination, tremors, abnormal behavior, hypermetria, nystagmus (cats), and tonic-clonic convulsions. Researchers believe this adverse reaction is unlikely at lower doses, though. According to the Merck Veterinary Manual, signs of mercury poisoning in cats may include over-excitement, irritability, incoordination, convulsions, stiff hind legs, tremors and blindness. Marine mammals and fish often contain substantially increased concentrations of mercury that may not be associated with clinical disease (vs for ruminant or companion animal species); however, they may be a potential source of exposure for more susceptible species, particularly the fetus or younger animals. Because degenerative changes are permanent and there are serious food safety concerns associated with mercury poisoning, treatment is highly discouraged, Efforts to reduce exposure via food or water sources are important. An occasional taste of cooked boneless beef or brown rice can be an OK treat. Perform any additional tasks (liking a Facebook page, captioning a photo, submitting a story, etc.) Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, NJ, USA(known as MSD outside of the US and Canada) is dedicated to using the power of leading-edge science to save and improve lives around the world. Alternatively, your pet may seem restless and agitated if they have food poisoning. ", PetWare web site: "Lactose Intolerance in Cats. 2. We will treat your information with respect. If your cat is experiencing any of the above symptoms, taking immediate action is necessary to prevent further complications. But it's best to keep it small and infrequent. Pale, swollen kidneys manifested histologically as tubular necrosis and interstitial nephritis are consistent findings. Along with gastrointestinal upset, some cats exhibit lethargy and loss of appetite. As it swells inside, the dough can stretch the abdomen and cause severe pain. Although thoroughly researched, articles are not written or edited by a veterinarian. Thomas: So what are the symptoms of mercury poisoning? Mercury poisoning can also disrupt fetal and early childhood development. Dahlia: Good luck, Jane. In the rare case that your cat recently ingested a large amount of inorganic mercury, for example by ingesting a button cell battery, your vet can administer activated charcoal and other agents that can prevent absorption by the body. These symptoms necessitate a call or trip to an emergency veterinarian. Alcohol. Siouxsie: Please keep in mind that this information is not in any way intended to be a diagnosis. Tentative diagnosis is based on clinical signs; confirmed by analysis of tissue samples (eg, kidney) to determine mercury content, Measurement of urinary mercury concentration can confirm exposure to inorganic mercury compounds. 1. While cat, dog, pig, and human deaths continued for 36 years, Chisso and the Kumamoto prefectural government did little to prevent the epidemic. Limiting the consumption of mercury-contaminated food such as fish products or water will reduce exposure. We try to help you understand your cat and what may or may not be going on with him or her, but please discuss your concerns about your cat with your veterinarian! Recently I was diagnosed with mercury poisoning, probably from my having eaten 7-8 cans of tuna per week over a period of nine months (I was exercising vigorously, but didnt want to include red meat in my diet, so tuna seemed a good alternative). Further research tells me that in June 2005, she killed two of her neighbor's cats by mixing the rodent poison, d-Con, into a can of cat food and dolloping it out in the yard. Like many other types of fish, tuna has large amounts of mercury as well. Lucky for us and our pets, mercury poisoning is less common than it once was. Although some cats show no ill effects, it's best not to give your cat any grapes and to keep grapes and raisins off countertops and other places accessible to your cat. For organic mercury poisoning, 2.3-dimercaptosuccinic acid (10 mg/kg, by mouth, three times a day for 10 days) has been useful in dogs. The second is rare problem in which a protein in raw egg whites, called avidin, could interfere with the absorption of the B vitamin biotin. Different bacteria, toxins, and foods may cause varying symptoms. Learn more about Mailchimp's privacy practices here. Symptoms were lethargy and weight loss with slight imbalance toward the end. ", "Feline Mysteries.". As the kidney is the main target organ in which mercury accumulates, I can easily extrapolate that the high fish content in many cat foods is contributing to the large number of cases of renal disease we are now seeing in felines. They may be submitted either digitally (at 300dpi) or as prints or slides along with your manuscript. Such diseases include metabolic disorders, nutritional deficiencies, neoplasms or a variety of the many infections from which cats can suffer. Encephalomalacia, the loss of myelin, and necrosis of axons may also be evident. On the bright side, the concern doesnt come directly from the occasional consumption of wet or dry fish-based food, seeing as most of these food products are tested for low levels of mercury contamination and are safe for cats in moderate amounts. This highly toxic form of mercury produces corrosive bronchitis and interstitial pneumonia. I did find some interesting articles though: Here is an article that looked at mercury levels in tissues of cats fed mercury contaminated tuna. The most widely used fluoroquinolones are enrofloxacin (Baytril), ciprofloxacin (also known as cipro), orbifloxacin (Orbax) and marbofloxacin (Zeniquin). US: 6834 S. University Blvd. Because these compounds are not corrosive, gastrointestinal signs do not occur. Can cats recover from poisoning? Arthritis in Cats: Signs and Treatment Options, Nystagmus (rapid, involuntary eye movements). In fact, you may be surprised to learn some of the common foods your cats should never eat. Food poisoning, a type of foodborne illness, is a sickness people get from something they ate or drank. From dangerous plants to household cleaners, many everyday items can lead to poisoning. You might be wondering if there's a safe way to include omega-3 fatty acids in your cat's meals without sacrificing one of your cat's nine lives to mercury poisoning. We make no pretense of being veterinarians and we don't know anything about your specific cat's health or behavior history. Click here to view our current issue of Animal Wellness Magazine. Stregowski says yes, and many cat-specific omega-3 supplements and fish oils are typically tested for dangerous compounds to ensure safety. Thomas: So, if your cat is suffering from mercury toxicity, it can be treated. Composer John McDonald, professor and chair of the Department of Music, offers his advice, Katie Peterson, professor of the practice of poetry, suggests some heartfelt approaches. diet is the way to go because it resembles cats' natural feeding pattern. Mercury poisoning is a big issue, especially when it comes to fish and shellfish. Do not, however, send book-length manuscripts. So its possible that mercury poisoning happens, but is not diagnosed. Aflatoxins are toxins produced by the mold Aspergillus flavus that can grow on pet food ingredients such as corn, peanuts, and other grains. Young cats that are still in their developing stages are especially vulnerable to that kind of poisoning. Dear Most Esteemed and Knowledgeable Kitties: A couple of months ago, my 9-year-old male cat became quite ill. His symptoms were primarily lethargy and decreased appetite. "Toxic effects tend to develop after prolonged ingestion of seafood that causes a buildup of mercury in the body.". Until veterinarians know more, limit your cats tuna consumption to occasional treats of canned chunk-light tunanot albacore, which is from a larger species of tuna with mercury levels almost three times higher. Neurologic manifestations may eventually develop at lower levels of exposure. The poor prognosis lack of universally effective treatment options remain concerns globally. Until veterinarians know more, limit your cat's tuna consumption to occasional treats of canned chunk-light tunanot. Cats are prone to the following foodborne illnesses: Raw meat, decomposing food, and unwashed or unpasteurized food, including canned products, can contain these unhealthy bacteria. 2005 - 2023 WebMD LLC. Im upset that I never was warned about feeding them canned tuna after routinely reporting what I was feeding them. thank you very much. Symptoms of methyl mercury poisoning are many. The symptoms of mercury poisoning in cats can look a lot like other reactions to poison ingestion, vitamin B1 deficiency, brain tumors, and other ailments causing neurological impairment, Stregowski says. Basically, Horses, Not Zebras says that if you hear hoofbeats outside your window (and you dont live on the African savanna), its much more likely to be a herd of horses than a herd of zebras. Ive called poison control ive called animal poison control ive tried angel memorial. Mercury and methylmercury build up in the body over time. Cuteness may earn compensation through affiliate links in this story. Pet foods designed to be fed on a regular basis are required to provide the vitamins and minerals cats need, so they will be getting the right nutrients . Common poisons include human medications, insecticides, household cleaners, plants and rodenticides. Please let us know all the ways you would like to hear from us: You can change your mind at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link in the footer of any email you receive from us, or by contacting us at Paws and Effect will use the information you provide on this form to be in touch with you and to provide updates and marketing. Cats can not only get drunk, but it can also easily cause severe liver . Heres what you need to know about why cats purr and what your cat may be telling you when her motor is running. Creative commons photos used in posts must be shared with original artist credits intact. And they can be deadly for your cat. RELATED: Best Cat Food and Treats for Senior Cats. Some research has found that some pet food with fish flavor contains certain levels of mercury that are beyond what is "safe" for mammals. Kidney damage in both cats and humans. But dog food is not a substitute for cat food. Key Takeaways: Some of the most toxic food for cats include onions & garlic, raw eggs & meat, chocolate, alcohol, grapes and raisins. Dahlia: The fluoroquinolones are powerful antibiotics that are commonly prescribed for pets. Chocolate, coffee and caffeine. Cats with vomiting and diarrhea can also suffer from dehydration, weight loss, and fever. The trusted provider of veterinary information since 1955, Last review/revision Apr 2021 | Modified Nov 2022. For example, certain additives can cause excessive amounts of specific nutrients that can trigger gastrointestinal upset. It's incredibly nutritious and a great source of protein, omega-3 fatty acids and B vitamins. Because cats are huge fans of fishtuna, in particulartheyre more susceptible to mercury poisoning than humans. Most poisons do not have antidotes; rather, the usual procedure is to give the cat supportive care until the toxins are metabolized out of his system. The lipid-soluble chelator dimercaprol (3 mg/kg body wt, IM, every 4 hours for 2 days, followed by four times on day 3 and twice-a-day treatment for 10 days) may be beneficial. Keep hazardous foods, plants, and household products out of reach. Sadly, I just lost both otherwise healthy cats (12 and 9 y/o) within a period of 4 months. It is often referred to as arsenic metal, and for toxicological purposes read more , thallium, or cadmium; insecticides Overview of Insecticide and Acaricide (Organic) Toxicosis in Animals Insecticides are any substance or a mixture of substances intended to prevent, destroy, repel, or mitigate insects. Thomas: However, we hope weve helped you to know what questions to ask your vet when you take your cat back to the clinic. Daily Paws is part of the Meredith National Digital Network. Although we prefer to use original material only, we do sometimes publish book excerpts. We regret that photos cannot be returned. Predator species considered to be near the top of the food chain, such as fish, seals, polar bears, and various bird species, bioaccumulate considerable quantities of mercury from dietary sources. An occasional bite of dog food won't hurt your cat. Can cats get mercury poisoning from tuna cat food? We do not control or have responsibility for the content of any third-party site. The volume of carbamates used now exceeds that of OPs because carbamates are read more , or organochlorine compounds; oxalates; vitamin D; and mycotoxins Overview of Mycotoxicoses in Animals For discussion of mycotoxicoses in poultry, see Mycotoxicoses in Poultry. cat eating tuna from a plate, mercury poisoning in cats. No one questions the root cause of the disaster, which at minimum poisoned more than 2000 people: mercury in a chemical factory's wastewater that was dumped into Minamata Bay and taken up by seafood eaten by fishermen and their families. Whether youre feeding your cat tuna or small fish, ingesting too much mercury could be lethal. Tissues rich in these components, such as the renal cortex, accumulate notable concentrations of mercury. Dahlia: In short, the cause of your cats symptoms is likely to be something much more common (horses) than mercury poisoning (zebras). For that reason, many pet owners are forced to avoid feeding their beloved cats fish altogether. No matter how cautious you are, it's possible your cat can find and swallow what it shouldn't. o [alopecia OR hair loss ], , DVM, PhD, Department of Veterinary Biomedical Sciences, Western College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Saskatchewan. Sinad had to take it a few times for UTIs, and she never had any neurological problems as a result. Even if we were licensed vets, wed never make a diagnosis without seeing your cat and performing diagnostic tests! Repeated vomiting and hyperactivity are early signs. These symptoms are typically sudden and signal that a trip to the vet is necessary. If youre still concerned about mercury poisoning, read on to learn more about the symptoms of mercury poisoning in cats and how you can protect your pets from the toxicity of food products that contain high levels of mercury. Insurance for dogs, cats, and other household animals can run as low as $20 a month, but that cost can add up over time. Although it isn't clear why, grapes and raisins can cause kidney failure in cats. Tuna can be dangerous in high quantities due to the presence of mercury. Send a digital photo, scanned at a minimum of 5 x 7, at 300dpi resolution in a jpeg, tif or pdf format to, or send a good quality hard copy original photo (not a color photocopy) to: Photo Contest, Animal Wellness Magazine Other tests, including to detect proteinuria, azotemia, or a nonregenerative anemia, may provide useful evidence to support a diagnosis of mercury poisoning. Eating a large quantity once or eating smaller amounts regularly can cause onion poisoning. If it seems fishy that commercial cat foods and treats include fish, Stregowski says extra precautions can be taken. The final verdict on, "Can cats eat tuna?". Compromised kidney function in cats over ten or 12 years of age is epidemic. Our turnaround response time for submissions is four weeks. Does your dog have recurring ear infections? (5) Jupiter Images Unlimited and Dorling Kindersley / Getty, (9) Jupiter Images Unlimited and Dorling Kindersley / Getty, (14)Dorling Kindersley / Getty and iStockphoto, (16)Cultura / Getty and Jupiter Images Unlimited, (17)Jupiter Images Unlimited and Photlibrary, (18)FoodPix and Dorling Kindersley / Getty, , "Foods to Avoid Feeding Your Cat. They include misbalance, difficulty in walking, and incoordination. If you find that the food has a large amount of shellfish or tuna, you wouldnt want to regularly feed it to your cat. Is the added expense worth the trouble to insure your beloved pet? Death often occurs within hours at high levels of exposure. But what about our furry feline friends? "It's best to avoid feeding kitten food with fish ingredients. If tuna is fed occasionally, its not a big deal but if you feed him tuna every day, you could be risking mercury poisoning. Yet many of my clients who have cats in kidney failure entice them to eat by adding tuna to their meals. Inorganic forms of mercury bind to sulfhydryl groups in enzymes and other thiol-containing molecules such as cysteine and glutathione. The common sign of kidney dysfunction in cats are: Related Posts: Bug Spray Poisoning Signs You Should Know Symptoms of Rat Poisoning in Cats Respiratory Infection Signs in Cats Symptoms of Intestinal Blockage in Cats. An extremely lethargic cat should be taken to the vet as soon as possible, as it could be a side effect of renal failure.